And at this moment, in front of the familiar altar, Solomon's Key, regarded by Green as even more annoying than a mouse!

Angelina looked gloomy and looked at the subordinates who came to report the news!

"Dead? Gargoyle and Ambiguous Demon, dead?"

"Yes, yes, yes lord!"

The men are trembling!

"The Council of Light! This group of **** mad believers! This group of trash is just as useless, only knowing the **** to flatter the God of Light!"

Angelina roared suddenly!

The terrible aura burst out from all over the body, and the bones under his hands all pressed "gluck"!

"Beast! Beast! Beast!!"

"The gargoyles are even more rubbish! They can't even do this little thing well, and they have lost their lives!"

"A bunch of trash! What use do I want you to do!"

Accompanied by Angelina's scream, everyone knelt down in horror!


Angelina panted for a long time before she looked at her subordinates coldly!

"How can the Illumination Council go!"

"According to reports, they seem to be for Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang Fan? Is that little guy still in touch with the Bright Council?"

"No, he seems to have offended the Council of Light, Alstom and the others seem to be going to kill Jiang Fan!"


Angelina's eyes widened suddenly!

Jiang Fan and the Guangming Council actually have an enmity?

This is kind of interesting!

"Where is Jiang Fan?"

"He has disappeared since those couples started fighting!"

"Hehe, what a cunning little thing!"

Angelina suddenly laughed!

She smiled, the momentum of her whole body suddenly reduced, and everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!

"My lord, the Illumination Council killed our two masters. Should we retaliate?"

The subordinate asked cautiously!

"No! Now is not the time. Since Jiang Fan is okay, don't participate in this matter anymore!"

"Let Huaxia continue to investigate the man who killed the **** Annie!"

"As for the Council of Light, once we succeed, they will feel better! Then I will throw all these useless worms into sulfuric acid and burn them alive!"

"Ah! The thought of that wonderful scene is really intoxicating! Haha, hehe, hehe!"



Jiang Fan opened his eyes lazily!

The sun was shining outside the window, and it seemed to be in the same mood as him!

After washing, Jiang Fan is about to find Yin Binghua and Fiona, at this moment!


The knock on the door suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan opened the door and saw that the two women had already arrived!

It's just that they look at each other from left to right, and there is obviously a trace of hostility in their eyes!

"Hi! Good morning, two!"

Jiang Fan smiled and said hello!


The two women looked at each other and actually entered the door together!

Jiang Fan was dumbfounded, and it was hard for them to have such a stalwart mind that they could actually squeeze in together!

"Jiang Fan, it's time to go back to China, right?"

Yin Binghua spoke!

"Back to China for what? He has another schedule!"

Fiona sneered coldly!

"Heh, when is it for us Huaxia people to be a foreign devil to point fingers at you?"

Yin Binghua sneered!

"You are so wide, is it his wife?"

Fiona sneered back!

"What about me?"

"Ha! Your age is about the same as his mother!"

"That's also stronger than you were before you were old!"

"what did you say!"

"Say you are old!"

"There is one more thing, you say!"

"Let me say ten words!"

"Smelly Sanba, you are looking for death!"

"Bitch, what did you say!"

The two women glared at them, the aura of their bodies was already undulating like waves!

Damn it!

If these two powerful women get involved, the entire hotel has to be blown up!

"Two! Two! Listen to me, let's calm down first, I haven't got the money yet, and now I'm going to suffer too much!"

"take money?"

The two women were startled at the same time!

"Yes! Take the money!"

"Whose money?"

"Li Family!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

At this moment!

"Jiang Fan!"

A gloomy male voice suddenly sounded at the door!

It was Li Zailie!

By his side, it is Jin Puji!

"Ah! My dear Shao Li, you are finally here!"

Jiang Fan didn't care about Jin Puji at all, stepping out one step, grasping Li Zaiyeol's hand!

"Come on, sit inside!"

Li Zailie was stunned by Jiang Fan's enthusiasm!

This kid is not surprised at the sudden appearance of himself!

Moreover, Jin Pu Jike is still here!

Is he not afraid that he is here to kill him?

Li Zailie's face was dumbfounded, but Jin Puji's expression was ugly!

Just now, although Yin Binghua and Fiona had only released a trace of aura, the powerful fluctuations directly lifted his heart!

Too tough!

He had a hunch that in front of these two women, he might not even be able to make a single move!

Damn it!

Why didn't I see him all night, so there were two more powerful beings beside Jiang Fan?

"Prince Li, tell me, how much do you plan to give me?"

Jiang Fan has already opened his mouth with a smile!

"You, how do you know I'm here to give you money?"

Li Zailie looked blank!

"I have to ask? You and the Zhou family are so stiff and endless! My big enemy of the Zhou family, of course, is your target!"

"You know what happened last night?"

"Nonsense! I do--hehe, as a poor person who is chased by you, of course I must always pay attention to your movements!"

"Humph! Your news is well-informed!"

Li Zailie sneered, took out a bank card and threw it on the table!

"Here is ten million. After taking the money, get out!"

"Ten million? Are you sure you are right?"

Jiang Fan looked at Li Zailie in surprise!

"Yes! Otherwise, what do you think?"

Li Zailie smiled proudly!

But Jiang Fan's face has sunk!

"Young Master Li, you are a joke that makes me not so happy!"

"A joke? Do you think I'm joking with you? Damn! Jiang Fan, do you know what you have done to me?"

"If it weren't for my father's instructions, I wouldn't give you a penny!"

"Now, take the money and get out! Otherwise Lao Tzu—"

"Old sister!"

Jiang Fan just threw it out!


A loud noise!

Li Zailie was pumped and turned abruptly, and then fell to the ground!

He was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

"You, you hit me again!"

"Yes! I just hit you again!"

"You! You! Jin Puji! Kill him for me!"

Li Zailie roared suddenly!

It's a pity that Jin Puji now has his head down, sweating profusely, like a quail!

Don't talk about hands, look at his appearance, as if he will faint in the next second!

Li Zailie is even more dazed!

what's the situation?

Why didn't Kim Pok Gil react at all?

"Don't call him, he hasn't passed out yet, his strength is already pretty good!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

Then, he squeezed Li Zailie's chin!

"Young man, I'll give you a chance, think about it, how much should you give me!"

"Xiba! Jiang Fan! You give me less—"


It's another big mouth!

After Jiang Fan pumped this stroke, he simply grabbed Li Zailie by the hair and picked him up directly!

Li Zailie screamed in pain, but Jiang Fan just smiled!

"Prince Li, are you curious, why did your dad ask you to come over and give me money?"

"Why, why?"

Li Zailie finally found out that something was wrong at this moment!

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