God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1164: Because of ancestral training

It's a pity that Brandon underestimated Jiang Fan. With the strength he just used, if it is a normal thirteenth level, it will definitely be blocked!

But Jiang Fan is just a physical defense, he has reached level fourteen!

With this strength, even Jiang Fan's defense hasn't been broken at all! Not to mention putting energy in to imprison him!

No wonder I don't hurt or itchy!

Jiang Fan sighed helplessly and had to act with Brandon!

"Ah! You, why are you doing this? Are you going to break your promise?"

Jiang Fan's face was pale, his face was weak, and his tone of voice was even more horrified!

"Hmph! Don't worry, as long as you are honest, I promise you will be released after the negotiation!"

"So, what about this imprisonment?"

"Of course it will help you untie it at that time! But you can remember that if you run away, unless you can find the existence of the same half-step grandmaster, otherwise, this imprisonment will never untie you for the rest of your life!"

Brandon smiled triumphantly!


Jiang Fan looked angry, and finally sighed!

"Don't worry! I understand, this time, I will definitely help you blackmail the Zhou family a lot!"

"Very good! You are smart!"

Brandon snorted and took Jiang Fan out of the villa!

Then drove directly to the airport!

But inexplicably, Jiang Fan, who was sitting in the car, suddenly turned his head and glanced behind him with a faint smile!


The convoy has arrived at the airport!

Here, a private jet of the George family is already on standby!

The crowd filed in, and then, with a roar, the plane finally went straight to Kauai!

And just after the plane took off!

A woman suddenly appeared in the airport lobby!

This woman is just another sword-holding hand under Liander's, Barbara!

Looking at the disappearing plane, Barbara finally took out her mobile phone and dialed a number!

"Barbara, why did you contact me so soon?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Liander's voice rang!

"My lord, Jiang Fan seems to have been captured by the George family and is currently heading to Kauai!"


Liander frowned!

"I remember, the George family should be preparing to negotiate with the Zhou family?"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Hehe, Jiang Fan and Zhou's family are deadly enemies, even if you don't make a move now, after he goes, he will probably die forever!"

"Then my lord, shall I come back?"

"No! You follow them!"

Liandel spoke coldly!

"Jiang Fan has such a thing, Isaac has no reason not to know, if he sends someone to rescue, you are the most critical move!"

"I understand! So my lord, I will follow right now! As long as I have a chance, I will kill Jiang Fan!"

"Hmm! Go ahead!"

Hanging up, Barbara immediately bought a ticket to Kauai!

And Leander had already raised the corner of his mouth, sneered at the tower of Isaac, and muttered to himself!

"Isaac, that person said, he will never give you a chance to get that thing back!"

It's just that although his voice is small, Abraham on one side can hear it clearly!


"Ding Dong!"

The sound of a text message suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan picked up the phone and looked at the message on it, suddenly showing a dazed look!

"That's it! It's related to the ruins..."

Almost just for an instant, the reason Liander was so serious about him was clear in his mind!

But at this moment!

"Jiang Fan, whose news?"

Brandon on one side suddenly spoke!

"It's just a friend, do you want to see Elder Brandon?"

Jiang Fan said, handing the phone to him directly!


Brandon snorted and turned to look at the TV beside him!

Jiang Fan smiled and put away the phone!

This time, the George family has a very strong lineup!

In addition to Brandon and Carter, the two half-step masters, there are two fourteenth-levels under Brandon!

The two men are a man and a woman, about the same age, about forty!

The man's name is Roy, and the woman's name is Abby!

In addition to them, there are a total of six fourteenth levels, including Eisen and Taylor!

For this negotiation, Brandon almost brought out all his team!

Just leave them alone, everyone's eyes looking at Jiang Fan are extremely unkind!

Jiang Fan didn't care, but took the initiative to approach Brandon!

"Elder Brandon, I always have a question I want to ask you!"

"What do you want to ask?"

Brandon frowned!

"Hehe, I just want to know, I never seem to have offended the George family, why do you have to hold me?"

When Jiang Fan's question came out, in addition to Brandon and Carter, even Roy, Abby and others looked over curiously!

They just knew that the family must catch Jiang Fan, but they didn't know the reason at all!

Brandon hesitated, wondering if he should speak!

Carter smiled drunkly!

"It's very simple, because of the ancestral training!"

"Ancestral training?"

Everyone was taken aback!

"Yes! Our ancestor left a painting, the person on the painting is very similar to you! But we don't know what his name is, we only know that the ancestor and him have blood and blood!"

Brandon also spoke!

The crowd suddenly became even more clouded!

Jiang Fan's anger suddenly rose, and he roared suddenly!

"Are you stupid? Just because Lao Tzu is about the same length as that guy, are you bothering me?"

A group of disciples of the George family were also somewhat disapproving!

There is nothing wrong with Jiang Fan's words!

There are more people who look alike!

What a beautiful Korean beauty is a model!

Just because of this, I went to trouble with Jiang Fan. The key is that several masters died. Isn't this really sick?

damn it!

It turns out that the George family has always been ruling the George family, it is such a group of idiots!

Roy and others scolded severely in their hearts!

However, what Jiang Fan fired was a map cannon, and he directly scolded them all!

I have to pay back!


"How dare to be so rude to us!"

"Throw you off the plane now!"

"Apologize now!"

A group of people gossiping!

But Jiang Fan ignored them at all, just staring at Brandon viciously!

"You **** brain flooded, isn't it? It's because of this?"

Brandon's face did not change, but he spoke coldly with contempt in his eyes!

"This one is enough!"

Jiang Fan was startled, and then suddenly smiled!

"Yes! This one is enough!"

After saying this, he actually sat back on the chair again!

The meaning of this statement, if it is someone else, definitely don't understand!

But Jiang Fan made it clear!

For a behemoth like the George family, it is no longer truth, but strength!

You are not as good as me, you are damned!

Such rules of life are rude and barbaric, but you can only accept it!

The rules of human society are sometimes more cruel than the rules of the jungle!

It's just that the George family encountered Jiang Fan this time!

They thought that they were a cheetah that crossed the jungle, but they didn't know that Jiang Fan was even a tyrannosaurus in sheep's clothing!

Jiang Fan's smile is not an understanding of their behavior, but a kind of anger and murder like fire!

Originally, I thought that if the reasons were reasonable, I could let you go, but in that case, let the George family die a little bit more terribly!

The smile at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth became more joyful!

And Brandon, the culprit of all this, didn't know, just because of his words, the George family was about to be out of luck!

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