With a system, it represents countless possibilities!

Compared with the temptation of a false god, it's like holding a hundred dollars in front of a billionaire and asking him to call himself Dad!

Too unrealistic!

Disco Triboca is completely stunned!

there has never been!

There has never been a mortal who can refuse his temptation!

Even the princess of Tulum at that time, the first beauty, was caught in her temptation and couldn't extricate herself from it!

But this mortal, not only resisted the temptation, but also had contempt in his eyes!

For an instant, Disco Triboca felt ashamed and angry in his heart!

"Mortal! You have provoked God's anger! Accept my anger!"


Accompanied by the roar of Disco Tripoca, the infinite darkness flooded the entire cave in an instant!

Curtis's hands were clearly burning with flames, but the flames didn't have the slightest light!

It was as if all the brightness in this world had disappeared in an instant!

Dark power!

In the divine power of Disco Triboca, he said that if there is no light, there will never be light!

"Hehehe, mortal! In this pitch black, just wait for me to be swallowed alive by me!"

Disco Triboca's voice is erratic!

In the next moment, he appeared in front of Jiang Fan suddenly, and grabbed Jiang Fan with a fierce claw!



A crisp sound!

Jiang Fan had nothing to do, but Disco Triboca's right hand was directly exploded into a cloud of black mist!

"This is impossible!"

Disco Triboca suddenly let out a scream!

How could this human body be so tyrannical?

And Jiang Fan had already clasped his neck with his backhand!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's eyes are actually shining strangely!

It seems that it is not disturbed by the power of darkness at all!

This is exactly the luminous eyes of Redick from the world of interstellar legends!

Redick's Luminous Eyes: Do you want to have Luminous Eyes? Just need a little surgery!

Note: After learning this skill, you will have a pair of eyes that penetrate the darkness! Even if there is no half of the light around, it will appear in your eyes!

With these eyes, darkness is not only a bondage, but Jiang Fan's best partner!

Disco Triboca could hardly believe his eyes!

Darkness is useless for this guy!

How is this possible!

Could it be that the power of the rules of his eyes is actually stronger than himself?

"Hehe, Disco Tripoca, you are so funny!"

Jiang Fan looked at the stunned God of Darkness with disdain!

"You, a mere thirteenth level guy, want to kill me too?"

Level 13!

The dignified God of Darkness has only thirteen levels? !

Although Curtis can't see anything, their ears are fine!

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, everyone was stunned!

How could the God of Darkness only have thirteen levels?

"Asshole! What if I only have thirteenth level! You are only twelve-level! You can't hurt at all..."

Before Disco Triboca finished speaking, Jiang Fan squeezed his neck directly!


A loud noise!

However, in the imagination, the scene of flying flesh and blood has not been produced!

Disco Triboca's whole person was directly blown into a cloud of black mist!

Then he left Jiang Fan's side far away!

"Hehehe, human, I have to admit that you are very strong! However, I am the embodiment of darkness, you can't kill me at all!"

The black mist regrouped into a body. At this moment, the disco Tripoca, not only had his neck unscathed, but even his right hand, which had been directly shocked, had recovered!

Only the hole in front of the forehead is still there!


Jiang Fan suddenly exclaimed!

"Hehehe! Nothing is impossible! Mortals can't kill me at all!"

Disco Triboca looked smug!

But Jiang Fan looked horrified!

"Crap! My strengthening ability only lasts for ten minutes. If I can't kill you and wait for my strength to drop to level twelve again, then I will be dead?"

"Oh? So this is not your real strength! It's just a certain ability of yours!"

Disco Triboca's eyes lit up!

But Jiang Fan was even more panicked!

"I, I was talking nonsense just now! I'm great!"

"Really? Let's see the result in ten minutes!"

Disco Triboca gave a gloomy smile!

And Jiang Fan suddenly dragged Curtis and others to his side in a panic!

"Master, what are you holding back? Why do you want to lie to that idiot?"

When Curtis heard Jiang Fan's words, they understood what was going on!

Immediately passed a voice through mental power!

"It's easy to kill this idiot, but since he is still alive, he must know where the **** of war is buried! Maybe, he can find out the news of the demon god, don't talk, just cooperate with me!"

Jiang Fan quickly spoke in Huaxia dialect!

Even if these gods can really understand all languages, the Huaxia dialect is the most amazing thing!

Take it out to foreigners alone, it's all another language! Even password language!

Not afraid of eavesdropping at all!

And hearing Jiang Fan's words, the three of them were speechless!

I rely on!

The master is... it is really shameless!

After a minute of silence, Jiang Fan suddenly said nervously!

"Disco Tripoca, shouldn't you be dead? Even the blood has been shed. How did you survive?"

The God of Darkness, who has been lying in the coffin for so many years, is probably suffocated!

Hearing this, he smiled proudly!

"Hehehe! Thank you so much for this!"

"Although you shed my blood and caused me to lose a lot of divine power, but the same, you also took away the poison contained in my blood!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to resurrect again!"

"Back then, Huizilo Pochetli and Trakhupan wanted to kill the feathered snake **** Kukulkan and rob him of his godhood!"

"But Kukulkan is too powerful. He was the only true **** on this continent at the time! To kill him, he must first destroy his power of faith and let him enter the backlash period of damaged godhood!"

"So we kept launching wars and massacring his followers!"

"Almost succeeded! Kukulkan is already weakened to the extreme! Seeing that we will succeed!"

"But at this critical moment, the **** of Trakhupan actually betrayed us, let the high priest of the Toltec tribe and countless strong men take action, and severely wounded us!"

"And that **** secretly attacked and took away the source of God we finally cultivated!"

Disco Triboca's voice is full of endless resentment!

His right hand stroked the scary hole in front of his forehead!

There, it was his source of God before!

And the source of God is the beginning of the formation of the Godhead!

It is also the source of power for gods and demigods!

No wonder the wound on his forehead cannot be healed. That kind of wound is the wound that touched the origin, and it can't be healed at all!

And it is precisely because of the seizure of the source of the gods and the loss of the blood of the gods that the strength of Disco Triboca has dropped to such an unbearable level!

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