God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1150: The battle of the top designers

As soon as Pierce spoke, Edward and Pete were both stunned!

Pete is the top model!

It can be said that as long as he is there, even if Edward asks him to wear stockings, he can be invincible!

What's more, for this competition, Edward has worked hard!

I designed all my understanding of clothing on the ultimate costume!

He is confident that the combination of himself and Pete is definitely the strongest on the surface!

But Pierce is so arrogant!

Also, who is Mr. Jiang he said?

The two followed Pierce's gaze, and suddenly saw Jiang Fan beside him!

Just a glance, the two looked different!

Pete's eyes were filled with jealousy for an instant!

damn it!

What a handsome Chinese guy!

The eyebrows, the eyes, and even the corners of the mouth raised with a bit of cynical cynicalism, are perfect!

Hang yourself completely!

Moreover, although this kid is wearing a loose casual suit, his exposed arms are full of power!

It's almost ten thousand times stronger than my own figure that is shaped by fitness diet and protein powder!

As for Edward, who has the same name as Praying Mantis, the face that was originally full of arrogance changed almost instantly!

As a top costume designer, he, like Pierce, possesses the ability to estimate the body of the other person at a glance!

Although Jiang Fan is wearing loose clothes, he can still see a hint!

"Impossible! This kid's skeleton frame is so perfect!"

Edward was shocked directly!

The body of the opponent is almost a match for Pete!

Where did Pierce find such a character?

"Hmph! I saw it? It seems that Edward is not a fake! But even if you can see it, you will lose!"

Pierce was smug!

"Huh! Although this kid has a good figure, I saw that he was walking just now and he obviously hadn't received special modeling training! Pierce, you are too happy!"

Edward reacted immediately and smiled contemptuously!

The figure of the model is certainly one aspect, but there is another important thing about the catwalk!

No matter how perfect the costume is, the model must have the ability to interpret it!

This Chinese, surnamed Jiang, obviously doesn't possess this quality!

And hearing this, Pierce's face was finally a little hard to look!

Jiang Fan's figure is indeed perfect, but he hasn't walked the runway, this is definitely a flaw!

But until now, we must not persuade!

"You know what a shit! Mr. Jiang's strength will definitely exceed your imagination!"

Pierce looked arrogant!

"Pierce, your ability to pretend to be a force really makes me obsessed! But the strength, hehehe, I am waiting for you to quit the design circle!"

Edward sneered at Pierce, and then looked at Jiang Fan proudly!

"As for you, boy, you have a very good figure and definitely have the potential to become a supermodel! But Pierce is about to withdraw from the stage of history. If you want to continue to develop on this road, and the show is over, you can come to me!"

After saying this, Edward smiled triumphantly, turned and left!

However, Pete, who was following him, suddenly looked hard to look at, and gave Jiang Fan a fierce look!

This kid is so handsome. If he really takes refuge in Edward, he will definitely become his own rival after training for a period of time, and even leverage his status as a man in the modeling industry!

No, the catwalk is over, we must find a way to abolish him!

Seeing the two left, Pierce's face suddenly collapsed!

"Damn it! Edward this bastard! And Pete, this bitch, dare to lie to me! Mr. Jiang, you, you must show your strength today!"

"Don't worry, if you lose, I will kill this Edward directly!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

In an instant, all the cold sweat on Pierce's forehead came down!

"This, this, isn't it!"

With Jiang Fan's violent temper, maybe it could really kill Edward!

"Mr. Jiang, let's go backstage first!"

"Okay! By the way, this catwalk should be broadcast on every TV station, right?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

"Of course! Not only the city that never sleeps, but all the major TV stations in Citigroup have reporters here!"

"I can rest assured that!"

Jiang Fan's eyes are like a spider looking at mosquitoes and flies!


The two have reached the dressing room backstage!

Unlike others, Jiang Fan is a single room here, a dressing room and changing rooms are all available, and there is even a sofa for rest!

On the hanger, a set of clothes covered by delicate fabrics is hanging right now!

It seems that this is Pierce's killer!

"This is your final finale?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

"Yes it is!"

Pierce's eyes were suddenly full of enthusiasm!

"Mr. Jiang, this suit is a costume that I put all my energy into according to your temperament and figure!"

"It's not just a costume, it's a sublimation of my spirit!"

"Represents all my insights and experiences in design over the years!"

"It also represents my original dream, and the love of design, not forgetting the original heart!"

"Mr. Jiang, please see, this is where my life's effort lies. Only you can control it-the black emperor!"

As Pierce said, he walked to the hanger, and then opened the cover!


Surrounded by dynamic music, the battle of this peak has finally begun!

Numerous models with almost perfect body proportions, one on the left and the other, wearing the works of the two top design masters, began the catwalk!

Almost just the opening, the scene reached a climax!

"Oh my God! Worthy of being a top master!"

"This kind of work is simply unimaginable!"

"It's 10,000 times stronger than those big-name fashion week catwalks!"

"The key is that these costumes are not the kind of grandstanding thing, but the top production that can really lead the trend!"

"A worthy trip! A worthy trip!"

The crowd was so excited!

"Look at that dark purple dress! Few designers dare to use this color!"

"Yes! But such a strong color can neutralize the tone just through the design, but it highlights a touch of elegance. Pierce is worthy of being a real master!"

"No! Look at the jumpsuit designed by Edward. Although the black and white pattern is not uncommon, his design breaks the boundary between man and the world! It's almost like seeing the overlap of two worlds! "

"The point is that the tight trousers of that dress, putting Buddha on it is the shackles of the world!"

"Perfect! What a top-notch design!"

"I can't imagine it! Any set of clothing here is absolutely qualified to be on the front page of major magazines!"

A group of critics whispered, blushing with excitement!

It's so exciting!

Witnessing such a duel with my own eyes is simply a blessing for Sansheng!

It can be said that the peak showdown this time is a real gluttonous feast in the design circle!

Unlike them, countless reporters are desperately pressing the shutter, almost not wanting to miss any frame!

At the same time, various broadcasts spread across the entire Citigroup via the Internet in an instant!

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