Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they all reacted!

Jiang Fan was right, the Yue family simply didn't have such a talented person!

Not even that kind of brain and strength!

I really want to hand over the entire Yangcheng to the Yue Family, so many people will be jealous if such a large property is said to be bad! I am afraid that the Yue Family will incur a murderous disaster instead!

By the time……

Everyone was gurgling with cold sweat, so he was completely awake!

"Master uncle wise!"

"We are too greedy!"

"The husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime. The uncle is right!"

The Yue family members were all scared, and at the same time they looked at Jiang Fan's eyes more respectfully!

Jiang Fan finally nodded in satisfaction!

"Don't worry, even though I told them to waive the bet, those people will feel relieved to send you this benefit!"

"This, why is this?"

The crowd was stunned again!

"Idiot! Of course it is to please the master through you!"

"The words the master said just now are trying to find the best balance of interests for your Yue family!"

"Yangcheng has no overly strong forces. In case someone is unfavorable to Yangcheng, the master is your only hope!"

"From now on, as long as your Yue family is a good person, the forces of Yangcheng, big and small, will never treat you badly in order to win over the master!"

"It's so stupid!"

Curtis often followed Jiang Fan, and his IQ had made great progress. Facing the Yue family, he actually had a sense of superiority overwhelmed by IQ!

Everyone suddenly realized that they were grateful to Jiang Fan to their bones!

"Uncle Master..."

A group of people have to thank you again!

"Okay! Remember, martial arts is the foundation of your foothold! If your Yue family really has the level of that grandmaster and ancestor, how can anyone dare to trouble you?"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he waved his hand directly!

"Prepare the car, I'm going back to Los Angeles!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"


On the plane!

"Master! Thank you!"

Yue Jianhan, who had never spoken, suddenly looked at Jiang Fan with solemn eyes!

"Thank what?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

"Master, I know you are all for me! Otherwise, you will definitely use the Yue family to sweep the entire Yangcheng and control Yangcheng in your hands!"

Yue Jianhan spoke slowly!

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows!

Yue Jianhan was right. According to his principle of the supremacy of interests, not taking the opportunity to occupy the entire Yangcheng is not his character at all!

But today, not only did he not take the opportunity to sweep Yangcheng, but he also thought for the Yue family everywhere. This kind of effort to benefit others is simply unprecedented!

And all these explanations can only be for Yue Jianhan!

Yue Jianhan was Jiang Fan's first disciple!

He is also one of Jiang Fan's most trusted people!

For Jiang Fan, a city is far less important than Yue Jianhan!

But at this time, Jiang Fan waved his hand impatiently!

"Don't talk nonsense, nothing! It's just that Yangcheng has no potential and it's not worth my energy to waste!"

Yue Jianhan didn't speak, but looked at Jiang Fan with that strange look!

Jiang Fan was uncomfortable being looked at, and suddenly shouted angrily!

"Look! Look at your sister! I want to get some sleep, so get out of here!"

Seeing the cold as frost on Yue's face, a smile suddenly appeared, and then he finally turned his head to the side!

Jiang Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief!


The plane has returned to Los Angeles!

As soon as Jiang Fan and others returned to Jiangzhai, Wang Yi leaned forward with a look of excitement!

"Master, those two Korean spies were caught, and they are now locked up in the courtyard!"

"Ah, very good!"

"Master, who do you guess they are from?"

Wang Yi has an expression that you can't even guess in your dreams!


"March Chaebol!"

Jiang Fan spoke directly without thinking about it!

"Fuck! No, I mean, how did you know?"

Wang Yi was stunned!

Jiang Fan had to patiently explain!

"Korean people are very interesting. They have a natural distrust of other nations and countries!"

"So the organization that Korean commercial spies serves must be Koreans!"

"Almost the entire country of Korea is controlled by chaebols, which is the most deformed country!"

"As for the entire Goryeo, there is only one chaebol who is brave enough and capable of doing things in China, who needs battle armor technology!"

"In other words, there is an 80% chance that these two commercial spies belong to the March chaebol!"

"Okay, is there anything else you want to ask?"

Jiang Fan glanced at Wang Yi casually!

Wang Yi opened his mouth wide, and his eyes were full of frustration!

It’s so unnecessary to ask myself, showing my IQ in front of the enchanting master, it’s really self-defeating!

"Then, sir, do you go to see the two spies first, or contact the Wei family to make a claim first?"

Wang Yi asked weakly!

"go with……"

Jiang Fan had just spoken, but outside the gate of Jiang's house, a voice full of arrogance suddenly sounded!

"Poverty Road Qingyunmen Cloud Tower, please see Mr. Jiang!"

Although he was asking to see him, the door was kicked open, and immediately afterwards, an old Taoist priest who was immortal and arrogant had already walked in with a few disciples directly!

His disciples are also ordinary, their arrogant nostrils are almost up to the sky!

Looking at everyone in the yard, there is even more disgust and disdain!

Yunlou casually glanced in the yard, and finally his eyes fell directly on Jiang Fan!

This son has an extraordinary momentum and a hint of domineering, it must be the master here!

However, he is a dignified cultivator. For the sake of business for a while, I have to give him a prestige first!

"Hey! I am the elder of the Qingyun Gate of Qingxuan Mountain, and the fairy elder of Yunlou! You and other ordinary people, why don't you worship this immortal after seeing this immortal!"

Accompanied by this angry shout, the old road of Yunlou suddenly burst into a tenth-level aura!

A group of people in the yard were all staring!

Even in the pavilion in the yard, No. 2 and No. 13 who were robbing youtiao, saw youtiao fall to the ground, they didn't grab it!

Everyone was stunned by the courage of Yunlou!

It's amazing!

So courageous!

A mere tenth level, dare to break into the Jiang's house so powerfully and let them bow down!

On this point, this veteran is definitely one of the top ten most daring TOP this year!

Jiang Fan even suspected that there was a problem with his ears!

"Excuse me, you, what did you just say?"

"Hey! A bunch of dirty things! The ears are not working well, what a common man! Listen! I am the elder of the Qingyun Gate of Qingxuan Mountain, the Immortal Chief of Yunlou! You bow down at a constant speed! The immortal has many rewards! "

Yunlou smiled proudly!

This group of mortals must be extremely excited when they hear the word "Xianchang"!


For a moment!

Everyone is excited!

"Great! I really came to look for something!"

"Give it to me! Let it to me!"

"Don't grab it! Let me come!"

"I want to be beautiful! I haven't made a move for a month!"

"You've only been a month! I've never used meat before!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Draw lots, whoever wins will win!"

"My lord! You mustn't compete with us this time!"

A group of people formed a circle in excitement, and did not forget to remind Jiang Fan!

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