Yue Jianhai and the others were all taken aback!

Then hurriedly shook his head!

"The ancestors have already returned to the West!"

"The spiritual seats are all in the ancestral hall!"

"Who is the ancestor of the Yue family he is talking about?"

"Should it be—"

Everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan also reacted!

It turns out that this is for me!

When the group came to the front yard, they saw a middle-aged man with an arrogant face on the martial arts field, looking at them coldly with his hands behind his back!

By his side, it was Ren Fuchang with a proud face and Xu Zhen with a gloomy face!

In addition to them, there are dozens of great figures from Yangcheng gathered here!

Upon seeing these people, the Yue family immediately understood what had happened!

Yesterday Jiang Fan had obviously completely shocked the Ren family!

But this night, I didn’t know what happened, which led to such a powerful master suddenly appeared next to Ren Fuchang!

Today, Ren Fuchang obviously wanted to continue the gambling and completely grab the Yue family into his hands!

But Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!

too weird!

It is reasonable for a family like the Ren family to be able to recruit to level ten!

But the fourteenth-level master unexpectedly let Ren Fuchang meet!

And it seems that he was willing to be a thug!

This is simply a fantasy!

"Old ancestor of the Yue family! Don't you think that my Ren family is really going to die?"

Ren Fuchang looked at Jiang Fan triumphantly!

"Yesterday you didn't ask me what would happen if our Ren family loses? I tell you, my Ren family, it is impossible to lose!"

"Everyone! Today is the last meeting between us and the Yue family! According to the agreement, as long as I win, the Yue family's martial arts hall will all belong to my family! Everyone will give me a testimony today!"

A group of big figures in Yangcheng didn't say a word!

The situation in Yangcheng has not changed for more than ten years. Today, Ren Fuchang broke the situation, whether it is good or bad, no one can tell!

"Mr. Yao, look at..."

After Ren Fuchang said this, he immediately tentatively looked at the fourteenth-level master!

"Leave it to me next!"

The man spoke with an arrogant expression!

He glanced at Jiang Fan and the others, then smiled contemptuously!

This ancestor of the Yue family was only at level 11, not as strong as the two followers behind him!

Although the physical body is strong, but in the eyes of his fourteenth level, it is really vulnerable!

"I Xu Yao will not kill the unnamed, the ancestor of the Yue family, please sign up!"

Xu Yao smiled proudly!

"Jiang Fan!"

Jiang Fan smiled, stepping into the martial arts stage!

"Jiang Fan? Luocheng Jiang Fan?!"

Unexpectedly, Xu Yao's face suddenly changed when he heard this name!

"you know me?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

"Hehehe, it's you! Good, great!"

Xu Yao laughed loudly!

"That group of **** also said not to be extravagant, but since I met it, God wants you to die!"

"Jiang Fan! In the next life, don't make trouble everywhere!"

Xu Yao burst out murderously, laughed wildly, and rushed towards Jiang Fan!

The fourteenth level shot, the speed is as fast as thunder!

When Xu Yao moved his feet, he was already in front of Jiang Fan. In the next moment, he banged directly at Jiang Fan's head without any fancy punches!

He actually wanted to kill Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan didn't dodge or evade, and he greeted him with a backhand punch!



Jiang Fan stayed still, but Xu Yao took three steps back!


Xu Yao's pupils shrank and looked at Jiang Fan incredulously!


This kid is definitely not so tough!

His strongest combat power should be only level twelve!

However, before he could come back to his senses, Jiang Fan moved his feet and Ling Bo Weibu's powerful body skills directly activated!

In an instant, Jiang Fan almost turned into a ghost!

Defensively attacked, outrageously shot!

"Boom boom boom!"

Jiang Fan blasted dozens of punches in a row, the faster he hits!

Xu Yao swayed from the left to the right, and the more he fought, the more frightened!


The strength of this kid is actually higher than himself!

And judging from his appearance, he is obviously at ease!

How long has it been since his true strength has jumped from level 12 to level 14!

Such a terrifying martial arts talent is simply unheard of!

And at the moment he was distracted!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Jiang Fan's fist fell on Xu Yao like a machine gun!

In less than three seconds, Xu Yao had a bruised nose and swollen face, and his mouth was full of blood foam!

Xu Yao was shocked and scared!

damn it!

This kid is too strong!

No way!

Can't fight anymore!

Otherwise, I will definitely die!


Xu Yao suddenly roared, stood up suddenly, and rushed out of the courtyard!

Everyone was stunned!


This Mr. Yao, who was screaming and screaming just now, vowed to crush Jiang Fan, was beaten by Jiang Fan and ran away!

I have never seen a face slap so fast!


"Run? I haven't had enough fun yet!"

Jiang Fan laughed wildly, and just as Xu Yao's figure sprang up, his right hand suddenly flicked!


A bright silver light flashed away!

It's fast, it seems like a thunder flashed out of thin air!

"Good sword!"

In the presence, only Yue Jianhan's eyes lit up, and a beam of excitement flashed!

too fast!

The master's swordsmanship has already reached this level!

Jiang Fan hasn't used a sword for a long time, everyone almost forgot, swordsmanship is Jiang Fan's fastest attack method!


With Jiang Fan's sword light flashing, Xu Yao suddenly let out a scream!

In the next moment, his left leg was already soaring into the sky!

Xu Yao himself fell to the ground!

Just as soon as he landed, he hugged the broken leg and howled desperately!

Seeing the blood on the ground, everyone only felt that their scalp was tingling!

Especially Ren Fuchang, he almost never gave up his breath!

At the same time, my heart is even colder!

That's it!

The Ren family is definitely over!

And Xu Zhen's face was extremely pale, and he was ready to sneak away!


Jiang Fan stepped on Xu Yao, but his right hand pointed towards Xu Zhen!

"If you dare to run, I promise you are worse than him!"

Xu Zhen trembled all over, and his whole body froze in place!

And Jiang Fan had already looked at Xu Yao again, grinning gloomily!

"Want to kill me? Don't look at what you count! Say! How did you know me?"

"Asshole! Asshole! Eight Ga! ... Bye C! Fak squid!"

Xu Yao roared suddenly!

"Yeah, knowledgeable!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth was raised, and suddenly he slammed on Xu Yao's broken leg!


Xu Yao suddenly let out a terrible howl!

Everyone trembled!

Too ruthless!

"Give you one last chance! Say!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

"You, you dream! I tell you, if I die, you won't have a better life in your life!"

"……Ha ha!"

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

It's just that in his smile, there is a hint of chill that makes the soul tremble!

"Since you know me, you should know that people who dare to threaten me have always been miserable!"


As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, his right foot suddenly hit Xu Yao's Qihai Cave!



A wave of condensed true energy suddenly rose from Xu Yao's body to the sky!

Xu Yao's internal strength was actually abolished by Jiang Fan!

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