God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1175: The murderous whole plan

Soon, Jiang Fan has rushed back to the battlefield again!

And as soon as he appeared, he saw an incomparably dazzling, substantive holy light on the battlefield, blasting Zhou Yanshang heavily!


Zhou Yanshang roared desperately!

next moment!



Zhou Yanshang has been directly bombed into flying ash!

At this moment, there are only Carter, Brandon and Green who are still alive on the battlefield!

However, Brandon was full of blood, and Carter fainted to the ground with a purple complexion!


At this moment, Green also spit out a mouthful of blood!

Sit down on the ground!

And on the battlefield at the peak of the fourteenth level, at this moment, only Adelaide who was seriously injured and vomiting blood!

At the fourteenth level, only Taylor and another person of the George family were left!


Absolutely terrible!

"God, my goodness! How could this be!"

Jiang Fan looked "shocked", but he was already smiling in his heart!

"Jiang Fan? Are you okay?"

Green and others were all startled!

"Ah, I'm fine, but Zhou Yuande and the others found that they didn't catch me and heard the screams from here, so they ran away!"

"These two bastards! If you knew it, you should kill them first!"

Adelaide looked angry!

"It's okay. This time, they not only killed Alstom, but now they want to kill us. They have already committed a big taboo! When I return, I will meet with your Majesty and ask him to come forward and put pressure on Tianding Shiji. Get out of these sinners!"

Green looked ruthless!

"Yes! Let your majesty come forward, you must kill the Zhou family! Take out all their property to offset the crime!"

Jiang Fan followed with an angry look!


As soon as I heard the word, whether Green or Brandon, everyone smiled the same!

Although the loss was heavy, it was all worth it!

The lives of these dead people are the best reason to seek compensation and revenge from the Zhou family!

Jiang Fan slapped his face with excitement!

"Yes! Property! We..."

As Jiang Fan spoke, he took out his mobile phone and waved excitedly!

It's just that where he seemed to touch, it was another recording!


In the audio, Jacob's voice suddenly sounded!

Upon hearing this voice, Brandon was startled!

This recording seems to be different from the previous one!

"Yes! Introduce yourself, Zhou Yancun!"

"...My name is Jacob! Jacob George!"

"Jacob, that guy from the Council of Light, what do you think?"

"You mean, Alstom?"

As soon as Alstom's name appeared, everyone's expressions changed!

Even Jiang Fan seemed to be stunned!

And the audio continues!

"Yes, it's him!"

"What do you mean?"

Jacob's voice was tense!


Jiang Fan's complexion changed drastically, he directly pressed the pause button, and turned off the phone if he was in a hurry!

But at this moment!

"Jiang Fan!"

Green's Adelaide all have a gloomy look!

"What's behind this audio?"

"No, nothing!"

Jiang Fan stammered!

"Release it!"

"Also, don't let it go!"

Jiang Fan hesitated to look at Brandon!

Brandon's heart beats!

Suddenly speak!

"Hehe, it must be about the Li family, so you don't have to listen!"


Jiang Fan nodded hurriedly!

But Green stared at Jiang Fan fiercely, with a cold tone!


"this is!"

Jiang Fan first retreated to Green's side, and then pressed the play button again!

Soon, Zhou Yancun's voice sounded again!

"Well, I'll make a long story short!"

"Our forces..."

"As for the Li family, it's just a nouveau riche! And the Illumination Council is a bunch of lunatics..."

"...Can get this favor, I hope it is your George family!"

"Zhou Yancun, shouldn't you be, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Hehe, Mr. Jacob is really smart! I want to join forces with you to kill Alstom!"


Jacob suddenly exclaimed!

In reality, Green and Adelaide's complexion changed drastically!

Brandon and the remaining two fourteenth grades, their faces turned pale for a moment!

But the audio conversation continues!

"You, are you crazy? Go to provoke those crazy people?"

"I'm not crazy! I just don't want the Zhou family to owe them favor..."

Zhou Yancun's voice sounded again!

"Helping you, what good is it for me?"

"Isn't the favor of my Zhou family enough?"

"Hehe, Mr. Zhou, everyone is not a kid, let's get some dry goods out!"

"Okay! I can sign a mutual assistance agreement with you on behalf of the Zhou family! In the future, the enemy of your George's family will be the enemy of my Zhou family, and vice versa!"


Jacob's voice sounded again!

The middle voice paused for a moment, and then there was a sparse writing sound, and then Jacob's voice sounded again!

"What do you do next?"

"Find Alston and kill him!"


The audio is over!

This piece of audio was unexpectedly when Jiang Fan and Jacob were in Hancheng to cheat Alstom's recording!


Green's eyes changed in an instant, and his intent was boiling!

But Brandon's complexion changed drastically, and he spoke quickly!

"Green! This is just audio, and it doesn't prove that Jacob really took the shot!"

"Trick! This is definitely a trick! Jiang Fan! You, you want us to lose out! You **** little beast!"

Brandon roared abruptly, murderous surging!

A group of grievances directly blasted towards Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan hid directly behind Green!

Green's expression moved, and he suddenly raised his hand!


A beam of holy light sprinkled, directly blasting that group of anger into the air!

And Jiang Fan was already directly angry!

"Fuck, Nima Brandon! I've said that this thing is over, I will give you the audio, you let me go, now you actually want to kill someone!"

"What? You, when are you..."

Brandon was completely trapped!

But Jiang Fan had already spoken with a grimace!

"Okay! If you're being unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous! Lord Green, listen carefully to the second half of this audio!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already turned on the phone again!


"Find Alston and kill him!"

"you guys……"

"Holy Light!!"


"Bastard!! You shameless scumbag! Come back to the Lord's embrace with me!"

"No! Get out!"


A loud noise!

This is the recording that Jiang Fan played before, and it happened to be connected to the one just now!

But this time, the audio is not over!


A few gasps suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yancun's roar suddenly appeared!

"Grass mud horse! Say it's OK to kill Alston together, are you **** paddling?"

Hearing this sentence, Brandon wasn't too anxious yet, but the next sound made him stunned!

"Mr. Zhou, you, calm down your anger, the first time you cooperate, it is inevitable that you are unfamiliar, this..."

Jacob's voice suddenly sounded immediately afterwards!

"Now that Alstom is dead, there is no threat from the Illumination Council. We can kill those judges at any time. Next, it's the Li family..."


The audio is over!

And the last sentence of this audio is just the beginning of the audio that Jiang Fan played to Brandon and others for the first time!

At this point, this entire audio has completely appeared!

And Jiang Fan's plan finally revealed the whole picture!

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