God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 119: Just ask if you are in class

"Well, I'm a chef..."

"What does that have to do with cutting you?"

"Well, chef, you know, the food is reasonable!"

"Why is it related to the meal again?"

"Well, the diet is reasonable, you need a combination of food!"


"The combination of food, maybe, there will be an accident of mutual restraint!"

Jiang Fan understood it!

"You are poisoned by cooking food for others?!"

"Ha ha……"

"Hehe your sister! I am superfluous to save you!"

Jiang Fan can't wait to kill this half-skilled chef!

Nima! It's poisoned by eating it to others, so you won't be hacked to death!

"Actually, only one person was poisoned. I told him not to eat tomatoes as a shrimp cook, but he didn't listen!"

Cheng An looked wronged! Keep explaining!

"Fools know that eating these two things together is the same as eating arsenic!"

"In the end, he must have stopped cooking! I heard that he is still in the hospital for emergency treatment!"

"But that person is very important. It seems to have something to do with a match. When Cui Cheng is angry, he will chop off my hand!"

"I had no choice but to run. It was my destiny. When I ran here, I met you!"

Cheng An looked at Jiang Fan pitifully!

"Okay, now you are safe, go quickly!"

Now that he understands the whole story, Jiang Fan is ready to go home!


"Benefactor! How dare I go home now!"

"Maybe how many people are waiting for me in my house!"

Cheng An's tears are about to come down! Take Jiang Fan's arm!

"Can you go home? It's up to me! I want to go home! Let go!"

"No way! You save people to the end! Take me!"

"Damn, I'll kill you if you let go!"

"Kill me! I can't live anymore!"


Jiang Fan got big for a while, so he took out his phone!

"Hello! 110? I'm being harassed, the middle section of Fa Yuen Street, please come here!"

"Well, benefactor, you, are you too cruel?"

Cheng An, look dumbfounded!

"Aren't you afraid of insecurity? Find you the safest place!"

In less than three minutes, a police car had roared over!

Jiang Fan took the opportunity to shake off Cheng An and left by bike!

Nima! Still want to fall on me? Do you have that IQ?

Jiang Fan won't take this trouble home! At home, there is still Uncle Zhong!

In case of Uncle Zhong's accident, it would be useless to dismantle Cheng An!

The next morning, Jiang Fan was secretly playing poker with Chen Ling in his office, and Luo Xiang suddenly ran over!

"Teacher! Liang, Liang Kai is back!"

"Oh!" Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows, and agreed, "I'll be back when I come back, let him go to class!"

"But, he, he said he wants to see you!"

"Hey, it's a kid after all, I can't help it!"

Jiang Fan threw the card and returned to Class 3!

However, Jiang Fan's face sank immediately after he opened the class door!

I saw that the physics teacher was shivering in the corner, while Liang Kai was sitting on the podium, telling the students in Class 3 about his mixed social life with an arrogant expression!

"At that time, I was carrying a machete and chopped from the street to the end of the street, and then from the end of the street to the street! The blood of the killing flowed into a river! The enemy was frightened! Brother Cheng praised me and said that I met once in a hundred years..."

Seeing Jiang Fan coming in, Liang Kai didn't show any fear, and he was still bragging!

However, the three classmates who have learned Jiang Fan's skills don't have the guts!

One after another, sit down and bow your head!

Liang Kai frowned, and finally stopped talking!

"Jiang Fan, why did you come?"

"What's the matter with me?"

"Brother Cheng wants to see you!"

"Do not have time!"


Liang Kai's complexion changed! Jump off the podium!

"Jiang Fan, are you not giving me face?"

Liang Kai looked at Jiang Fan coldly!

A group of students watching the excitement suddenly became excited!

Liang Kai faced Shang Jiang Fan, this time, there was a good show to watch!

Especially Lu He, his face flushed!

Jiang Fan! Liang Kai has a real social background! Look at you, dare to continue to be arrogant!


"Little kid, do you know what face is?"

Jiang Fan actually dismissed it with a smile!

Lu He looked excited!

Hahaha! Dare to talk to Liang Kai like this, Jiang Fan, you are dead!


A fierce light flashed in Liang Kai's eyes, but it stopped immediately!

"For the reason you helped me last time, I don't care about you. Now, go to see Cheng Ge with me right away!"

"It's impossible for me to see him, but if he has the courage, he can come and see me!"

Liang Kai was shocked! Then, with a sneer on his face!

"See you? Jiang Fan, don't you look at what you are?"

"It's your honor for a big man like Cheng to see you! Let him come to see you, are you worthy?"

"I tell you, today, you have to go, and if you don't, you have to go!"

Liang Kai said, already grabbing Jiang Fan's collar!


A crisp sound!

Jiang Fan, unexpectedly, a big ear scraper hit Liang Kai's face!

Everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan, dare to hit Liang Kai!

He is not afraid, Cheng Ge avenge him?

Liang Kai looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

"You, do you dare to hit me?"

"I hit Choi Sung's trash, what about hitting you?"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"what did you say?"

Liang Kai looked shocked!

Lu He and others were also panicked!

"Fake? Cui Cheng is a real social man!"

"Not only that, Cui is a man, but also an expert in Sanda!"

"Jiang Fan actually beat him up?"

Liang Kai only feels cold!

Last night, he saw the tragic situation of Cui Cheng with his own eyes!

The entire face was almost flattened!

"Sheng, Cheng, was you beaten by you?"

"The **** didn't tell you anything, so he asked you to come to me, typically using you as a gun! You actually yelled at an adult brother, what a fool!"

"You, you bullshit!"

Liang Kai was furious and punched Jiang Fan fiercely!



There is another crisp sound!

Jiang Fan, it was another big ear scraper and threw it over!

Liang Kai was beaten up!

In his eyes, there has been a hint of hesitation!

Jiang Fan, obviously different from the rest of the teachers! No, let's go back and ask before you talk!

Thinking of this, Liang Kai immediately wanted to run!

"Want to go? Did I let you go?"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

Liang Xintou raised a wave of fear inexplicably!

"You, what do you want?"

"First apologize to the teacher, and then sit down and go to class!"


Liang Kai was stunned!

The rest of the students in Class 3 also sneered!

Wanting Liang Kai to attend class is simply harder than going to the sky!


Liang Kai suddenly burst into laughter!

"If you want me to go to class, you still..."


Another slap in the face!

"Are you going to class?"

"The beauty you think! I..."


"Are you going to class?"



"Are you going to class?"



"Are you going to class?"



Liang Kai was completely stupid!

He looked at Jiang Fan incredulously, and in his eyes, there was no more prestige. Instead, he was full of fear!

He even had a hunch that if he never agreed, Jiang Fan would definitely beat himself to death!

He asked for help to look at the students in Class 3, but unfortunately, everyone trembled and lowered their heads, and even dared not even look at it!

Liang Xin's head burst into despair for no apparent reason!

"I, I'm a student! You, if you call again, I have to report to the board of directors..."


"You don't even go to school, so what kind of student? What about killing you as a scum?"



"Are you going to class?"

"Go! I'm in class!"

Liang Kai was completely scared! Almost, scream!

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