God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1023: This trade has lost

At the moment when the great devil was blowing loudly and triumphantly, a group of blue light suddenly lit up on the muzzle of the ion cannon!

The moment the blue light appeared, the big devil was immediately stunned!

Is this a gun?

It's totally different from the kind of stuff like a bobbin with a handle!

At this moment, he only felt that his soul was trembling!

will die!

If you are hit, you will die!

"——No! Let me go! Forgive me!"

At the juncture of life and death, the great devil struggled desperately outside, and begged desperately at the same time!

At this moment, what dignity, revenge, etc. were completely forgotten by him!

I even want to sign a slave contract!


"The whole family needs to be neat and tidy! Be my stuff!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!

"Bastard! Then die together!"

Seeing that there is no hope for survival, the big devil suddenly roared, and the blood flame on his hand bounced directly at Jiang Fan!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan had already pulled the trigger!


The immense recoil of the ion cannon made Jiang Fan's whole body tremble slightly!

In the next moment, a beam of incomparably bright blue light suddenly sprayed towards the great devil!

The blood flames emitted by the great demon were completely annihilated in front of the blue light without holding on to it for an instant!

In the next moment, the blue light had directly hit the head of the great demon!


The great devil didn't even have time to make a half-hearted howl, and his entire head had completely disappeared!


Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

Such a powerful big devil was killed by Jiang Fan with a single shot!

How did Jiang Fan do it?

First it was the armor that was so powerful, and now it was such a terrifying firearm!

Is the man in front of him really a normal human?

Isn't he a humanoid version of Tinkerbell?

"What are you doing in a daze? Pull out the second half of this stuff quickly!"

Seeing that the crowd was still dazed, Jiang Fan suddenly shouted!

Everyone reacted and hurried to drag the body of the big devil!

It's a pity that this guy died, the magic failed, and the whole body was swallowed by the magic circle again!

As soon as the 13th gritted his teeth, his right hand suddenly waved!


The big devil was directly cut off next to the magic circle, and half of his body finally fell to the ground!

"It's a pity, I originally wanted all of this stuff to come out before starting!"

Jiang Fan's face hurts!

If it's half missing, that's half of the causal point!

"Yuguangzi! Hurry up! Put it away and put it away!"


Yuguangzi trembled all over, and hurriedly broke up the body!

And Jiang Fan has already looked at Curtis!

"Come on, go on!"


Curtis knelt directly!

"Master! I, I admit I am bragging!"

"Please! Don't let me call again! Is it too scary!"

Curtis is old in tears!

He was scared to pee just now!

Jiang Fan is not afraid of this type of monster at the fourteenth level, but they can't hold it!

That is to say, this great devil has a tendon, and he has to attack Jiang Fan. If he needs to be replaced with any of them, he will be dead!

The fourteenth-level peak that broke out with all strength, that is a real monster!

"Don't persuade you, I'm afraid of a fart!"

"No, master, me, me, I'm cramped, I really can't call it anymore!"

Curtis cried and shook his head desperately!

Jiang Fan looked around and found that the others were also afraid, and finally sighed helplessly!

"Okay, I've been tired for so long, so let's rest!"

"Long live sir!"

"My lord is wise!"

A group of people smiled and ran away!

Yuguangzi also wanted to drive away, and dealt with the devil's corpse all night, but he couldn't stand it anymore!

It's a pity that he just took a step when he was stopped by Jiang Fan!

"Senior Yuguang, wait, help me see something!"

Yuguangzi had no choice but to look at Jiang Fan pitifully!

And Jiang Fan waved his hand, and he had thrown all eight tattered predator corpses to the ground!

"See if these things can be used?"

"Here, what is this?"

Yuguangzi was startled, and suddenly looked curiously watching!

And Curtis, who had had a cramp in his calf and hadn't had time to run, also leaned forward!

a long time!

Yuguangzi shook his head!

"Mr. Jiang, these things don't seem to have much value in refining tools!"

"Huh? Take a closer look!"

Jiang Fan felt cold, but it took him four hundred karma points to bring it back!

It's all money!

Yuguangzi looked at it again and played a few tricks, but unfortunately he shook his head in the end!

"There is indeed no value for refining!"

Oh shit!


Jiang Fan's face hurts!

At this time, Curtis's eyes suddenly turned!

"Master, why don't you give these corpses to me?"

"take it!"

Jiang Fan was disappointed and waved his hand directly!

When Curtiston put away a few corpses, he returned to his second floor enthusiastically!

And Jiang Fan looked directly at the causal point!

In the killing just now, the Shuiyu Zimother Sword reported more than 1,800 causality points, but unfortunately the ion cannon was used to kill the big devil in the end, otherwise it would definitely be worth a lot of money!

And at this moment, plus the previous ones obtained in the Predator World, the total number of causal points has exceeded 22,000!

Looking at the golden figures, Jiang Fan was in a slightly better mood!

It was already nine o'clock in the evening, and he ate something at random and went to bed to rest!

An Xin slept all night, and just after getting up the next day, Lu Zhenglong called!

"Mr. Jiang, many suspicious-looking people came to Los Angeles this morning!"

"Did you figure out your identity?"

"The specific identities are not clear, but these people all hold foreign passports!"


The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth gradually aroused!

Needless to say, it must be a group of commercial spies!

These guys are really anxious to send money!

"I see, is there anyone from Korea?"

"There is a group! But after they came, they went straight to the hotel and never showed up!"

"Hehe, it seems that they are preparing to do it before dark..."

"Mr. Jiang, do you need to catch them all?"

"No need! Let's keep them free! It's not time to kill the pigs yet!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and hung up!

Then, he dialed directly to Yin Binghua!

It took a long time for the phone to be picked up, and then Yin Binghua's lazy voice rang!

"Jiang Fan? Yawn~~ Why did you call me so early?"

"I may be leaving tonight, and I will arrive in Goryeo tomorrow morning at the latest. When will you leave?"

"Goryeo? Yawns~~ Why are you going to Goryeo?"

"Mu Tianzi passes on the fragments!"

"Well, yes... Then I'll go tomorrow, anyway, the auction will be the next night..."

"Okay! Then I'll be waiting for you in Goryeo!"

"Well, I'll sleep for a while..."

Before the phone was hung up, Yin Binghua's slight snoring sound rang!

"This girl is really lazy!"

Jiang Fan shook his head, and after breakfast, went straight to Blue Eagle!

If you are about to leave China, you have to assign some tasks to these bear kids first!

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