God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 972: The mission continues

The ninth and seventy-two chapter missions continue

Originally, the scepter of the gods only needed six pieces to be able to get together. Qin Qi completed half of it directly. Unfortunately, it is impossible for him to touch the strong people of the Holy Land with his current strength, otherwise he will be able to get the remaining three. I will make up the scepter of the gods in one fell swoop.

That is the most powerful artifact of the Chaos Era, in addition to the Nesius of God!

Of course, there is no such thing as a pity. Qin Qi is extremely satisfied with his income. Although he feels very sorry for Xiao Bai, Qin Qi still can't help but feel excited when he sees the reward.

"Well, no, how is this task still?" Qin Qi looked at the task list and was slightly surprised.

Although this task was not perfect, Qin Qi was already very satisfied, and he did not intend to perfect this task at first. He did not intend to use this as a task.

If this event is not sudden, and finally eroded by the temperament and the nature of the dragon's blood, Qin Qi is estimated to only break with the human race.

"The system is taken care of," Qin Qi laughed, and the feeling was very complicated.

"Task Name: The Terminator of the Virgin (Follow-up)"

"Task level: ∞"

"Task goal: You know (*^__^*)"

"Task reward: level +3, large pieces of tears *1, large dragon fragments *1" (completed)

Task extension

"Task object: Yaozu" (completed)

"Then you count, the system will make additional rewards."

"Task object: Mozu" (unfinished)

"Then you will be rewarded, the system will also give extra rewards."

"Task object: Wu Wang" (completed)

"Task Reward: The Scepter of the Gods *1"

"Task object: Wu Zun" (completed)

"Task Reward: Desserts of the Gods *2"

"Task object: Wu Sheng" (unfinished)

"Task Reward: The Scepter of the Gods *3"

"Task object: Emperor Wu" (unfinished)

"Task Reward: The Real Chapter (1)!"

"Task object: Valkyrie" (unfinished)

"Task Reward: The Real Chapter (2)!"

This task has a follow-up, go to your uncle, there is no end, Qin Qi does not want to be led by the system on this kind of thing.

Laozi is principled, okay!

However, even though there is such a task, there are some more variables. If there is such an object in the future, this reward should not be white.

The previous mission, the mission awards of Emperor Wu and Wu Shen did not give, but now it is different, directly written, is the "real chapter."

But what exactly is this thing, Qin Qi does not know, I am afraid it is unusual, and recorded some kind of "reality"?

It’s just this task level... I don’t want to vomit.

"Forget it, take care of him, let it be natural." Qin Qi shrugged, did not care, do not say Wu Shen, what is the existence of his mother Wudi, want to touch can touch?

Qin Qi is now impossible to win even a saint, let alone the emperor who exists in the legend.

Even if there is an emperor living in the world, it is still unknown.

However, this Wu Sheng can be expected, and can be completed with the conditions of the Mozu, you know, Qin Qi also has a cute little maid poetry!

Poetry is undoubtedly Qin Qi. No one can object to this. It is useless to oppose. Who dares to rob poetry with Qin Qi, and Qin Qi will kill him.

With the blood of poetry now, the most primitive power of the Mozu is condensed, and the future can be said to be a nail!

"Mom, I feel a little wretched, how to make a game like a game." Qin Qi secretly said that he is really not a thing.

However, poetry is his, and no one can change this.

Of course, these are still far away, and they don't have to be deliberately pursued. Let's just let it go. In other words, if the empress of the night is really the emperor, the chance is still not.

No longer think about this, Qin Qi spit out a sigh of relief and looked at the mysterious package in the backpack, which Xiaobai earned for him.

"Do you want Xiao Bai to open it?" Qin Qi whispers, in addition to the way to open the system, the package can be manually opened.

Since it was won by Xiao Bai, Qin Qi still hopes that Xiao Bai will open.

Just right, Xiaobai also re-dressed and walked out. She wore a white dress. The black hair was in sharp contrast with the white. The nine furry tails swayed behind her, and there were two cute foxes on her head. Ears, this combination is too beautiful, coupled with the unique feminine temperament of Qin Bai, Qin Qi looked like a sense of loss.

Such a woman, for the first time, was actually taken possession by herself. If there is no sense of accomplishment, it is a lie.

However, Xiaobai seems to be a little uncomfortable. There are a few twists in the walking posture, and Emei is picking up, as if he is patient.

"Xiaobai, are you okay?" Qin Qi cares, is he thinking that he was crazy yesterday, hurting Xiaobai?

Xiaobai heard the words, silver teeth bite, screaming: "You don't have to!"

"Oh..." Qin Qi was stunned. He didn't know how to answer it. He only coughed a few times and took out a gift box: "Xiaobai, this is how you open it."

"What is this, compensate my gift?" Xiaobai looked around, his eyes groaned and shouted. "Is it delicious, just as the stomach is hungry."


This Nima is too good to send it, it will be fine if you eat it.

Qin Qi's forehead is a black line, but if Xiaobai can really open what she needs, it is also a good result, can't let Xiaobai suffer?

Xiaobai muttered twice, opened the mystery package, and saw the things inside, the corners of the eyes could not help but tremble slightly.

"What's wrong?" Qin Qi is a bit strange, the system will not come up with any moths.

Xiaobai stared at Qin Qi and bit his teeth. "Qin Qi, don't be too much!"

"What happened to me?" Qin Qi was inexplicable.

"You dare to ask what is wrong, what do you mean to me?" Xiaobai took the things out of the gift bag, turned out to be a piece of clothing, thin as a veil, but also his mother is translucent and tempting.

Qin Qi only felt a suffocating blood, almost a blood spurt out, it was a dog, the system can not be so arrogant, is it because he asked the Queen to help modify the settings, the system remembers to hate him, to retaliate?

Qin Qi stared at the clothes and couldn't speak, but let alone, if the clothes were worn on Xiaobai, the guy...

Qin Qi had a hot nose and almost blew nosebleeds. After all, he looked at Xiaobai’s appearance without wearing clothes, and he was able to imagine, but even if he imagined, he could not hold it.

People in the world, not covered, can not stand the light.

Xiaobai stared at Qin Qi, obviously already angry, very angry.

Qin Qi coughed a few times, concealing his ugliness, then looking at the clothes in Xiaobai’s hands and choosing to view the item information.

To be reasonable, the system should not give useless things.

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