God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1012: I'm so relieved that the Taoist Master is so frank


More than two Koreans, even Wang Yi and Curtis were stunned!

"Master! Are you asking for trouble? Let's just rush over to make a claim and it will be over!"

"Yeah, master, why bother! Could it be that the more heads, the more claims?"

After Curtis said this, the two of them suddenly brightened their eyes!

Worthy of being the master, this is fishing law enforcement!


"No! I'm going to Goryeo in a few days, but once I leave Huaxia, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble. In order to avoid being noticed by people who care about it, I will use them to keep secrets!"

Jiang Fan has a lot of enemies abroad at the moment. Although he has already made an appointment to go with Yin Binghua, it is best to avoid conflicts that can be avoided as much as possible!

Moreover, he didn't want some people in the country to know that he was not there!

Jiang Fan used Italian, and the two Koreans didn't understand what they were talking about!

However, this does not prevent them from expressing their dissatisfaction!

"Impossible! We are professional spies!"

"Never betray the employer!"

"Even if you give money, it's useless!"

The two have not finished their words!

"I'll give you a big mouth!"

"Papa Papa!"

Jiang Fan hit the two again violently!

The two Koreans suddenly choked, and finally dialed the number!

Accompanied by a few exchanges, the two quickly hung up the phone!

"Sir, it's okay, they should be there in two days!"

"Very good, just stay here!"

Jiang Fan came out of the dungeon, and Lu Bu brought the old road of Yunlou over there too!

At this moment, Yunlou was covered with blood, and there was no more bones in the fairy wind, and a pair of small eyes were full of panic!

As for his disciples, all of them were crying at the moment, kneeling on the ground honestly, not even daring to let go!

In addition, there was a large pile of bits and pieces on the ground, which seemed to be magic weapons and some materials refined by the Yunlou!

Unexpectedly, there was also the corpse of a three-headed **** dog cub among them!

This thing was given to Yunlou by Yuqingzi at that time!

"Talk about it! Why are you here!"

The moment Jiang Fan saw the corpse of the three-headed dog cub in the hell, he had already figured out what had happened, and immediately asked as he exchanged the inventory in the Yunlou for the causality point!

"I, I...uuuuu...I shouldn't have come!"

While crying, Yunlou finally told the story again!

It turned out that after he left Jing Lingzong that day, he immediately asked his disciples to find out Yu Qingzi's itinerary!

It turned out that Yu Qingzi had come out several times, but they all came to Los Angeles!

Everything is naturally easy to handle next, the Yunlou didn't even have time to go back to the mountain gate, and hurried to Los Angeles!

Soon I found Jiang Fan on the head!

Originally, what he wanted was to give Jiang Fan a good start, and then give Jiang Fan a little favor, knocking out a large number of materials for Western monsters, but he didn't expect that he actually broke into the thieves' den!

Now that the **** hasn't been picked up, I have taken in all my hard-earned family assets!

"Huh! You will think of beautiful things!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

This old way is also stupid enough, without thinking about it, if you dare to do business with a cultivator, then you must have the strength not to be afraid of the opponent's backwater!

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 800 karma points!"

At this moment, the system suddenly sounded a high-value prompt!


Eight hundred causal points!

This is rare!

Jiang Fan looked at this thing in surprise!

This is actually a small flag embroidered with flowing clouds. The flowing clouds above are like living things, shaking left and right with the shaking of the flag!

"You made this thing yourself?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

"No, no, I got this by accident..."

"Where did you get it?"


Yunlou looked bitter!

"Don't be afraid, as long as you tell me, I will give you two more corpses of this three-headed **** dog!"

Jiang Fan smiled with sincerity!


Yunlou suddenly widened his eyes!

"of course!"

"Okay, I said! I got this Liuyun flag from the seaside of Qingzhou! At that time, I took two disciples out to sea and wanted to find a clam bead refiner, but when the accompanying fishing boat got off the net, I brought it out! "

Yunlou said hurriedly!

But Jiang Fan's face sank!

"You got a high-grade magic weapon from the net, do you think I'm a fool?"

"I, what I said is true! If you don't believe me, if you don't believe me, ask my disciple, they two saw it with their own eyes!"

Yunlou was taken aback, and hurriedly pointed at the two disciples behind him!


Jiang Fan looked at the two disciples!

"Yeah yeah!"

"Sir, what our master said is true!"

"Later, the master went down to the sea to take a look..."

The disciple said this, and suddenly he covered his mouth!

Jiang Fan smiled!

"The Immortal Long Yunlou, right?"

"No, no! Just call me Yunlou!"

"Hehe, Yunlou, what else did you find under the sea?"

Jiang Fan smiles like the wolf grandma in a fairy tale!

Yunlou wanted to kill that talkative disciple, but seeing Jiang Fan's weird smile, he had no choice but to speak!

"The sea area is a bit deep, and the underwater undercurrent is intense. I just came out after half a minute, but I didn't find anything..."

Before Yunlou finished speaking, he saw Jiang Fan's eyes gradually turning fierce!

The veteran shuddered, and he hurriedly changed his words!

"Of course, I found something before leaving!"

"Then it has been covered by all kinds of mud and sand for years and years, but it can be vaguely seen that it is some kind of relic!"

"It's a pity that I was stopped in front of a stone gate. Even if I use my full strength, there is no way to damage the stone gate at all!"

"In desperation, I can only come out!"

"Mr. Jiang, what I said is true, it's really like that!"

Yunlou looked at Jiang Fan pitifully!

Originally, he planned to return to Qingyunmen to report this secret to the head, but halfway through, he couldn't help but want to go to the Jinglingzong to show it off!

Unexpectedly, he received news from the source of Western monsters. He originally wanted to get Jiang Fan to do it, and then tell the head of the two good things together. Unfortunately, now he is directly planted in Jiang Fan's hands!

After listening to Yunlou's narration, Jiang Fan's heart was immediately moved!


Although there are only two simple words, it sounds like a strong smell of money!

This is his favorite!

It seems that this Yunlou has to be kept well!

What I lack is this kind of lead party!

"I am so relieved that Daoist Yunlou is so frank!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

"Curtis, go and pick up two good items for the head of the corridor Yun!"


Curtis agreed, and soon brought two monster corpses!

"Well, this is definitely the corpse of the Western Demon Race above level ten!"

Upon seeing these two bodies, Yunlou's eyes suddenly shined!

"Daoist Yunlou, are you still satisfied?"

"Satisfied! I'm so satisfied! I can't think that Mr. Jiang will not only do what he says, but also make his shots so generous! I am so grateful!"

Yunlou is full of joy!

"Then, now that the old ways have been explained, I won't bother you all. Goodbye! Goodbye!"

After Yunlou finished speaking, he would run away as soon as he collected the corpses of a few monsters!


"Hehe, Daoist Yunlou, don't worry!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand, and a group of wolves and tigers from the Jiang family immediately held the poor Yunlou firmly!

"Mr. Jiang! You, what are you doing? We have completed the transaction and the two are cleared!"

Yunlou screamed desperately!

"Our transaction is indeed cleared, but then, should you count the loss you caused me by forcing me to break into my house?"

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