God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1134: You are not a conspiracy

Do not worship in pilgrimage, the fief belongs to itself!

If you don't pay tribute, you don't pay the national tax!

Qianliangbing crossbow, make your own at will!

Under one person, a country within a country!

This is the king of the word side by side!

A country in a country, a king of kings!

As soon as Chen Ping spoke, everyone looked at him incredulously!

Those generals even stared out!

Even Zhang Liang and others were stunned!

With Jiang Fan's ability, if this is true, the future will definitely be even more exaggerated than Xiang Yu!

But Liu Bang looked overjoyed!

"Right, right, right! One word side by side!"

"Jiang Fan! Brother! As long as you make a move, I will—"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already raised the corners of his mouth, and gave Chen Ping a gentle look!

But at this glance, Chen Ping's expression changed drastically, and he couldn't help taking a step back!

too frightening!

This look!

This look is extremely gentle, even with a hint of appreciation!

However, it was such a look with an insight into the human heart, as if to see his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys with a transparent and terrifying penetrating power!

"General, general..."

At this moment, Chen Ping only felt fear in his heart, and his whole body was trembling!

The usual unfavorable lip service, even more complete sentence can't be said!

"Mr. Chen, remember, I am neither Fan Zeng, nor Xiang Yu! Do you...understand?"

Jiang Fan spoke calmly, even with a slight smile!



Chen Ping actually fell to his knees directly!

"Yes, yes! Chen Ping knows! General forgive me!"

Everyone was stunned!

The eyes are full of shock!

Chen Ping, actually kneeled!

For Liu Bang, he has never done this before!

What happened just now?

This Jiang Fan just glanced at him!

How could the power of this look be so exaggerated!

For a while, everyone looked at Jiang Fan with indescribable fear!

And Jiang Fan finally smiled lightly!

"Very good! I like smart people!"

"Yes, yes, thank you for the general's false praise! After Chen Ping, don't dare to be unhappy again!"

Chen Ping was even more frightened, trembling all over!

But when he heard this, Zhang Liang's expression changed abruptly!

Almost angrily, he gave Chen Ping a fierce look!

And Liu Bang was dumbfounded!

I have no idea what happened!

But it seems that Jiang Fan must have rejected this proposal!

"Brother! Brother, you can't ignore me! If you don't make a move, I'll be dead! Xiang Yu is too cruel! Now, no one can stop him except you!"

Liu Bang blinked and cried again!

Jiang Fan was upset by his crying!

"Okay, the frontal battlefield is impossible, let's be realistic!"


Liu Bang's face was crying, but Jiang Fan was obviously determined, and he started to ponder his teeth!

At this moment!

"Jiang Fan, originally we had an appointment with Han Xin and Peng Yue to send troops together, but these two turned back, which made Han Wang fall into this field! If you are scrupulous about friendship and refuse to take action against Xiang Yu, it is better to help Han Wang persuade these two personal?"

Zhang Liang suddenly spoke!

Everyone's eyes lit up!

Liu Bang jumped straight up!

"Yes! Brother! Han Xin and Peng Yue, these two bastards! I was so good to them in vain, but at the critical moment, I dropped the chain! This is the one who rushed to kill me!"

"You have to avenge me! Not to mention killing them, let them send troops!"

Liu Bang begged desperately!

At the same time, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes!

It was also this time that Liu Bang had a murderous heart against Han Xin!

After all, Han Xin is now pushing him to death!

"All right, I will help you find them!"

Jiang Fan finally spoke!


Liu Bang was directly excited!

But at this moment!

"Han Xin is in Qi, and Peng Yue is in Liang. The two places are more than a thousand miles away from here. I am afraid that it has been seven days since General Jiang rushed over! By then, King Han will be injured..."

Chen Ping finally spoke cautiously at this time!

"It's okay!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and went directly out of the big account!

The crowd was startled, and hurriedly followed out!

I saw a handy move, and suddenly there appeared a wing span of more than two meters under my feet, and the whole body was filled with a streamlined strange metal body!

This thing is from the Spider-Man world, the Demon Flying Machine!

Demon Aircraft (Bronze): Flying equipment!

Level requirement: Level 9!

Maximum speed: 500 km/h!

Load: 200 kg!

Weapon load: 4 micro missiles! 2 impact blades!

Remarks: This equipment can only be manipulated manually due to the lack of green magic armor and brain collocation!

Everyone was stunned when they saw this thing!

"This, what is this?"

"It seems to be metal, but I have never seen this material!"

"So beautiful! It's not like anything!"

The crowd looked surprised!

And Jiang Fan has waved his hand at the crowd!

"Wait for a while, I will come as soon as I go!"

As soon as the voice fell, the demon flight suddenly started and rose to the sky!

Its speed is so fast that it disappears in a blink of an eye!

"Well, could this be the legendary flying sword?"

"too exaggerated!"

"It turns out that Jiang Fan is actually an immortal!"

"No wonder King Han is so respectful to him!"

"That, then we just..."

Several generals suddenly reacted, and their faces were pale!

Just now they actually despised Jiang Fan without knowing it!

It's just looking for death!

And Chen Ping sat on the ground even more!

His throat twitched twice, and he didn't come up in one breath, and he fainted!


"Mr. Chen!"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Quickly, quickly! Find the doctor!"

The crowd is in panic!

But here it is!

"What kind of doctor! Let him die!"

Zhang Liang suddenly roared!

Everyone was stunned!

Liu Bang was even more surprised!

"Ovary, you, why are you saying this?"

"Han Wang! You still don't know what he said to Jiang Fan just now?"

"This... Mr. Chen just wanted to use one word to win over Jiang Fan. That's okay! Anyway, he rescued me twice. It doesn't matter if you give it!

Liu Bang made a fuss!


"Han Wang is confused! How could Chen Ping think so simple! He wanted to trap Jiang Fan with the word of the king's Xunuo first, and then wait for Xiang Yu to die, and then get rid of Jiang Fan!"

Zhang Liang looked angry!


Liu Bang was stunned!

No wonder Chen Ping was so scared by Jiang Fan!

This is obvious, Jiang Fan has already seen through his mind!


Liu Bang was so furious, he raised his big toes and kicked Chen Ping!

"Are you a tiger?"

"Jiang Fan dare to fight any idea!"

"I still think I have a long life, right?"

"A particularly Xiang Yu almost scared me to death! If this offends even more fierce Jiang Fan, I will have nowhere to die!"

"I'll kill you! I dare to come up with any JB idea! You are not a counselor, you are a thunder who specializes in attacking me!"

Liu Bang scolded while kicking!

It is a pity that he is weak, and Chen Ping is too scared to wake up!

The crowd looked pale!

In normal times, Liu Bang is even closer to Chen Ping than to his father. It is unexpected that because of Jiang Fan, he would go straight to his feet!

This Jiang Fan's position in Han Wang's heart is simply unparalleled!

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