God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1097: New order scallion fried lamb

At this moment, Jiang Fan and the others, who were thinking of Adolf, had already taken a private jet to the city of Merida!

There, it is the real destination of Jiang Fan's trip!

And the tomb of the dark **** DiscoTripoca is located in a dense forest nearby!

The city of Merida is located in the Yucantan Peninsula of Mexico!

This is a huge plain area, but also one of the birthplaces of ancient Indian civilization!

After an hour of flying, the plane finally landed slowly in Merida!

According to Jiang Fan's instructions, the plane will directly cross the Yucantan Strait and fly to the opposite city of Delio in the next time!

Once Jiang Fan and others succeeded, they would cross the Yukantan Strait by boat, then join the plane, and then go to the headquarters of Everbright City to pay for the task and earn points!

And the reason why Jiang Fan is so troublesome is to cover people's eyes!

It's just that a wise man must have lost his mind. Seeing that a large number of causal points are in front of him, Jiang Fan has missed the driver's corpse!

The driver Donald got into trouble for Jiang Fan when he died. He was so shameless and stinking for thousands of years!

After leaving the airport, Jiang Fan and the others quietly broke into pieces, and followed the crowd into the city!

According to the plan, the few people only met in the suburbs after nightfall!

Jiang Fan avoided the airport camera all the way and walked four or five miles along the highway before he stopped a private car!

The driver was a little Indian, with beautiful long black hair!

It should be his girlfriend in the co-pilot, not pretty, but with a kind of heroism unique to Indian women!

"Hey! Chinese people?"

The little brother stopped the car and looked at Jiang Fan curiously!

"Yes, Chinese people!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

The little brother grinned suddenly and pointed at the back seat!

"I like Huaxia people! Get in the car! Friends!"

With the constant chatting in the car, the few people quickly got acquainted with each other!

The little brother is Sanchez, and his girlfriend is Millie!

But the little brother prefers to let Jiang Fan call them Indian names!

White horse, golden water lily!

In Mexico, there are only 10% of the real Indians, and most of the rest are of mixed Indo-European descent!

So the name is almost completely Westernized!

And more than 80% of the residents here believe in God of Light!

The largest South American branch of the Illuminati is in Mexico!

Fortunately, that branch is located in Mexi City, which is still some distance away!

White horses and golden water lilies are one of the few people who still believe in ancestral totems!

Soon, the car entered the city of Merida!

"Jiang Fan, where are you going?"

"Anywhere, I'm here to play!"

"Then you might as well go to our house! The golden water lily burrito is the best! And there is our tribe party tonight, nothing is more distinctive than this!"

White Horse is warmly invited!


Jiang Fan nodded immediately!

The other party is one of the few ancient tribe inheritors, and it is very possible to know some legendary stories!

You must know that in this land, the Mayan civilization, the Aztec civilization, and the Inca civilization are known!

If you inquire about the whereabouts of the tombs of a few false gods, it will be developed!

Soon, the car came to a residential area!

This place is composed of a large area of ​​two-story buildings, the walls are painted with bright colors, and in the center of these small buildings, there is a large courtyard covering a large area!

Seeing the white horse came back, many people said hello one after another!

Baima responded one by one, and soon brought Jiang Fan to a small building!

Jiang Fan didn't rest all night, and because of jet lag, he couldn't help but feel a little sleepy!

Seeing that he was a little tired, the two white horses immediately asked him to go to the bedroom to rest, while the two became busy, planning to show Jiang Fan a cooking!

After all, for all foreigners, only food that can be recognized by the Chinese people in the country of food is worthy of food!

Jiang Fan's sleep was extremely refreshing. After he went downstairs, he realized that the white horse and the golden water lily had already prepared lunch, and he was looking at himself with excitement!

"Jiang Fan! Look, this is the burrito of golden water lily, come and taste it!"

Baima grabbed Jiang Fan excitedly and wanted him to try it!

Jiang Fan stepped forward and was about to do it, but at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

In the next moment, a cheerful piece of music sounded directly in Jiang Fan's mind!

"Pleasant Goat, Beautiful Goat, Lazy Goat, Boiling Goat~~"

"Slow sheep and sheep are soft~~"

"Red wolf and gray wolf~~"

"Don't think I'm just a sheep, the green grass has become more fragrant because of me~~"

"The sky has become bluer because of me, and the white clouds have become softer because of me~~"

"Don't think I'm just a sheep, the sheep's cleverness is unimaginable~~"

"No matter how high the sky is, I will be as unrestrained as I am, chasing the sun every day~~"

This, isn't this animation god-given ecstatic? !

Could it be said that this can also be worn? !

Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

And the next moment, the sound of the system has sounded again!

"Ding! Please, for the wife who doesn't love her son and doesn't hurt her, who has never eaten a sheep in her life, the worst villain in history, Big Gray Wolf, please give us a piece of fragrant scallion fried lamb!"


Isn't it so special?

Jiang Fan only felt a trance in front of him!

He thought that wearing a SpongeBob SquarePants was evil enough before, but now he realized that the order of the system was simply a rogue crotch hitting a hammer-it was dangling!

However, finding a Chinese restaurant in this unfamiliar place is obviously unreliable, and you have to come by yourself!

"White Horse, is there any lamb?"

"Oh, yes!"

White Horse pointed at the refrigerator!

Jiang Fan immediately took out a piece of mutton and dropped the knife in his hand. In less than three seconds, a large piece of mutton had been cut into pieces of uniform size!

Next, Jiang Fan chopped green onions and fired the ingredients in one go!

Accompanied by the sound of "Zila", the mutton was put into the pot, and the rich aroma filled the whole building in an instant!

White horse and golden water lily were stunned!

The scent they smelled in their noses made them swallow heavily involuntarily!

Magical knife, magical cooking!

Huaxia really deserves to be a country of food. Picking up someone on the road, it can actually reach this point!

This is too exaggerated!

The point is, this dish is too fragrant!

Just smelling it, I can’t wait to swallow my tongue!

I want to eat!

I want to eat too much!

Soon, with Jiang Fan's last stir-frying, a big pot of fragrant scallion-flavored lamb was freshly baked!

Exactly, there are two copies!

One serving for three people, one serving for Big Big Wolf!

"You eat first!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly! Carrying another portion of mutton and ran directly upstairs!

Downstairs, Bai Ma first pinched a piece of mutton and put it in his mouth, his eyes widened!

I can't even speak!

After taking a bite, the golden water lily threw the plate of burrito into the trash can!

Jiang Fan had just arrived upstairs and had already uttered a low voice!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! About to enter-"Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf"!"

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