God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1005: The sinister and cunning Megatron

"catch him?"

Bumblebee looked blank!

"Yes! Catch him! He has a secret formula for herding cattle!"

Megatron looked excited!

"Little two herding cattle?"

The Hornet is even more confused!

"Yeah, yes, right! Xiaoer put the cows! It's so delicious! Catch him, let's share the recipe!"

Megatron nodded repeatedly!

Bumblebee is completely confused!

"Megatron, although you have been the greatest enemy of our Autobots for a long time, your powerful strength and boldness are worthy of the name of Cybertron! But I did not expect that you have been frozen for so long, and your brain is actually wattless! "

Bumblebee was sighing!

A good Transformer, it is useless to say nothing!

"Asshole! Bumblebee! How dare you—"

Megatron was furious, but at this moment!

"You still want to find foreign aid!"

Jiang Fan shouted angrily, hugged Megatron, and the wheel was thrown again!


A loud noise!

There are countless cracks in the whole land!

The Hornet was shocked!

What's the matter with this human?

Obviously he was fighting against Megatron!

Too tough!

Optimus Prime’s approach is indeed correct!

Otherwise, there is a conflict with the people on earth, then they will definitely not take advantage of Transformers!


Megatron felt this aggrieved in his heart!

The space here is too small for his size!

The point is that this human being is so fast that he can't catch it at all!

Damn it! As long as you limit Jiang Fan for half a second, you can save his second scum!

"Boy! You wait for me!"

Megatron finally completely lost the idea of ​​asking for a formula!

At the moment Jiang Fan was about to pick him up again, the number one villain finally roared, and his whole body quickly deformed!

But in a mere half a second, he has turned into a smoothly shaped alien plane!

"Decepticons! Retreat!"

Accompanied by the classic lines in this animated version, a flash of fire suddenly burst from behind Megatron's ass, and suddenly rushed towards the tunnel!

Megatron, actually ran away!

Bumblebee was stunned!

This human actually knocked Megatron away!


"Want to run?"

Jiang Fan smiled grimly, and there was a flash of light and shadow all over his body!

In the next moment, the ferocious armor of the Iron Overlord appeared directly!

With a burst of fire, Jiang Fan directly caught up!

However, Jiang Fan just entered the tunnel!

"You got it!"

Accompanied by Megatron's triumphant laugh!


An orange-red flame suddenly blasted at Jiang Fan!

It was a missile launched by Megatron!

This insidious and cunning guy is not trying to run, but to draw Jiang Fan over!

The tunnel is long and narrow, with a limited area, which can directly limit Jiang Fan's speed!


Jiang Fan never expected Megatron to be so clever, he kicked his feet and backed desperately!

It's a pity that the explosive power of the battle armor is far less than his own speed!

In order to prevent being affected by the explosion, he did not dare to unload the better-defense armor!

He had just rushed back to the hall when the missile had already arrived!


A loud noise!

The power of the explosion is beyond imagination!

Not only the various items in the entire hall were completely overturned by the air wave, but even the tunnel was directly destroyed!

And Jiang Fan, who was in the center, was even blown off by the explosion!

Still in the air, the Iron Overlord's armor on his body has begun to twist and melt!

When Jiang Fan landed, not only the armor was completely scrapped, but his whole body was dripping with blood, and even his ribs and left hand had already exposed the bones!


Jiang Fan directly spewed out a bruise and barely got up!

He gritted his teeth, staring fiercely at the collapsed tunnel entrance!

Too careless!

I have never suffered such a big loss in the hands of customers!

The point is, this Iron Overlord’s Battle Armor is a treasure just obtained!

I was completely scrapped before flying enough!


I remember you!

You better pray, I will never receive an order from this world!

"Oh my God! Are you a monster? You are still alive after being bombarded by Megatron's missiles!"

At this moment, the synthetic sound of Hornet suddenly rang from Jiang Fan's ears!

It turned out that he was hit by Bumblebee!

"Human! You are so powerful! Megatron's missiles, even Optimus Prime, dare not hold on!"

Hornet looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

This human being is too exaggerated!

Simply stronger than their Transformers!

But when he heard what the Hornet said, Jiang Fan suddenly narrowed his eyes!

Megatron has completely offended himself with this product, and it is estimated that he will not place an order for himself in the future!

However, it is possible to develop a group of Autobot customers like the Hornet!

"Small point! If it wasn't for this guy to run fast, he would have to be killed today!"

Although Jiang Fan was seriously injured, he must be forced to act!

"Hmm, I can see it! I didn't expect that among human beings, there is actually a strong like you!"

Bumblebee has a look of admiration!

"Human, what's your name?"

"Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang Fan, you are a true soldier!"

Bumblebee looked determined!

"Don't talk about that first, the fire source is here, go find it!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"What?! Where is the source of fire?"

Bumblebee was stunned!

"Yeah! Go! I have limited time, I'm leaving soon!"

Jiang Fan just finished speaking, and the system prompt has sounded!

"Ding! This stay is coming to an end, please prepare the host to return!"

"Bumblebee! Don't forget to order my takeaway if you are in trouble!"

With the white light shed, Jiang Fan has disappeared without a trace!


Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 102 causality points!"

"Ding! Due to Megatron's insidious and cunning and ruthless face, the host didn't get any rewards from Megatron!"

"Oh shit!"

The blue veins on Jiang Fan's forehead jumped wildly, clenching his fists tightly!

Megatron, this **** is more shameless than He Shen!

I even got two big vases for Heshen delivery, but this **** didn't give it to Mao!

Next time I meet him again, I will never spare him!

But before that, we have to figure out what Megatron's strength really is!

"System! Why does the power of Transformers go up and down?"

"Ding! Transformers are different from Terminator or Matrix's artificial intelligence, they are real life forms! The host can call them silicon-based creatures!"

"There are few silicon-based creatures in the world, and they have different evolutionary methods and abilities than carbon-based creatures!"

"Take Megatron as an example, it can be divided into multiple deformations and multiple combat forms!"

"Because of its own material restrictions, the body strength is low!"

"But because of its powerful firepower form, it is enough to reach the gold level!"

Jiang Fan suddenly understood!

Just like in the movie, the destructive power of Transformers is beyond imagination!

But their bodies are very fragile compared to firepower, and even normal missiles can kill them!

This is a typical innate limitation!

Otherwise, with so many golden monsters coming, the earth would have ended long ago!

Exhaling a suffocating breath, Jiang Fan was about to leave here!

But at this moment!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the gratitude of the Hornet-Fire Source (Imitation)!"

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