God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1188: Please leave the ancestors

"Yes! Your lord! This matter should start with the Battle of Hancheng! That time we had several forces to arrest Jiang Fan, but we suffered a heavy loss! The rest of the matter, you adults must be clear!"

Adelaide said!

"Jiang Fan!"

As soon as the name was mentioned, everyone's expressions suddenly became gloomy!

It is because of Jiang Fan, one of the most potential judges, Alstom, died tragically!

There is even no bones left!

This is their future, the most likely talent to become one of the next presiding judges!

If Miller's death can be forgiven, but indirectly killed Alstom, this is simply an unforgivable sin!

However, Adelaide shook his head!

"My lord, I won't talk about the real process of the Hancheng battle, but the fact is that Zhou Yancun of the Zhou family killed Jacob of the George family. Later, the two negotiated and decided to negotiate a peace!"

"Two days ago, the George family contacted us, hoping that we can send a big man with enough weight to help the George family negotiate!"

"Master Green took me and went with me!"

"However, this time, we discovered the true cause of Alstom's death!"

Adelaide gritted his teeth, and even directly took out the spare phone Jiang Fan gave him!

"The real cause of Alstom's death?"

Everyone was shocked!

And Adelaide has continued to speak!

"That's right! In this phone, there is a piece of audio, which was recorded by Jiang Fan through a bug placed on Zhou Yancun in order to avoid chasing after him!"

"Masters, please listen!"

Adelaide said, already pressing the play button!

Suddenly, the audio that caused the three parties to almost die before sounded again!



The entire complete audio has been played!

Everyone was shocked!

I can't believe my ears!

All this was actually done by the Zhou family and the George family!

They have so much guts!

And Adelaide has continued to speak!

"During the negotiation, the audio was revealed, and the Zhou family intends to kill people!"

"Thanks to Jiang Fan's use of the George family to fight the enemy, we only killed the Zhou family!"

"It's a pity that when we finally fought with the George family, Brandon chose to blew himself up, Lord Green was unguarded..."

Adelaide sighed helplessly!

Everyone is silent!

But the cold and murderous intent that everyone exudes is more cold and rich than the temperature of this cold storage!

for a long time!

"Zhou's house! George's house!"

Barkley took a deep breath, and finally put his hand slowly on Green's head!

"Old friend, go with peace of mind! I swear in the name of a believer in the **** of light, these two families will inevitably pay the price they deserve!"

With the sound of Barkley's voice, Green's corpse suddenly emitted an incomparably bright light!

In the next moment, his body has completely turned into a light spot and disappeared!

And Barkley has slowly looked at a group of judges!

"All the sinners of the George family in Britain, not one will stay!"


A group of judges trembled all over, and directly agreed!

"My lord, where is the Zhou family?"

Thomas, the presiding judge with a big beard, asked!

"All the sinners of the Zhou family overseas, do the same!"


"The Zhou family! The George family! This is just the beginning! You are bound to pay everything for your stupidity!"

Barkley's eyes were extremely cold!

Adelaide hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke!

"My lord, there is one more thing that needs to be reported to you!"


"Yes! Because Jiang Fan provided the recording, Lord Green had already pardoned him! Also, the fighting was terrible at the time, and I was the only one who survived, but I also fell into a coma!"

"Not only did Jiang Fan not disadvantage me, but tried his best to save me!"

"Even he is very frank, even if he is held accountable for Miller's affairs, he is willing!"

"I think, is it possible to..."

After Adelaide finished speaking, Barkley and the other presiding judges were all startled!

"Since he has produced such important evidence and Green has already forgiven him again, that's the end of this matter!"

Buckley finally speaks!

"Yes! It is an honor for him to be pardoned again by the Lord!"

Adelaide breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to leave with the rest of the judges!

But at this moment!

"Adelaide, wait a minute!"

Barkley suddenly stopped Adelaide!

He groaned for a moment before he spoke!

"That Jiang Fan has a good character?"

"Yes, my lord! It seems that he has the intention to become a believer of the God of Light!"

Adelaide hurriedly spoke!


Barkley's eyes moved slightly!

The Zhou family is different from the George family. In the place where the dragon is entrenched, there are ten monsters. Even the Pope, I am afraid that there is no way to enter China to avenge the Zhou family!

If there is an internal response...

"Adelaide, find an opportunity to test him to see if his piety is enough to serve the God of Light!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

Adelaide looks overjoyed!

Barkley’s words clearly meant to recruit Jiang Fan into the Illuminati Council!

I wanted to find a suitable opportunity to talk about it, but I didn't expect things to go so smoothly!

You have to notify Jiang Fan as soon as possible!

However, unlike Adelaide, who was slightly excited, Zhou's family was simply bleak at this moment!


Zhou's old house!

In Zhou Yuanwang's villa!

All the powerful figures in the Zhou family sat on their chairs with gloomy faces, quietly listening to Zhou Yantang's report!

"...After passing, that's it!"

After Zhou Yantang's report was completed, the whole person seemed to have taken out all of his energy, and fell directly on the chair!

However, no one spoke at all!

Zhou Yuande looked ashamed!

This time I led the team to set off, and it could almost be said that the whole army was wiped out!

Even two and a half step masters are dead!

The most important thing is that he has completely ended his feud with the George family and the Council of Light!

Although the cause did not lie with him, he knew that once the ancestor left the customs, he would no longer have to think about the position of Patriarch!

But even worse than his face, it was Zhou Yuanwang!

That's it!

Completely finished!

Zhou Yancun is his own son!

He died a hundred, but this pot is destined to be carried by himself!

At first, I was thinking about losing the position of Patriarch, but now it seems that after the ancestor leaves the customs, whether he can survive the anger of his old man is a problem!

The rest are silent too!

Everyone knows what it stands for by doing this with the George family and the Council of Light at the same time!

And the cause of all this is all because of Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan!

The devil!

This pervert!

How did he do this step by step?

At this moment, there is no one in the Zhou family anymore who dares to look down upon Jiang Fan!

But compared to Jiang Fan, the most important thing before him is the future of the Zhou family...no!

Is there a future for the Zhou family, who is surrounded by powerful enemies at this moment, and has both internal and external troubles?

for a long time!

"Ha ha, ha ha..."

Zhou Yuanwang suddenly laughed!


Everyone was stunned!

Looked blankly at Zhou Yuanwang, who seemed to have lost his soul!

However, Zhou Yuanwang just looked up at the sky outside the window. After a long time, he slowly spoke!

"Fine! The current situation is beyond our control at all, please ancestors, go out!"

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