God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1089: Hand over all the valuable things

Western egoism is rampant, and the roots of inferiority are simply carved in the bones, especially in modern society, if these things are willing to do things that are not good, then what a hell!

These guys are nice, but who knows what's going on in fact?

Otherwise, just for idealism, why do these guys control so many families?

And just listen to what Justin said, their attitude toward the Indian who drank the blood of the dark god, they knew that these people are by no means guardians of human beings!

I'm afraid they have other purposes too!

However, since the sword of thorns is against the gods and demons, it obviously has the strength of the slaying demons to kill the gods, which is amazing!

The most important thing is that since this group's goal is to kill the devil and kill the gods, it doesn't conflict with their own goals at all!

Whether it is a demon or a god, if you kill it, you can get a wave of rewards. If the corpse is sold, it will be more valuable!

No way!

You have to study the point reward system of the sword of thorns carefully!

This is really a shortcut to get rich!

Jiang Fan's eyes flickered, which was even more powerful than that of a computer with an overloaded CPU!

"Fiona, what is the structure of Solomon's Key?"

"Their structure is a bit similar to the Seventy-Two Pillar Demon God, headed by the Bloody Grand Duke, underneath there are four supreme four-pillar dukes, thirteen leading marquis, dozens of earls and numerous barons of viscounts... you killed them at the time. Gargoyle is one of the earls!"

(The grand duke is not the same as the duke, the grand duke is a term between the king and the duke, more similar to an independent monarch)


Hearing what Fiona said, Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

It's just an earl who has such terrifying strength. Isn't Solomon's key going to heaven?

"Fiona, is there an inevitable connection between title and strength?"

"This is not the case. The organization of Solomon's Key is very strange. As far as I know, there is an earl whose strength has reached the fifteenth level or above, but among the marquis, some people are not even tenth!"

now it's right!

Jiang Fan nodded!

Otherwise, according to this division of strength, Solomon's Key is simply invincible!

"But having said that, in the future, your lord, if you encounter a marquis, it is best to be careful. Some of these are not below our lord level! Of course, if you can kill a marquis, the organization will also give Your corresponding points are rewarded!"

"Points? How much is a marquis worth?"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

"It's not very sure, but the minimum is not less than 500 points!"

"so little?"

"This is already a lot!"

Fiona screamed directly!

"If I help you get out this time, I can only get 100 points! And your mission this time is only worth 50 points!"


Jiang Fan was out of interest!

But if one day the key to Solomon is captured and the book that summons the demon **** is obtained, doesn't it mean that there will be as many demons as you want?

What a causal point is it so special!

Jiang Fan's eyes were directly red!

But he immediately suppressed this ambition!

Now, because of my own strength, it is not the time yet!

Soon, the plane has arrived in Victoria City!

At this moment because of the time difference, here is the early morning!

As soon as she got off the plane, Fiona looked at Jiang Fan reluctantly!

"Master Jiang Fan, I won't be able to accompany you on the next trip! Here is a detailed description of this mission, and the information we found out!"

As Fiona said, she handed Jiang Fan a mobile phone directly!

Jiang Fan took a quick glance before nodding!

"Okay, Miss Fiona, what about you?"

"I need to go back to the headquarters of Everbright City. After all, Master Isaac's affairs are busy there, I can't leave for too long!"

"Then I wish you a smooth journey!"

"Um! Oh, yes!"

Fiona just wanted to leave, but suddenly stopped!

"Master Jiang Fan, you must be careful when you act. Although you have found out some information, there are too many uncertain factors in it. If you encounter any trouble, you must contact me!"

"I remembered, thank you!"

"You're welcome, then, goodbye?"


Watching Fiona board another plane, Jiang Fan and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief at the same time!

With such an incomparable existence by their side, they dare not communicate with each other casually!

"Master, what do you do next?"

"Perform the task! Is this still necessary?"

Jiang Fan smiled!

At the same time glanced at Justin's "corpse" in the backpack!

Although Jiang Fan is cruel enough, once he truly promises something, he will never break his promise!

He promised Justin that all the treasures in the mausoleum would be given to him, so he would never be unbelievable!

Now as long as the task is completed, find the tomb of the dark god, and then inject the soul into Justin, let him resurrect and it's over!


The perfect itinerary!

Hundreds of thousands of causal points, here I am!

Jiang Fan couldn't wait to look up to the sky and laugh three times!

When a few people left the airport, they suddenly saw a few taxis parked on the dilapidated roadside!

Jiang Fan got into a car casually!

"Go to Aloza Town!"

The town of Aloza is located at the foot of Mount Aloza in the Eastern Madre Mountains!

And Alorza Mountain is the location of the base of Solomon's Key!

At the same time in Alorza Mountain, there must be a spy of the Key of Roma in Alorza Town!

But Jiang Fan still went so blatantly, obviously he was paying attention to the attack, and didn't care about being discovered by the other party!

"Good sir!"

The driver looked happy, and at the same time he saw the appearance of a few people, he was immediately more happy!

It took three hours from here to Aloza Town. All the people except Jiang Fan started to close their eyes and rest their minds!

Drug dealers in Mexico are rampant and corruption is serious. Except for a few signature big cities, small places like this don't care about people's livelihood at all!

Less than 30 kilometers away from the airport, the concrete pavement disappeared, and there were potholes and mud everywhere!

However, the rest of the people looked complacent, and Jiang Fan was even more stable!

Soon, the car came to a small road surrounded by palm trees!

At this moment, the driver brakes directly!

And in the surrounding palm forest, more than a dozen strong black men armed with knives and guns rushed out!

"Hehehe, guys, you're at the place, get out of the car!"

The driver smiled sullenly!

Jiang Fan remained motionless, just sighed!

"I hate the sunspot! Apart from robbery, this group of **** don't know what to do?"

"There is no way for the master, this is the root of their inferiority! After all, the time from barbarism to civilization is too short!"

"Well, my knowledgeable necromancer, if you know so well, then leave it to you!"

Jiang Fan leaned back in the seat lazily!

"As you wish, my master!"

Curtis smiled!

The driver is dumbfounded!

Probably I have never seen such a calm person!

"Bastard! Don't you guys understand? Get out of the car!"

"Hand over all the valuable things!"

"Otherwise, I will kill you!"

"Also, this chick is really good, hehehe..."

Seeing the driver with a sullen smile, Christine, who was about to watch Curtis' jokes, changed his face!

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