God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 954: Meet an acquaintance

The ninth and fifty-four chapters met acquaintances

"Brother, what do we do next?" Mo Ziqi asked, and he was really worried.

"First consolidate the defense of the city of Chaos and say, let others wait and see." Qin Qidao, now think about it, it is necessary to strengthen the defensive burst.

Mo Ziqi nodded, but now it can only be like this. In any case, as long as the city of Chaos is a victory, after all, the other side can be supplemented without constant power. After a long time, it can naturally prevail.

Mo Ziqi went to work, and Qin Qi did not idle, and continued to invest in the arrangement of the formation, but he also took time to refine several pens and gave them to the Master.

These pens, although only mysterious, but the quality is excellent, those who are all excited, swear to be the league's life, morale is high!

Originally, I would like to upgrade the Dragon God’s tears. Now it seems that it can only slow down.

On the fifth day, Qin Qi has perfected the core array method, and once again raised the defense of the City of Chaos to a higher level. Now even if the monarch is pushing hard, I am afraid that it will not be possible to achieve a battle.

And according to intelligence, the Jun family is still accepting the thunder of the light, and can't take time to deal with Qin Qi.

At this point, Qin Qi did not intend to continue the array, but prepared to go to the White Fox nest.

He intends to determine the safety of Xiaobai first. It is best to talk to Baihu's nest for cooperation. As for the tears of the dragon god, he can only put it again. Anyway, there is also a blue light asking for the sea, which is enough.

"Zi Qi, once there is change, you will call me back!" Qin Qidao, Mo Ziqi has a jade character in his hand, can summon him.

Moreover, Qin Qi also left a shadow sword in the city of Chaos, which can be teleported at any time.

"I know, the brothers must be careful." Mo Ziqi nodded.

And Green Luo, Qin Qi let her stay in the city of Chaos, after all, she was able to rest assured in Qin Qi.

Green Luo has the heart to see and see the white fox nest. She is the unstoppable Lord. She will be willing to stay in this place, but she also knows Qin Qi’s fears and has no choice but to accept it.

As for Zhang Lang, it is necessary to prepare to explore the tomb. Anyway, it is impossible to go to the giant pillar anyway. Naturally, it is necessary to prepare more.

However, Qin Qi did not go to the white fox nest alone. He took Fu Cai Xuan.

"Qin Big Brother, do you really have no problem with me?" Although Fu Caixuan was delighted, she still had some concerns. Although she worked very hard, her talents were really hard to make up for.

Although she has successfully entered the realm of Wu Wang, it is already very good. There has never been such a strong person in the history of paying home.

But compared with others, her growth is still far from enough. Take Mo Ziqi, steady and steady, and accumulate enough to be promoted, but now it has reached the realm of the five-star Wuwang.

And if Mo Ziqi chooses to improve the realm and does not accumulate, I am afraid that it is now possible to become a seven-star martial artist.

This is the gap. Even if it is crazy practice, it will continue to squeeze itself. No one in the whole league can compare with her. There is no trace of relaxation from beginning to end, but it still cannot catch up. It can only be gradually opened.

She may not have a day with Qin Qi in this life.

"Do you think I can't protect you?" Qin Qi pulled the softness of the color, and it should have been soft and tender. At this moment, there was a sense of roughness, fine kneading, and even feeling the scorpion.

Qin Qi is also good at bows and arrows. How can he not notice that these scorpions are caused by long-term excessive practice of bows and arrows?

Fu Caixuan, in the end, how hard it has been to practice, it will be like this!

Qin Qi looked at the slightly thin girl, and couldn’t help but feel a pain in her heart.

"I certainly believe in you, but I am afraid that I will drag you down." Fu Cai Xuan whispered.

Qin Qi shook his head and shook his hair. He whispered: "I don't need you to fight for me. I only hope that you are good. It is enough to accompany me to the old days."

Fu Cai Xuan heard the words, sweet in my heart, I feel that all efforts have not been in vain. With Qin Qi these words, the suffering she has experienced is worthwhile.

After being determined to become a woman of Qin Qi, Fu Caixuan has indeed changed a lot. She used to be a little savage to her, and she would be jealous when she had a small temper. But now, it is all gentle, everything she does is only for Qin. Qi.

"You, there really is no need to force yourself like this. Give it to me and rely on me to do it. I am your man. This is my responsibility. Otherwise, why should I marry you?" Qin Qi said seriously.

"Well, I know, I must pay attention to it later." Fu Cai Xuan laughed and cheeked red. "More, I haven't married you yet."

"Soon and soon!" Qin Qi haha ​​smiled, and forcedly kissed the color.

In fact, Qin Qi knows that although Fu Caixuan said so, I am afraid that it will not change, but will work harder, so he will bring a lottery to this time, to be more with her.

After all, the most embarrassing thing in his heart is to pay for it.

Along the way, Qin Qi and Fu Cai Xuan were sitting on Xiao You, and quickly flew to the White Fox Nest.

The thunder of this thunderstorm is extremely powerful, and the red thunder is even more terrifying, as if it can destroy the earth.

However, once again, Qin Qi’s strength is not the same as before. In addition to the red thunder, the other Thunder are not afraid, and can fly straight all the way.

Even if unfortunately encountered a red thunder, Qin Qi can also avoid early, not worried about being affected.

The white fox nest is not too far from the city of Chaos. At least it is a little closer than the Ray of Light. It can be reached in about half a day at a small speed.

Half a day is not too long. Qin Qi naturally has to hurry up and pay for the goodness of the color announcement. He has not left the body of the color propaganda with one hand, and has been holding it tightly. Of course, he will not be honest. It’s a slap in the face.

Of course, Qin Qi will not forget to be vigilant around, he will not make such a mistake.

“Hey, is there someone?” Qin Qi’s perception is far-reaching, although the environment of the Thunderstorm has a great impact on perception, but it cannot completely block his mental strength.

The Terran savage domain is mostly the thunder of the thunder. Of course, if it is now, it must count the power from the monarch and other forces.

However, no matter which side, the possibility of becoming an opponent is extremely great. Since it is encountered, Qin Qi certainly will not pass by.

Xiao You and Qin Qi had a tacit understanding, and they changed their direction in an instant, and flew over to the past.

It is a two-team team. At this moment, the battle is very fierce. However, there is only one person on the other side. It is running away. It is extremely incomparable to see his skill. Although he is running away, he is methodical. Every movement is flowing, and there is no flaw.

Not only that, although he was fleeing and being chased, he was fighting back in the process of escaping, and he was extremely sharp, often making it difficult for opponents to dodge.

This is a battle skill that is devastating and can be possessed by a powerful realm.

"It turned out to be him!" Qin Qi blinked and didn't expect to meet this guy.

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