Sadako (Mutilated Body): Servant

Level: Level 13


1. Screen shuttle: Sadako's special physique allows her to quickly appear through TV, computer, tablet, mobile phone and other screening tools!

2. Eye of Fear: This is Sadako's signature skill. Once she looks at her, anyone with a level below Sadako will definitely be killed by a single blow!

3.? ? ?

4.? ? ?

5.? ? ?

Loyalty: 100

Remarks: Dongying Ghost King!

Tips: The host can complete the body of Sadako by entering the world of other Sadako, and activate other skills!


The Eye of Fear is activated!

In addition, Sadako actually has an extra skill 5!

According to the speculation of the first two skills, the latter is definitely more powerful!

This money is worth it!

It's just that the incomplete body... enter the world of other Sadako to make up...

Looking at these, Jiang Fan suddenly frowned slightly, and faintly remembered the inexplicable feeling of heart palpitations when he entered the world of the midnight ringer last time!

It's just that his strength has been improved to this point, but when I recalled that feeling, I was still inexplicably shocked!

In the world of the violent bell at midnight, what is there that I have missed?

"Brother Jiang Fan, what are you thinking?"

At this moment, Sadako finally spoke!

At this moment, Sadako's soul body is no different from a real person!

Moreover, as the ghost king of Dongying, she started from a very high starting point. She was a super strong mentality during her lifetime. After death, her mental power grows intertwined with ghost aura. With this special aura, even Jiang Fan feels chilly!

"Nothing, I just..."

A clue just emerged in Jiang Fan's mind, just at this moment!

"What's the matter? Xiaobu seems to have upgraded again?"

"This is too fast? Is he a pervert?"

"What's the matter with that ghostly spirit?"

"Could it be Sadako?"

"Impossible! It's only a few days now? It's not so fast when you upgrade from level three to level 13!"

Along with the noise, Jiang Fan's team, except for the three of Curtis, all swarmed in!

But as soon as they saw Jiang Fan, everyone immediately understood!

"It turns out that the lord is back!"

"This makes sense!"

"No wonder these two have improved so quickly, it seems that they have benefited from the adults again!"

"Damn it! My jealousy is about to explode!"

"My lord! Please improve!"

The crowd was envious, jealous and hateful, their eyes were red!

Sadako didn't seem to be used to the excitement, and couldn't help but leaned against Jiang Fan!

It's Lu Bu, triumphant!

A great look!

"Okay, everyone has a chance!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and turned to look at Yuguangzi!

"Has Yuqingzi come back?"

"Not yet, but it should be soon!"

Yuguangzi looked excited!

"Mr. Jiang, two days ago, the sect sent back a flying book, saying that an auction was held within the sect and the effect was surprisingly good!"

"Now that the reputation has been beaten out, the future must be full of money!"

"Hahaha! Good! Good!"

Jiang Fan smiled in spring breeze!

At this moment!

"Mr. Jiang! Are you home, Mr. Jiang? Can I come in?"

A slightly familiar voice suddenly sounded outside the gate!

The rest of the people were taken aback. Most acquaintances would come in directly, and enemies would even break in. Why is this person so polite today?

But Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Quick! Let him in!"

Soon, a veteran followed Wang Yi into the villa carefully!

Look at him, as if he was afraid of breaking something!

"Haha! Master Yunlou!"

Jiang Fan was directly excited!

This old way is one of the elders of Qingyunmen, the old way of Yunlou!

The last time Yunlou got the corpse of a Western monster in Jinglingzong, he suddenly got a crooked mind and asked his subordinates to find out the existence of Jiang Fan, and then rushed over to blackmail it!

Who knew that not only was Jiang Fan violently abused by Jiang Fan, he also spit out news about an undersea ruin!

In the end, Jiang Fan used the wall damage as an excuse to claim a full two thousand flying swords!

The key is, in order to prevent this old-fashioned recklessness, Jiang Fan also forced the other party to take a **** oath!

No wonder this old way walks cautiously, this is afraid of being blackmailed by Jiang Fan!

The wall is damaged and there are two thousand flying swords. If you step on a floor tile, it will not be enough to repay the debt if you tear him down!

As soon as Yunlou came in, he immediately greeted Jiang Fan respectfully, then took out a storage bracelet and handed it to Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Jiang, there are two thousand flying swords in it. Do you want to take a closer look?"

"No! I have a lot of trust in Daoist Yunlou!"

Jiang Fan smiled beamingly!

A flying sword has twenty causal points, two thousand handles, a full forty thousand!

Without further ado, just pack these flying swords and sell them to the system!

Suddenly, another 40,000 yuan came in!


After the transaction was concluded, Yunlou finally breathed a sigh of relief!

These two thousand flying swords are not a valuable thing, but it is really troublesome to refine them!

Yunlou pieced together, and let the children practice hard, and finally got together!

But he did not leave immediately!

"Hey hey, Mr. Jiang, we are now in debt, right?"

Yunlou chuckled!


"Then the sale of this monster corpse, can you..."

"Bah! What are you dreaming of! Believe it or not, I will kill you now!"

Jiang Fan hadn't spoken yet, Yu Guangzi on one side was directly angry!

Yunlou now belongs to the job of robbing the Spirit Sect in front of him!

Yuguangzi looked murderous, and even thought about how to destroy the corpse!

Yunlou shivered in shock!

Yuguangzi is 13th level, and it is easier to kill himself than to kill an ant!

With greed, I forgot about it!

And Jiang Fan also smiled!

"Daoist Yunlou, the Jinglingzong took it from me, but it's exclusive! Besides, you two have never dealt with each other. I can't chill the Jinglingzong's heart!"

"Yes, yes! What Mr. Jiang said! I was so abrupt!"

Yunlou's face turned pale, and he hurriedly spoke!


Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan actually opened up a turning point!

Yunlou's heart jumped suddenly!

"But what?"

"Hehe, the realm of cultivation is so big, and the location of the Jing Lingzong is not too wide. In the future, the business will grow. Sooner or later, I will find a second-level agent!"

"Why not, if you need a distributor in the future, will you be the first to find you?"

Jiang Fan said with a smile!

"This, what does this mean?"

Yunlou and Yuguangzi are all a little confused!

"Stupid! Open a chain store!"

Jiang Fan hates iron but steel!

"Lian, chain stores?!"

Everyone was stunned!

If you mean normal catering and retail, but let the cultivators open chain stores?

Simply unheard of!

This is to set off a wave of reforms in the realm of comprehension!

And Jiang Fan has continued to speak!

"Yes! It's a chain store!"

"Don't think this is nonsense. If any company wants to grow bigger, it is inevitable to chain!"

"Just like in your cultivation world, don't some big sects also support a few small sects to help them do things?"

"The truth is the same! It's just that your business acumen is only in its infancy compared to the secular world!"

"Think about it, with Jing Lingzong as the headquarters, we will set up chain stores throughout the entire cultivation world!"

"At that time you don't need to do anything, just draw achievements! Lie down and earn!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

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