They just opened the gate of the mountain by Fudge Yuxun!

As for letting him take over the Foreign Affairs Hall, even keep the Jing Lingzong resident?

How is this possible!

Seeing that the trick was broken through, these people were completely torn apart!

"Stubbornness! Give me a storm!"

With the order of the Molten Iron Hall Master, the next moment!

"Swipe! Swipe! Swipe!"

All the disciples of the Foundry Sect took out their magic weapons and suddenly smashed them at Yu Xuzi and the others!

However, at this moment!


A silver-white curtain suddenly appeared above Yu Xuzi and the others, enveloping the entire Jing Lingzong in an instant!

This is exactly the mountain protection formation that the Jing Lingzong has long been activated!


Countless magic weapons of the Casting Sect fell on the curtain, and they were all bounced off!

"Everyone, don't stop attacking!"

"Jing Lingzong's mountain protection formation has not been used for many years, and its level is low, and it will definitely not last long!"

"Give it to me! Once the guardian formation disappears, it will be their death date!"

"That's right! Breaking the Jing Lingzong, the sect master will surely be rewarded!"

As several hall masters spoke, a group of disciples of the Foundry Sect were suddenly excited!

All kinds of magic weapons and spirits were not dead, and they smashed their heads and covered their faces against the mountain guard of Jing Lingzong!

All the disciples of Jing Lingzong were panicked!

I was soaked in cold sweat!

"Asshole! I don't want to die!"

"Me too, although I am not afraid of death, but I just die like this. I'm so unwilling!"

"Yes! Our Jingling Sect was just about to rise, and we encountered this kind of thing!"

"The Caster Sect! These bastards!"

A group of people were pale and trembling all over!

"Sect Master! What should I do?"

"The Guardian Formation will definitely not be able to support it for too long! Sooner or later it will be breached!"

"At that time, our Jingling Sect will be completely finished!"

There are a few disciples of the Jing Lingzong who have a slightly higher seniority, and they look at Yu Xuzi anxiously!

Yu Xuzi's heart is also terribly flustered!

Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan, you can come quickly!

Now no one can save us except you!

But on his face he pretended to be calm!

"Don't worry! Yu Qingzi has already gone to ask for help. The reinforcements will be here soon, and our Jing Lingzong will be rescued!"


Everyone was taken aback!

Does Jing Lingzong still have reinforcements?

Even those sects who had agreed to live and die together before, and confessed to blood as an alliance, have long gone away!

Who else can come to rescue them?

At this moment!


A slight crisp sound suddenly spread to everyone's eardrums!

The moment this sound rang, everyone was taken aback!

But then, the Casting Sect was overjoyed, and everyone in the Jingling Sect was ashamed!

There was a crack in the mountain guard formation above their heads!

This is a sign that it is obviously unable to hold on and is about to break!

That's it!

Yu Xuzi's heart is cold!

The foundation of the Pure Spirit Sect is about to be completely destroyed in his own hands!

Just when everyone is completely desperate!

"Come, come! Let's let it go! Borrowed, borrowed!"

Along with the sound of a male voice full of magnetism, the next moment, a bicycle, like a sharp sword, suddenly burst out of the mist in the distance!

The crowd was stunned!

"Hey? What is that?"

"Fuck?! Bicycle?!"

"Nima! I shouldn't have hung up! This bike is like flying with a special sword!"

"No! On that's Uncle Yuqingzi!"

With a scream, Yu Xuzi was already surprised to see that Jiang Fan was here!

But the next moment, his heart sank again!

Only Jiang Fan and Yuguangzi Yuqingzi!

No one else!

None of Jiang Fan's powerful subordinates came!

According to his speculation, Jiang Fan's strength has definitely reached the half-step master!

If you add his group of subordinates, together with the people of Jing Lingzong, you can definitely escape with some of the disciples!

But now, only Jiang Fan himself is useless!

The four hall masters from the Casting Sect, the Molten Iron Hall Master is also a half-step master!

Even if Jiang Fan could contain the opponent, he alone could not hold the other three hall masters at all!

That's it!

After all, it is impossible to keep the Jing Lingzong!

And seeing Jiang Fan rushing over, all the caster sect group stopped their attacks involuntarily!

His eyes widened, and he looked at this bicycle that was out of step with the surroundings with a dumbfounded look!


Jiang Fan braked a little and the bicycle stopped steadily!

And the next moment, Yu Qingzi, with a flushed old face, hurriedly jumped off the beam!


What a shame!

The elder of the Jing Lingzong, who is dignified, is actually sitting on the beam of the bicycle!

What a special thing, what a special... But sitting on this bicycle is really cool!


However, when I saw Yuqingzi, Hall Master Molten Iron and the others changed their expressions!

Don't be surprised anymore!

Before Hanquan and others went to chase Yuqingzi, they even cast an evil eye curse on Yuqingzi!

But Yuqingzi is okay now!

What about Hanquan?

The point is, who is this kid riding a bike?

It's the tempering hall master's expression that moved!

"Hahaha! Yuqingzi, Yuguangzi! It's time for you to come back!"

He suddenly looked at Yu Xuzi!

"Yuxuzi, if the mountain gate doesn't open, don't blame us for killing your two junior brothers first!"

He said, nodding to a fourteenth-level disciple!

The disciple gave a gloomy smile, suddenly raised his hand, and threw out a small spire!

The spire rose up against the wind, and instantly turned into a three-story spire, suddenly pressed down against Yuguangzi!

"No! Hurry up!"

In the protection of the mountain, everyone shouted anxiously!

But Jiang Fan didn't move. Instead, Yu Guangzi took a step forward and suddenly threw out a weird piece of bone!

After the bone fragment was shot, it suddenly changed into two, two into four, four into eight...In an instant it became an overwhelming piece!

On the Caster Sect, including several hall masters, they were all stunned!

"This, this is... a high-grade magic weapon?"

"More than that, it's very likely, higher!"

"Damn it! How can a small sect like Jinglingzong make such a high-end magic weapon?"

"Could it be that this is what was refined from the corpse of a Western monster?"

A group of casters were stunned!

But they were right, this magic weapon was made by Yuguangzi using the corpse of the big demon that Jiang Fan gave them!

Jiang Fan never treats his subordinates badly, so what gives Yuguangzi a few people is not a large-scale merchandise to sell, but a real good material!

This magic weapon named "Variety Bone" by Yuguangzi is a genuine inferior magic weapon!

Although it is only the most inferior spirit weapon, it is definitely a suppressive effect on the magic weapon of that caster sect disciple!

Sure enough, just as everyone exclaimed, the ever-changing bones that turned into thousands of things had already shrouded directly at the spire!

next moment!


A crisp sound!

The spire suddenly burst open numerous cracks!

The disciple of the Founder Sect even spouted blood from the sky!

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