God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 936: separate

Chapter 936 separate

"Oh, although it is a scrap, but the core content is already in possession, the value is still incalculable. I believe that if this thing is exposed, the monsters of the Yaozu will be shot now, and the huge war will be triggered. "Green Luo Shen Shen, very clear about the importance of this thing.

If it is known by the Yaozu, the big intrusion can be said to be a matter of nailing.

After all, for the Yaozu, there is more than one top blood pool, that is, a lot of top-level combat power. As long as it is exposed, the Wanjuan Parliament will pass the motion of the war all the time. By then, the Five Elements Empire will become a battlefield!

Qin Qi took a deep breath, and he thought that he would have gotten such a terrible thing from a dudou, even if it was just a scrap, it was enough to change the balance of the three races.

This thing, how hot it is to burn more hands!

"What do you do now, who is this thing for?" Qin Qi swallowed his mouth and looked at Zhang Lang.

"I rely on the fact that the husband is guilty of guilty and guilty of sin. I know this very much. I can still live for a few more days!" Zhang Lang continued to retreat for the first time. He was still indifferent to the treasure for the first time, and even avoided it. .

Zhang Lang does not want to give Liao Tianyi they are even more impossible, it is undoubtedly harmful to them.

And they don't need this blood pool.

"Radish, you..."

"I don't want to, hold it yourself!" Green Luo quickly said, throwing the cloth directly to Qin Qi.

This thing is almost useless to the Terran, but if it is taken, it is the nail of the Yaozu, even if it is the Chamber of Commerce, eight forces, do not dare to provoke this right and wrong.

Of course, you can also hand it over to the top of the Terran, but just hand it out, but some are not willing.

Therefore, this kind of problem is still handed over to Qin Qi.

"Boss, I can tell you that all ethnic groups have people who are proficient in the performance of the heavenly act. They were sealed by the power of the Raven and the Tomb, and they were not found because they were only scrapped."

"But if you take it out now, I am afraid that it will be deduced by people, and the consequences will be unimaginable!" Zhang Lang screamed, and revealed the hidden dangers.

Green Luo also nodded and agreed with this statement, which is why she absolutely does not want to touch.

This kind of thing, even if the last piece of cloth is not in the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, but as long as it is handled by the Yaozu, it is offensive to the entire Yaozu.

For the Chamber of Commerce, it is definitely not a good thing.

"Cut, how big is it, you don't want it, Laozi will put it away." Qin Qi was so relaxed that he took the cloth strip up.

"Boss, are you really scared?" Zhang Lang was surprised.

In his view, Qin Qi is definitely not a guy who can't see the situation, and it is still a blood pool of the demon family. Is it necessary to take risks?

"Reassured, I am sure that no one can find this thing in my hands." Qin Qi is confident.

Just kidding, things go straight into the backpack space, this is the system, who can detect it?

Qin Qi can have no confidence in other things, but he is confident in the system.

"You have something, I don't know what baby I don't know?" Green Luo looked at Qin Qi in disguise, very curious.

"Of course, there are, but it is not convenient now, I will secretly show you at night." Qin Qixiao smiled.

"Really?" Green Luo looked surprised, but soon returned to the taste, suddenly hit the hands of Qin Qi, "the bastard, the color embryo, you are dead!"

The method of accidentally obtaining the construction of Jinwu blood pool is indeed a great harvest, surpassing all treasures.

This thing is useless to the Terran, but it is useful to Qin Qi. He wants to dominate the Thunder madfield, and naturally wants to press the Yaozu there, and later, Qin Qi does not mind receiving the power of the Yaozu.

Qin Qi is a traversal. In fact, there is no portal to all ethnic groups, including the Mozu. As long as it is not brought up to offend him, Qin Qi does not kill their thoughts.

In the future alliance, there will be a place for the Yaozu, such as white or egg, will become an important member of the alliance, and want to gather the Yaozu, blood pool is a must.

Having a golden blood pool is undoubtedly the best foundation, enough to attract more demon strong.

Moreover, the Thunder madness is isolated from everything, and the Jinwu blood pool is built, and it should not be found.

The accident was obtained by the construction of the Jinwu blood pool. The harvest of this tomb was a huge one, and there was nothing unsatisfactory.

Closing the enchanting cover, a team quickly left the tomb.

Back to the outside world, Liao Tianyi and Xue Ning intend to return to the Battle Fortress and participate in the reconstruction work, especially Liao Tianyi. This time, the benefits are huge. I believe that it will take a long time to break through again. At that time, it is Wu Respect the realm of the realm!

And with his talent, it is not a general one-star Wu Zun comparable, the strength of the battle, will completely overtake the older generation!

Liao Tianyi originally wanted to invite Qin Qi to go, but Qin Qi did not have this plan. After refusing, he would not have to.

As for Zhang Lang, this time I encountered too many things, too much, completely exceeded expectations. He prepared to rest for a while before going to the tomb.

So Qin Qi let the ghosts take him back.

"Boss, don't you go with us?" Zhang Langdao.

"You go first, I should go back soon." Qin Qidao.

"Oh ~ ~" Zhang Lang looked at the green radish, as if he understood something, and squinted at Qin Qi, "The boss is relieved, I will not tell the scorpion of them, let me see the book you wrote!" ”

Write a book...

This is the words of Qin Qi before the green radish, this Zhang Lang is really not afraid of death!

"I rely on, what are you talking about, don't talk about it after you go back, or I will kill you!" Qin Qi blinked.

"Do not worry, I still don't believe it?" Zhang Lang patted his chest.

Damn, just because you are Laozi, don't believe it!

Qin Qi shook his head and said: "Yes, after you have passed, if you have enough rest, go to the Thunder madfield and look at it. I still doubt it now. The one inside the sky is actually a burial place, buried. There is a guy who can't be a good one."

Qin Qi’s eyebrows, he did have such an idea, although there is no reason, but perhaps it may be so.

And if there is someone buried there, it would be horrible. After all, Emperor Ji came out of the big field, there was once a big horror, and even related to the existence of the gods.

"Oh? Then I am going to see it!" Zhang Lang came to the spirit.

The Thunder madfield, he would not know, there is no way out, so there is no secret in the inside who knows what, but only know that once it is touched, it will certainly be shocking.

This kind of legendary place, Zhang Lang certainly wants to explore some. Now that Qin Qi has mastered the passage back and forth, it is considered that Qin Qi does not say, he will also go.

"Be careful not to go there, besides the three forces on the bright side, there is also a descendant of deceiving the devil Hermes, I am not sure whether it is pure blood, but since it comes from one of the twelve clan, it must Extremely strong, absolutely can not be underestimated!" Qin Qi Shen channel.

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