God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1132: Things are big on my side

Baidi Sword: Gold level!

Level requirements: None!

Attribute: This sword represents an extremely noble identity. Holding this sword, you can order all the soldiers and horses under Liu Bang's account!

Note: Liu Bang cut the white snake and forged this sword with snake skin, snake bone, and snake beads! Holding this sword is too expensive!

Tip: This equipment is fragile, please keep the host carefully!

"This, this is the Baidi Sword?!"

"It's the King of Han's personal sword!"

"It is said that this sword was given by the King of Han to an immortal figure who is strong enough to shake the King of Western Chu!"

"Could it be this person?"

A group of soldiers trembled!

And Jiang Fan was already angry!

"Knowing that it is me, dare to be presumptuous!!"

Jiang Fan itself is extraordinary, and when the Baidi sword is out, his face is angry, it is as if the emperor is angry!

For a moment!

"Plop! Plop!"

Hundreds of elite soldiers all panicked, and they all knelt down involuntarily!

"The general calms down!"

"It's me who is awkward!"

"General forgive me!"

"I'm waiting to know that I was wrong!"

A group of soldiers begged for mercy!

"Huh! Where's Liu Bang? Let him come out to see me!"

Jiang Fan shouted coldly!


A group of soldiers hesitated, one of them hurriedly spoke up boldly!

"General, King Han is very ill and can't get out of bed, I'm afraid I won't be able to welcome you!"

"Seriously sick?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Take me to see him!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Soon, a few soldiers led Jiang Fan to a huge camp!

Along the way, everyone who saw Jiang Fan respectfully saluted!

And at the door of the big tent, at this moment a very strong man has a worried look on his face!

When he saw Jiang Fan coming, he was taken aback, then rubbed his eyes directly!

next moment!

"Hahaha! Jiang, Jiang Fan! You, you came! Great! Great!"

The brawny man danced with excitement!

This person is actually Fan Kuai!

Seeing Fan Kui's expression like this, everyone around him changed their colors!

That's right!

To make General Fan Kui so excited, this person must be the only peerless fierce who can compete with the Overlord of Western Chu!


In an instant, everyone looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Fan Kuai, you are still the same! Take me in!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Fan Kui hurriedly opened the big tent and walked in with Jiang Fan!

This big tent was extremely spacious, and Jiang Fan only discovered after going in that there were still many people inside!

In addition to the familiar Zhang Liang, there are also several men in armor!

Obviously they are all military generals!

In addition, there is also a man with an elegant appearance in a long robe just like Zhang Liang!

It's just that this person's eyes are deep, obviously not an ordinary person!

When he saw him, Jiang Fan had a name directly in his mind——

As soon as Jiang Fan came in, an extremely weak and panicked voice rang!

"Chen Ping, hurry, help me see, what is Fan Kui shouting? Could it be that Xiang Yu's servant is calling?"

This voice is exactly Liu Bang's!

"Han Wang, not Xiang Yu, but a..."

The man spoke directly, and at the same time looked at Jiang Fan with surprise!

Who is this man who entered the big account?

Such an attitude is stronger than Hanwang!

And Jiang Fan's eyes are already bright!

Sure enough, he is really Chen Ping!

The three most famous advisers under Liu Bang are Zhang Liang, Xiao He, and Chen Ping!

From the beginning of the battle for hegemony between Chu and Han, Xiao He has always stayed in Hanzhong and managed the rear for Liu Bang!

Then the identity of this person is ready to be revealed!

Chen Ping!

Before the gulf and peace talks, when Liu Bang was trapped in Xingyang, it was Chen Ping who suggested donating tens of thousands of catties, which separated Xiang Yu's ministers and caused Xiang Yu's important counselor Fan Zeng to die of anxiety!

In the sixth year of Gaodi (201 BC), he suggested that Liu Bang pseudo-Yumengmeng and arrest Han Xin!

The following year, Liu Bang trapped the Huns in Pingcheng (now north of Datong, Shanxi) for seven days and seven nights. Later, he adopted Chen Ping's strategy and heavily bribed Maodun Shanyu's Yan clan before he was able to escape the siege!

As for other small tricks, there are too many to list!

It can be said that without Chen Ping, even if Liu Bang can win the dispute between Chu and Han, it would never have been won so quickly!

Unexpectedly, this time, I actually met him!

But before Chen Ping finished speaking, Fan Kuai's laughter sounded!

"Han Wang! It's not Xiang Yu! It's Jiang Fan! Jiang Fan is here! Hahaha!"

And Zhang Liang was also happy, and directly bowed his hand to Jiang Fan!

As for the others, they exclaimed even more!

"Jiang Fan?"

"He is Jiang Fan?"

"The enemy of 10,000 people mentioned by the King of Han?"

"A peerless powerhouse who can force the King of Western Chu?"

But Chen Ping's eyes lit up, and he looked up at Jiang Fan with piercing energy!

Liu Bang and others have mentioned this person to him more than once!

He thought he was exaggerating before, but now he only looks at his tolerance, this Jiang Fan is a dragon and a phoenix among people!

If the King of Han really said, with this person's help, the King of Han will become the emperor, it will definitely be just around the corner!

With the exclamation of the crowd, there was a sudden "plop" on the low couch behind them!

Someone fell straight down!

But before everyone could react, a man barely got up from the ground and rushed out crying and staggering!

Then, he threw himself under Jiang Fan's feet and hugged his thigh directly!

"Jiang Fan! Why did you come here! Scared me to death!"

"Uuuuu...it's so scary!"

"If you don't come, I will be scared to death!"


Needless to say, it is definitely Liu Bang who cried so hard!

Seeing Liu Bang's appearance, the crowd was all stunned!

"Han Wang!"

"Han Wang! You, what are you doing?"

"Quick, get up!"

"No matter how great Jiang Fan is, he is also your subordinate, so it's worth making you—"

Several generals frowned, and they were going to help Liu Bang!


"Fuck your mother! Who told you he belongs to me? He is my elder brother! My benefactor!"

"Hurry up and kneel down for Lao Tzu!"

Liu Bang suddenly roared!

Then, he looked at Jiang Fan pitifully!

"Brother! Brother! You must save me! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... "

The crowd was completely confused!

Unbelievably wide-eyed!

This Jiang Fan actually has such a weight?

Too, too exaggerated, right?

However, seeing Liu Bang's anger, no one dared to talk back, and they all knelt on the ground honestly!

Only Zhang Liang and Chen Ping half-bow!

In ancient times, there were fewer scholars and fewer counsellors!

Any one is precious wealth!

So the status has always been extraordinary!

And in order to win over talents, as long as it is a Ming master, all wise and virtuous corporals, and there are even those who bow down to celebrities and ask for advice!

This is the benefit of eating with your head!

"Okay! Stop howling, get up quickly!"

Jiang Fan mentioned Liu Bang impatiently!

But seeing what Liu Bang looks like now, he was taken aback!

I'll take it~~

At this moment, Liu Bang's face is full of big acne, and his mouth is full of blood blisters!

The most important thing is that his face is as pale as paper, his body is sweaty, and his heart rate is terrible!

This is not only getting angry, it is also typical of being frightened!

What's going on to scare him like this?

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

But the most important thing now is to heal him!

Jiang Fan is going to take out takeout!

But Liu Bang changed his color!

"Wait! Jiang Fan, you, are you going to give me takeaway?"

"Otherwise? I came here to deliver you food!"

"Then, when I finish eating, are you leaving?"

"of course!"

"No, it won't work!"

Liu Bang is in a hurry!

"You came so hard, but you must never leave again!"

"My side, things are big!"

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