God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1074: One-two-two-two is not counted as alcohol

When the few people returned to Jiangzhai, they had already drank it here!

Wang Yizheng eagerly advised Fiona to drink!

"Miss Fiona, light emotions, licking, deep emotions, boring in a mouth! I have nothing else, Wang Yi, just enough man! Come on, let's go!"

After saying this, Wang Yi drank a goblet of spirits!

Fiona looked dumbfounded!

Do Chinese people drink so much?

However, it's really so bold!

Much better than hypocritical Westerners!


Fiona picked up the glass directly and poured it in in one sip!

"Good! Miss Fiona is arrogant!"

"Don't froze, fill it up quickly!"

"Come on, go on!"

"Drink and drink!"

"Wine is the essence of food, the more you drink, the younger you are!"

Encouraged by a group of people, Long Yan also had another fight with Fiona!

Then came Lu Bu, Da Shuang Xiao Shuang, Douglas...

Jiang Fan, who had just returned, looked at the wine bottles in the same place and was so dazed!

Are you raising a group of Jiumengzi?

"Wang Yi, what are you doing?"


As soon as Jiang Fan came back, Wang Yi smiled!

"Master, don't worry! We all know how to do it, man! I will faint this little girl in a while and send it directly to you, hehehe, you know~~~"

I know your sister!

I still have to do business after dinner!

Looking at Fiona with a red face, Jiang Fan was going crazy!

"Miss Fiona, drink less, we will have to..."

Jiang Fan couldn't help but persuade!


"It's okay! Fiona has nothing else. I'm not convinced by the amount of alcohol! Next, I will show everyone a bottle blow!"

Fiona was obviously drunk, and she picked up the bottle of wine and started pouring it directly into her mouth!


"The hero of the female middle school!"

"Yes! That's the way it is! One or two is not wine, three and two to rinse your mouth!"

"Miss Fiona, I'll take you with Long Yan! Come, I will respect you again!"

"Come on, everyone toast!"

The crowd shouted!

Now that the boss is back, his current performance represents the benefits in the future!

Jiang Fan must see the credit for persuading the wine!

Jiang Fan's forehead was almost blue veins jumping!

Feelings, these **** regard themselves as flower thieves!

"Miss Fiona, you are already too much, why don't you stop drinking?"

Jiang Fan persuaded again!


Fiona waved her hand!

"If people walk in the rivers and lakes, how can they not drink! If people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not drink high! Drink!"

Damn it? !

Actually, even Huaxia persuaded him to drink!

Jiang Fan raised his head to look at the sky, he almost wanted to die!



At this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone rang suddenly!

It turned out to be Tu Kang's call!

"Tu Kang?"

"Mr. Jiang, the people from Yaomen are here!"


Jiang Fan was startled, and then a yin smile evoked directly from the corner of his mouth!

There is a place for this anger!

"Remember all the steps I told you before?"

"Hehehe, of course I remember! I'm going to show them a good look!"

Tu Kang's voice is full of treacherous!

"Okay! Send the location, I'll pass now!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and shook his head as he looked at the group of people who were drinking too much!

"A bunch of bastards, keep drinking!"

Regarding this group of drinkers, Jiang Fan didn't bother to teach them. After all, he was terrified last night, so let them vent by the way!

Anyway, something really happened, it was only a momentary thing to force the alcohol out!

Leaving Uncle Zhong to preside over the overall situation, Jiang Fan took Curtis directly out of the Jiangzhai!

Soon, the two came to Honghe Street!

This is the only way to the Heisei Medical Center!

At this moment, Tu Kang and others have been waiting here long ago!

Seeing Jiang Fan coming over, Tu Kang immediately greeted him!

"Mr. Jiang, you are ready, just waiting for the group of people to come!"


Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!


A train drove quickly to the Heisei Medical Center!

Qian Xiangchuan sat in the back seat of the car with a smug look on his face!

Since the last time he was in Los Angeles, he had been crying when he returned to the medicine gate!

In short, all kinds of black pots desperately dumped on Sun Chuanyi!

The person in charge of the Northern Division is very clear about the grievances between the two, in fact, it is not just him, basically everyone knows what is going on!

However, due to the face of Qian Xiangchuan's son Qian Zhenxin, this person in charge still favors Qian Xiangchuan!

It's just that Sun Chuanyi obviously has a lot of friends in Yaomen, the two sides are fighting, after all, it is Qian Xiangchuan, who has a deep background, who has the upper hand!

Under the sign of the person in charge of the northern branch, the northern branch sent two tenth-level masters to Qian Xiangchuan this time to capture Sun Chuanyi!

Looking back at the two cars behind him, Qian Xiangchuan suddenly sneered!

With these two tenth-level masters, this time, not only will Sun Chuanyi be captured and tortured to death, he will also have that **** named Jiang Fan, life is better than death!

It's just that Qian Xiangchuan just raised the corner of his mouth, before he had time to laugh!


The car stopped suddenly!

Qian Xiangchuan was so overwhelmed that he knocked his head on the seat, and a big bag hit his head directly!

"Bastard! How did you drive!"

Qian Xiangchuan suddenly roared!

But the driver didn't care about him at all, and got out of the car in a panic!

Qian Xiangchuan was startled, and then got out of the car to take a look, and his heart was cold for a while!

problem occurs!

They hit someone!

In front of the car, an uncle was lying on the ground moaning in pain. On the ground, there were a few scattered tomatoes and broken eggs!

The surroundings are already crowded with people watching the excitement!

"Oh! This uncle is so miserable!"

"Yeah, walking on the road well, I was hit!"

"Cut, this car is almost flying when driving, don't bump into the talent blame!"

"Isn't it! Hey? Look at the car logo, luxury car! No wonder it's so arrogant!"

Several people around the front spoke one after another, and quickly spread the situation!


Is it flying?

This speed is not even sixty!

And it was obviously the old man who suddenly rushed out, OK!

Qian Xiangchuan looked dumbfounded!

At this moment, the driver suddenly whispered!

"Associate Hall Master, I'm afraid we've encountered a porcelain player!"

Touch porcelain?


It must be so!

Qian Xiangchuan's expression sank!

at this time!


The uncle groaned in pain, and pointed at Qian Xiangchuan tremblingly!

"You, what are you stunned, I was hit by you, don't you know how to help?"

"Help you?"

Qian Xiangchuan is usually in a high position, but because of having a good son, he has long been used to being arrogant!

Now that he knew that the other party was touching porcelain, he suddenly sneered!

"Old man, you deliberately corrupted people, right!"


The old man was stunned, and then suddenly looked sad and angry!

"You, why are you like this! Obviously you hit me, and now you bite me back!"

"I just want you to help me up, I never thought about asking for your money!"

"But now, if you don't help me, it's fine, you actually slander me!"

"You guys, you are so inhumane!"

The old man has a sad tone, full of sorrow and sorrow of being wronged, and helplessness in the face of evil forces!

Especially the plain face full of grievances, and the helplessness in the eyes, made people shed tears!

Qian Xiangchuan was stunned!

Could it be that I made a mistake?

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