God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1055: Find him and kill him

"Not urgent?"

Zhou Yancheng was startled!

"Yeah! It's agreed, you and I will join forces for a while and kill the George family guy!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!


Zhou Yancheng suddenly exclaimed!

"Speak down!"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"But, brother! Kill, why do you kill him?"

"Idiot! Don't you know what the Citizens are? They are typically insatiable! If Jiang Fan is slaughtered by him, wouldn't our Zhou family really have to fulfill the contract?"

"Yes, but..."

"Don't worry, kill him and push directly onto Jiang Fan!"


Zhou Yancheng gritted his teeth and finally nodded!

"But eldest brother, that guy is not low in strength. I'm afraid we won't be able to keep him with the two of us! It's better to call Zhou Yantang too!"

"No! Zhou Yantang and the others have to chase Jiang Fan, don't worry, I have a way to deal with him!"

Jiang Fanyin smiled compassionately!


At this moment, Jacob is running fast!

Unlike the others, the only master of the George family is Jacob. However, since he heard Zhou Yancun said that Jiang Fan was seriously injured and was able to exert his strength at level twelve at most, he contacted those six subordinates, and it won’t be long. , Those people can come over!

"Jiang Fan...Although the elder said to capture him alive, it is obviously impossible now!"

"But this kid is dead sooner or later, I believe the elders can understand!"

"Moreover, if Jiang Fan died in my hands, then the Zhou family would owe us a favor from the George family!"

"At that time, the family's power tentacles, maybe they can enter China!"

"That way, my position in the family will definitely go further!"

"It's even possible to enter the Presbyterian Church!"

Thinking of this, Jacob suddenly smiled expectantly!

"Hey! Family George!"

At this moment!

A voice suddenly sounded!

Jacob stopped and looked back!

What I saw was Zhou Yancun and Zhou Yancheng of the Zhou family!


Jacob looked cautious!

"Don't be nervous! I just want to form an alliance with you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


Jacob was stunned!

"Yes! Introduce yourself, Zhou Yancun!"

"...My name is Jacob! Jacob George!"

"Jacob, that guy from the Council of Light, what do you think?"

Jiang Fan spoke directly!

"You mean, Alstom?"

"Yes, it's him!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

"What do you mean?"

Jacob frowned tighter!

"Well, I'll make a long story short!"

"Of these forces of ours, only your George family is the same as my Zhou family. They are well-known families with a long heritage!"

"As for the Li family, it's just a nouveau riche! And the Illumination Council is even more of a group of lunatics!"

"Although I said just now that as long as Jiang Fan dies, I will give you a favor from the Zhou family, but if you can get this favor, I hope it is your George family!"

Jiang Fan looks serious!

Jacob's eyes moved!

"Zhou Yancun, shouldn't you be, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Hehe, Mr. Jacob is really smart! I want to join forces with you to kill Alstom!"


Jacob was stunned!

"You, are you crazy? Go to provoke those crazy people?"

"I'm not crazy! I just don't want the Zhou family to owe them favors!"

"Jiang Fan is absolutely bound to die today! But if the Council of Illumination gets the favor of my Zhou family, what will the lunatics do?"

"In case they want to enter the Huaxia mission, then my Zhou family will be in trouble!"

"If you don't agree to them, you will not only lose your credibility, but I am afraid that you will have to endure the revenge of those lunatics!"

"And if you agree, it will be even more troublesome! You know, the most taboo of China's Tianding Ten Extremes is that external forces enter China!"

Jiang Fan talked freely!

Jacob was silent, but from his twinkling eyes, he could tell that he was calculating!


"Helping you, what good is it for me?"

"Isn't the favor of my Zhou family enough?"

"Hehe, Mr. Zhou, everyone is not a kid, let's get some dry goods out!"

"Okay! I can sign a mutual assistance agreement with you on behalf of the Zhou family! In the future, the enemy of your George's family will be the enemy of my Zhou family, and vice versa!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, Jacob's eyes suddenly lit up!

Zhou Yancun's meaning is obviously a real alliance!

For a long time, the top powers of the East and the West rarely cooperate because of those rules, but the signing of this agreement represents the combination of two behemoths!

The benefits in the future are simply unimaginable!

But Zhou Yancheng was in a hurry!

"Big Brother——"

As soon as he spoke, Jiang Fan stared at him fiercely!

Zhou Yancheng shut up immediately!


Jacob finally nodded, and directly threw out a magic contract!

Jiang Fan smiled, calmly took a drop of blood from Zhou Yancun, and then bounced it up!

And Jacob also flicked a drop of blood!


A golden light shines from the contract!

Contract reached!

Jacob was finally completely relieved, he couldn't wait to look at Jiang Fan!

"What do you do next?"

"Find Alston and kill him!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

Jacob also squinted his eyes and laughed strangely!

Soon, a few people chased in Alstom's direction!

As the captain of the Judgment of Light, Alstom has always been confident of his own strength!

Therefore, he let the six judges work together, but he acted alone!

The Jiang Fan trio soon discovered Alstom!

He was standing at the top of a building at the moment, looking at a nightclub below with a look of disgust!

"A group of fallen sinners seduced by demons! These guys who lack integrity should all go to hell!"

Alston cursed and turned his head to look in another direction!

The terrain is good and it is in the center. He decided to wait here!

Once Jiang Fan's trace is found somewhere, he can rush over at any time!

At this moment!

"Swish swish!"

Three figures came straight over!

It is Jiang Fan three people!

"you guys……"

Alston frowned!

But before he could question, Jiang Fan already shouted angrily!

"Alstom! We are all looking for Jiang Fan, why are you still here in a daze?"

Jiang Fan's angry question made Alstom's slightly cautious nerves directly relax!

After all, if these people want to be disadvantageous to themselves, they must make a sudden move, how could they rush over so blatantly!


But just as Alstom relaxed, the moment he was about to speak!


Zhou Yancheng had already rushed up!

And Jacob grabbed his right hand even more!

Alstom's pupils shrank, and a holy light barrier suddenly appeared in front of him!

At the same time, he is going back quickly!


As soon as he moved, he realized that he didn't know how to stop, his ankle was firmly sucked by a puddle of mud!

At this moment, Zhou Yancheng had already smashed him with a fierce punch!


The light barrier laid by Alstom hurriedly exploded directly!

And Zhou Yancheng's punch had already hit his chest fiercely!


A bone crack suddenly sounded!

Alstom's two ribs were directly broken by Zhou Yancheng with a punch!

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