God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1157: He is in the internet cafe

Getting rid of the tracking, Jiang Fan went straight into a movie theater!

Anyway, idle is idle!

Watching a movie for an hour with a group of viewers, the phone finally rang!

"Jiang Fan, where are you?"

"Watching a movie, I will send you an address!"

"Look, watch a movie?!"

Fiona was stunned!

Soon, the two met downstairs in the cinema!

Fiona was even more shocked when she saw Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan is actually watching a movie!

The people of George's family all over the world are looking for him!

"Have you brought the information?"

"Oh, here it is!"

Fiona agreed, and immediately handed Jiang Fan a USB flash drive!

"Jiang Fan, all the information about that ruin is in it!"

"Okay, got it!"

"Also, Master Isaac asked me to tell you, this time, you must be careful! Especially, if you encounter a night monster, you can avoid it!"

Fiona's tone suddenly became extremely solemn!

Jiang Fan couldn't help but startled!

"But didn't Isaac say before, I hope I'd better kill the night demon?"

"Yes, Lord Isaac did mean that before, but between killing the Night Demon and losing you, he is more willing to keep you alive!"

"In addition, the lord also said, if you can't do anything, don't take risks. Living is more important than anything else!"

Fiona looked solemn!


Jiang Fan slowly spit out a foul breath!

How tyrannical is this Night Demon?

So that Isaac didn't have much confidence in himself?

No, in other words, Isaac's concern for himself has surpassed this mission!

No matter how deep Jiang Fan City Mansion is, he can't help it this time!

"Fiona, why is Isaac so good to me?"

As soon as the problem came up, Fiona was visibly startled!

"This...I don't know too much, but you may not know, your lord is injured!"

"I know, I noticed it yesterday!"

Jiang Fan said!

"Then you know, the adult is injured, does it have something to do with you?"

"It has something to do with me?"

Jiang Fan was completely stunned!

"Yes! I don't know exactly how it is. I just heard Master Joshua say, the original saying is: You actually paid such a high price for that kid!"

After Fiona finished speaking, Jiang Fan was silent directly!

for a long time!

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

"Tell Isaac, things, I will definitely get them back!"

After Jiang Fan said this, he turned around and left!

However, he just walked a few steps, but he suddenly looked back!

"Oh, and there! The Night Demon—it's dead!"


In an Internet cafe, Jiang Fan sat in the corner and silently opened the U disk!

Then, a series of shocking data came into view instantly!

Jiang Fan stared at the content without blinking his eyes, his face getting more and more ugly!

And among these contents, there is a slightly blurry photo!

It looks like it was taken by the camera!

In the photo, it is a man sitting quietly on a rock!

The man is wearing a black trench coat, is well-proportioned and looks very tall!

He has long hair, the outline of his face looks very soft, his nose and lips are almost perfect, but his eyes are tied with a black ribbon!

At this moment, he was looking sideways at the camera, with a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth!

Jiang Fan stared at him, but he also seemed to be staring at Jiang Fan!

I don't know how long it has been!

Until Jiang Fan stared at this photo, his neck was faintly sour, and finally he let out a sigh of relief!

"Night Demon..."

In the photo, it is Isaac's mouth that the culprit who wiped out the sword of thorns in the last battle of the ruins, the night demon!



Accompanied by a violent roar, a plane slowly landed at the airport of Everbright City!

The cabin door opened, and Brandon, who looked gloomy, strode down the gangway!

And behind him, there was actually a very thin, bearded old man with a drunk face!

Walking with the well-dressed Brandon, this old man is like a tramp on the street!

But Andy and others, who are in charge of picking up the airport, are extremely respectful to the elderly!

Just because this person is one of the eight patriarchs of the George family, Carter!

"Elder Brandon, Elder Carter!"

Andy and others said hello respectfully!

"Hmm! Have you caught Jiang Fan?"

Brandon nodded!

"This... the speed of that kid is really too fast..."

Andy hesitated!

"Asshole! For four full hours, you haven't caught him yet!"

Brandon was furious!

"Also, it's not!"

Andy hurriedly explained!

"Elder, although we didn't catch him, we have already discovered his whereabouts. We are just afraid of stunning the snake. This is waiting for you to come back!"


Brandon snorted coldly, his complexion finally looked pretty!

"Where is that kid now?"

"Yes, in... in the Internet cafe!"

Andy spoke cautiously!

Brandon was stunned, Carter was stunned too!

Everyone who just got off the plane was stunned!


It's all special at this time, this kid doesn't know how to run, but he still has the heart to go to the Internet cafe?


This is contempt for the George family, Chi Guoguo!

Unforgivable! It is absolutely unforgivable!

The blue veins on Brandon's forehead violently jumped, and he was so angry!

"Internet cafe! He is in the Internet cafe! Is eating chicken so fun?!"

"No, he's not eating chicken..."

Andy took a sentence!

"Shut up! Does it matter what he plays? What does QQ Speed ​​have to do with me! It's attitude! Do you understand attitude!"

Brandon roared frantically! The spitting star broke Andy's face!

"This little beast! Too arrogant! Come here! This time, I must catch this kid and get cramps!"

With the roar of countless vehicles, Brandon and his entourage headed straight for Jiang Fan!


The team came downstairs in an internet cafe!

And at this moment, this place has long been surrounded by countless people from the George family!

It's just that, afraid of Jiang Fan's escape, everyone stayed in the car, showing no trace of it!

And with the arrival of Brandon, countless car doors opened instantly!

Almost just for an instant, the Internet cafes have been surrounded by water and water can't leak!

Brandon looked at the Internet cafe coldly and waved abruptly!

"Go! Catch him for me!"


The crowd moved sensationally and rushed directly into the Internet cafe!

But at this moment, feeling countless intense auras, Jiang Fan was shocked!

One head smashed the window upstairs and jumped down directly from the upstairs!

But he hasn't waited to run away!


A silhouette has suddenly blocked his way!

It is Brandon!

Jiang Fan's expression changed, he turned and ran!

But at this moment!


The figure flashed again, and his back path was actually blocked by Carter who suddenly appeared!

Jiang Fan's complexion changed drastically!

Looking at the two in disbelief!

"Impossible! I hide so secretly, how did you find me?"

"Huh! Boy, here, but the city that never sleeps!"

Brandon smiled proudly!

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