God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1111: Ning to be a Chinese ghost rather than a native of another country

The bachelor chapter? This number is too unfriendly to single dogs!


"Shut up! You should be punished if you make a mistake! I want you to have a shit!"

Jiang Fan scolded!

"Yes, but he is also a criminal!"

A group of prisoners looked dissatisfied!

"It's your shit! No matter how much I dare to talk, I will kill you!"

Jiang Fan became angry from embarrassment!

A group of prisoners trembled in fright and dared not speak anymore!

"Hey! You guys, what should you do now!"

Jiang Fan pointed at several prison guards!

"Huh? Ah! Yes yes yes!"

Several prison guards got in the car and ran away without saying anything!

Soon, the prison car has completely disappeared!

Only then did Jiang Fan take out the takeaway and handed it directly to Brian!

"Brian, your Yimeng fried chicken!"

"Ah! It smells good!"

Brian was overjoyed!

I've heard Doretto talk about the beauty of Chinese cuisine before!

Now, I can actually eat it!

Opening the takeaway box, Brian almost gobbled it up!

"It's delicious! It's delicious!"

"The chicken is smooth and the soup is rich!"

"The key is that this green onion is full of chicken juice, not only full of meat, but also with the sweetness of cooked green onions!"

"It's delicious! I have never eaten something so delicious in my life!"

The whole person Brian eats is almost flying!

Doretto and Miya's brothers and sisters were drooling!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and handed them the extra serving!

"There is one more, you guys eat too!"

"Huh? Great!"

The two were not polite, they opened the takeaway and ate it!

Soon, the three of them ate the two Yimeng Stir-Fried Chicken, almost licking the soup!

"It's delicious! Jiang Fan, do you know? Every time you show up, I am most excited not to be saved, but to be able to eat the Chinese delicacies you brought again!"

Dorito laughed!

"Yeah! Such a delicious food is so exciting!"

Brian and Mia are also excited!

"It's just a pity... Letty didn't have the chance to eat..."

Doretto's face dimmed in an instant!

At this time, he didn't know that Letty was not dead at all, but because of his memory loss, he became Owen Shaw's subordinate!

But Jiang Fan didn't say anything!

If you reveal the follow-up, it will definitely change the plot!

At that time, in this series, the thing that can be called an artifact, but it may not appear!

This is something he will never allow!

Moreover, their husband and wife will meet one day sooner or later!

Seeing a few people finished the takeaway, Jiang Fan was about to leave!

But at this moment!


The sound of the helicopter suddenly sounded from a distance!

Just look at the icon on it, it is the FBI logo!

"Jiang Fan! We are the FBI! I'll catch it immediately!"

"If we try to resist, we will kill you on the spot!"

"Repeat it! Jiang Fan! Surrender immediately!"

An arrogant voice constantly sounded on the big horn of the helicopter!

At the same time, on the road in the distance, two groups of convoys with live ammunition directly rushed out from the left and right sides!

Sure enough, the same as the system said!

As soon as Jiang Fan appeared, he was tracked by the FBI!

"Jiang Fan! What should I do?"

"There are too many people on the other side! I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to escape!"

"Damn it! I just escaped, I didn't think I was going back again!"

The Toledo trio looked unwilling!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Don't panic! With me, I'll be stable today!"

With Jiang Fan's voice, the three of them suddenly felt lightened for no reason!

That's right!

As long as Jiang Fan appears, there is nothing wrong with it!

Soon, the convoy came to the vicinity of a few people from left to right!

Then, with the sound of countless car door switches, hundreds of FBI agents have completely surrounded a few people!

The helicopter hovered over the heads of several people. The missiles and heavy machine guns on it had all been aimed at several people!

"Jiang Fan! Say it one last time! Surrender now! Cooperate with our research! We can give you a Citigroup green card!"

The big horn of the helicopter sounded again!


This temptation is simply a big temptation for the Chinese **** Muyang dog!

But Jiang Fan just sneered!

"Citigroup Green Card? You want me to get an infectious disease, right? Only for a fool!"

The crowd was stunned!

Wasn't Huaxia people once proud of getting a green card?

Why is it different now?

How do they know that there is a kind of dog who is born to lick!

And there is another kind of person who would rather be a Chinese ghost than someone from another country!

The reason why Huaxia has grown so rapidly in just a few decades is because of these proud Huaxia souls!

Contemptuously glanced at a group of FBI, Jiang Fan had already looked at Doretto and others with a smile!

"Think about where you're going in the future?"


All of them were taken aback!


Can you go out now without a word?

Do you think too much?

But Jiang Fan just smiled!

"I think... Rio is good!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Fan's body suddenly squatted slightly, and then suddenly took off!


In the eyes of everyone with their jaw dropped, Jiang Fan actually jumped up to a height of 30 meters!

Jumped directly to the height of a helicopter!

An FBI agent who was standing in the hatch of the plane and smoking a heavy machine gun was directly stunned!

The cigarette **** in the mouth fell directly!

Thirty meters high!


Are Chinese people all monsters?

But before he exclaimed, Jiang Fan had already abruptly added a silver sword in his hand!


The sword light flashed!

next moment!


The entire helicopter was suddenly broken into two parts in the horrified eyes of everyone!


A loud noise!

The helicopter was blown up directly!

With the propelling force of the explosion, Jiang Fan tilted his body slightly and rushed to the vicinity of another helicopter!


Another flash of sword light!

This helicopter also exploded into a ball of fire!

And Jiang Fan has already rushed out again!

In just five seconds, six helicopters were already in mid-air, completely turning into six bright fireballs!

"Six helicopters were chopped up with a sword!"

"Could it be that he is the sword fairy in the Chinese legend?"

"It's terrible! It's terrible! This is the real strategic weapon!"

"This is a humanoid nuclear bomb!"

"Huaxia, has it reached this point?"

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at the fireball falling from the sky blankly, it was like seeing a once huge rogue empire, slowly closing its curtain!


Jiang Fan fluttered to the ground, and then lazily looked at a group of FBI!

"Everyone, come out for me and kneel on the ground honestly!"

"If there are still people who are not obedient in ten seconds, I will see one and kill one!"

Everyone swallowed!

Then, he threw down the gun resolutely and knelt down in front of Jiang Fan without hesitation!

There is no one who would rather die than surrender!

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