"Brother Jiang! Be careful!"

Seeing that Jiang Fan was still standing in the middle of the battlefield, Dianwei suddenly panicked, and as soon as he lifted his footsteps, he was about to rush out!

He didn't report much confidence in Jiang Fan's combat effectiveness. He came to Jiang Fan mainly because of Jiang Fan's ability to disappear last time!

With this speed, absolutely, he can take Cao Cao out of the siege!

Unexpectedly, seeing a group of people surrounded by murderous auras, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly flashed murderously!

Putting the bicycle away, Jiang Fan had already picked up a long knife on the ground, and then, unexpectedly, the army rushed in the opposite direction!

Dian Wei is stunned!

Zhang Xiu is stunned!

Even a group of soldiers who were rushing up yelling and shouting were also dumbfounded!

This person is too wild, right?

Nima! A person by himself, actually facing tens of thousands of army, counter-charge?

But, the next moment, a deep sense of humiliation spread to everyone!

Too arrogant! Too presumptuous!

That being the case, we soldiers, teach you how to be a man!

Almost for an instant, the two sides were already, almost Chichi!

Seeing that, after one step, the two sides will hit each other!

At this moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly yelled, and the long sword in his hand unexpectedly swallowed a half-meter long sword energy!

At the next moment, Jiang Fan had already laughed wildly, and the Nine Suns Scriptures urged to the limit, and he slashed in front of him with a fierce blow!


A splendid sword energy suddenly bloomed on the ancient battlefield two thousand years ago!

The screams, in an instant, resounded throughout the world!

Amidst the surge of sword air, countless stumps of limbs and broken arms flew up, and blood splashed up to a dozen meters high!

When all the sounds disappeared, Jiang Fan actually fanned out in front of him, and a blood-stained no man's land appeared!


Except for the whistling wind, on the huge battlefield, you can't even hear the sound of breathing!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with indescribable horror!

too frightening!

This is not a person, this is definitely not a person!

Kill God! This is the killing god!


Zhang Xiu felt that his calf was cramping, and he couldn't help but swallowed!

Even Dian Wei was shocked!

too strong!

Brother Jiang, is this amazing?

At this moment, there was a vaguely excited shout in the distance!

"Cao Cao! It's Cao Cao! I found him!"

Dian Wei was shocked!

"Brother Jiang! Go and save Cao Gong! It's too late!"

"What about you?"

"Don't worry about me! You go to rescue Cao Gong, we can break through!"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, took out all the Erguotou from his body and threw it to Dian Wei!

"Before I finish drinking, I will definitely be back!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he took out the bicycle again and went straight to the direction of the sound!

Dian Wei picked up a bottle of Erguotou curiously and unscrewed the cap!

In an instant, the wine is overflowing!

Dian Wei almost couldn't wait to take a sip, and then he looked shocked!

"Well! Good wine! Good wine! Such a strong wine, unheard of before! This is wine! Hahaha!"

"All the soldiers listen to the order and charge with me! Give time to the savior Jiang Fan!"


All the soldiers shouted together, and they rushed towards Zhang Xiu's army like Jiang Fan!

At this moment, near a small col!

I saw that Cao Cao was trapped here with dozens of remnants and defeated generals. The periphery was completely surrounded by hundreds of troops under Zhang Xiu!

"Cao Cao! You can't run away!"

"Hurry up and catch it!"

"Humph! I thought it was a hero, but that's all!"

"Haha, General Zhang has a brilliant plan. Once Cao Cao died, he would break Xuchang and the entire Central Plains at your fingertips!"

As for Cao Cao, hiding behind the mountain col, at this moment, he did not have the high spirits he had when meeting Jiang Fan for the first time, instead, his face was ashamed!

If you weren't addicted to beauty, how could you end up in today's field!

However, Dianwei is still holding Zhang Xiu's army at this moment, who can save himself?

"Chong! Catch Cao Cao alive!"

A lieutenant who besieged Cao Cao, shouted!

It's over, everything is over!

Cao Cao felt desperate!

Seeing that Zhang Xiu's soldiers had already rushed to the mountain col, even one of the soldiers was about to grab his collar by the hand!

"My life is over!"

Cao Cao, despair!

At this moment! The soldier who grabbed Cao Cao suddenly stopped, and immediately afterwards, his whole body suddenly rose into the air!

Actually, I flew out!

Cao Cao looked dumbfounded!

What type of situation is this? Okay, so it's flying?

Only in the next moment, he suddenly saw Jiang Fan with a smile on his face!

It turned out that the soldier just now was thrown away by Jiang Fan!

"Brother Jiang!"

Cao Cao burst into tears for a moment!

"Bold! Who are you?"

Zhang Xiufang, a man with the appearance of a school lieutenant, glared at Jiang Fan!

"I am your father!"

Jiang Fan sneered, then took the bicycle out and said to Cao Cao: "Get in the car!"

Cao Cao taught himself without a teacher, and immediately sat behind the bicycle!

The captain felt bad, and hurriedly shouted: "Go! Surround him!"

Hundreds of soldiers immediately surrounded Jiang Fan Tuan Tuan!

"Hand over Cao Cao! Otherwise, I will not forgive you!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"court death!"

Xiao Wei's face sank, and the long knife pointed at Jiang Fan!

"Give me, kill!"

In an instant, the shouts of killing shook the sky, and hundreds of soldiers rushed towards Jiang Fan!

Dozens of remnants in the small col tremble with fright! Even Cao Cao's face turned pale!

"Brother Jiang! What should I do?"

Jiang Fan sneered, and suddenly looked at Cao Cao!

"Hey, borrow a sword and use it!"


Cao Cao was still surprised, Jiang Fan had already pulled off the saber from Cao Cao's waist!

Just at this moment, the three fastest soldiers are already in sight!


The saber in Jiang Fan's hand suddenly came out of its sheath! Suddenly, a cold light flashing like autumn water!


The three soldiers trembled suddenly!

Then, even the man with a weapon was broken into six pieces!

The rest of the soldiers who were rushing up had their heart beating, unexpectedly, they didn't dare to step forward!

"What are you afraid of? He just grabbed all the weapons in his hand! Grab Cao Mengde and get a reward of ten taels!"

The captain yelled!

When a group of soldiers heard the words, their breathing suddenly became heavy!

Suddenly, pounced on Jiang Fan!

"court death!"

Jiang Fan smiled grimly, but instead of retreating, he moved forward!

With the long sword in his hand slashing left and right, no one is his enemy!

Almost in an instant, more than ten people were beheaded!

The blood stained the entire col in an instant!

"Oh my God! This man's force value, I'm afraid, is not under General Dian Wei!"

"More than that! You see that he walks lightly, his body style is more dexterous than General Dian!"

"And looking at him, absolutely, he hasn't done his best!"

"Who is this man? Is it another general recruited by the lord?"

"Unlike, this man has a very strong aura, didn't you hear that the lord is commensurate with his brother?"

"We are saved this time!"

A group of Cao Jun soldiers looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

On the other hand, Zhang Xiu's party has been frightened by Jiang Fan's methods! Almost where Jiang Fan went, a large vacant lot appeared immediately!

The captain suddenly panicked!

Who is this person anyway? Why is it so powerful? This strength is definitely the top military commander level!

"Don't retire! Give it to me! Kill him!"

The school lieutenant was sweating and shouted in panic!

"kill me?"

Jiang Fan laughed, and then, with a roar, he threw the sword in his hand!


The long sword turned into a stream of light and suddenly pierced the captain's chest!

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