"Jie Jie Jie, ha ha ha!"

"Ah! This sweet smell!"

"Humans are really the most delicious food in the world!"

"Great! Great! Hundreds of years! I finally have it again!"

The monster laughed loudly, and his three hideous faces were full of joy!

"Humans, did you call me out? Yes! Very good! I already know your wish. Don't worry, I will help you complete the "Key of Solomon"!"

Complete "Solomon's Key"?

In an instant, Jiang Fan suddenly understood!

The current purpose of Solomon's Key is not to summon some powerful demon at all!

They just need a microphone!

Just need a demon who understands how to complete the book "Solomon's Key"!

Because as long as that book is completed, the seventy-two pillar demon gods can all be summoned by that time!

In that case, the tasks of the rest of their divisions are the same?

It's just that, because Curtis is low-handed, this is done ahead of schedule!

Since the opponent is not strong, don't blame him Jiang Daguan who is rude!

"Devil, what's your name?"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!

"Damn human! You don't even understand the most basic etiquette? How dare you be so rude?"

The devil suddenly roared!

However, after looking at the corpse on the ground, it finally frowned!

"Forget it, I'll tell you my name! Listen well, I am the 23rd column among the seventy-two column demon gods-Aini!"

Aini smiled proudly!

"Seventy-Two Pillar Demon God!"

"Solomon's Key actually succeeded!"

"This is a real **** demon!"

Curtis trio looked shocked!

As a necromancer, Curtis knows more about **** demons than others!

Although alien demons belong to the same family as **** demons, the latter is more brutal and more cunning than the former!

This is especially true when the opponent is the famous 72-pillar demon god!

But Jiang Fan was stunned!

According to legends, Ainiqi’s image is a three-headed man. His three heads are the head of a snake, the head of a man with two spell Pentagrams on his forehead, and the head of a cat. The **** snake with red smoke!

He uses fire jade to burn everything he sees, he can give people wisdom, and can find hidden treasures!

But at this moment, Aini, except that it is indeed three-headed and possesses a big snake, the rest is obviously indifferent to this legend!

And ranked 23rd, which is definitely not low!

Even if it is the worst ranked, the strength should not be only the fourteenth peak!

Anyway, it is also a monster that has lived for thousands of years, or even longer, this is too ridiculous!

"You... why are you so rubbish?"

Jiang Fan couldn't hold back and asked directly!

"the host……"

"grown ups……"

The tears of the three Curtiss were coming down!

Your lord, you are really fearless. What a question you are, this is so clear that it is a mockery! And it's still a crit taunt!

In front of others, saying that people are rubbish, if this demon doesn't go crazy, I'm really sorry for his name!



Aini was furious!

This human being is so rude!

Actually dare to say his own strength rubbish!

"Damn human, I've decided! Even if you summon me, there is only one dead end!"

Aini stood up suddenly and looked at Jiang Fan gloomily!

"Of course! I was going to eat you too! After all, the flesh and blood of the strong is more delicious! Hehehe! Baby! Go, get him back for me!"

Aini suddenly whistled, and the next moment, he sat down on the big skeletal snake and rushed towards Jiang Fan!

The skeletal serpent was extremely fast, almost less than a second, had rushed to the edge of the altar, and bit Jiang Fan in one bite!

Seeing the snake head is close at hand, right now!


Jiang Fan suddenly shot, and he held the head of the snake with one hand!


Aini was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with shock!

His big snake is as high as thirteenth level, and the opponent is only twelfth level!

Under normal circumstances, this human being can't even resist!

"That's right, it's really impossible to solve me by relying on this waste!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, his true energy was already coming out of his body!

next moment!


A loud noise!

From head to tail, the big snake exploded into a sky of bone meal!

And in this bone meal, a roar of a big snake suddenly sounded!

Then a snake-shaped phantom suddenly appeared!

The image of this phantom is a hundred-meter-long snake full of flames and smoke!

The blood-red scale armor is harder than alloy at first glance. The hideous snake head is densely covered with countless sharp thorns. Even the teeth are not like normal snakes, but like sharks!

However, with the appearance of this phantom, an extremely dark vortex suddenly appeared in the sky, almost just a breath, and the phantom of the big snake was sucked in!

"I see! They are not the main body! They are just projections of hell!"

"Solomon's Key just summoned part of their souls!"

Curtis screamed suddenly!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, but then he gave a weird laugh!

That being the case, that's a polite fart!

And Aini was stunned

Even if it is a phantom, it is a genuine thirteenth level!

But now, there is no scum left by this human being!

Who the **** is this kid?

But just after he was stunned, Jiang Fan had already arrived in front of him!

"So fast!"

Aini's pupils shrank!

And Jiang Fan had already raised his fist, hit the head in the middle of him with a fierce punch, and blasted him up!

It's just that Aini Mingming has reacted, but he doesn't evade!

The corners of the mouth evoke a sullen smile!

Stupid humans!

The flame on my body is hellfire!

Before his fist can hit him, he has to be burnt to coke!

However, the next moment!


A loud noise!

"Oh my god~~!"

Aini screamed suddenly, and his entire jaw was shattered by Jiang Fan's punch!

He himself was bombarded and flew high, drawn a parabola, and fell directly into the magma with a "plop"!

Several people in Curtis were shocked!

Worthy of being the master, too cruel!

No one is accustomed to the temper, and the **** demons do the same!

The point is, is this demon a fool?

Seeing the fist arrives, don't you know how to hide?


Aini who fell into the magma rushed out almost instantly!

The magma enough to incinerate steel did not cause him any harm!

On the contrary, the flame on his body actually ignited the lava!

"Damn it! Damn it!!"

Aini snarled frantically!

This human being, he, he actually dared to beat himself!

The point is that he actually hit it!

Damn it!

How could his own **** flames have no effect on him at all?

This is unreasonable!

"Human! Who are you!"

Aini roared suddenly!

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