God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1213: Huaxia Phoenix Bicycle

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Quan Xinyi and Xiaoyou were all excited!

"Big Brother Jiang Fan! Is it true?"

"of course!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and then looked directly at Xiaoyou!

"Xiaoyou, can't you sense each other? A shouldn't go far, try to see if you can sense him!"


Xiaoyou hurriedly agreed!

Although the parasitic beasts have no feelings, Xiaoyou and Izumi Shinichi have been in contact for a long time, and changes have taken place!

Even possess some human emotions!

The key is that if Shinichi's mother is alive, Shinichi will live well!

And only if Shinichi is alive, can you live!

So he felt immediately!

At this moment, stimulated by Jiang Fan's huge innocence, his strength is already stronger than before!

The range of sensing is also farther away!


"I feel it! In the north, it shouldn't be too far away from here! But the other party should be riding in a car, the speed is very fast, and it will soon be out of my sensing range!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

When a few people walked outside, Xiao You wanted to steal the car, but before he could speak, Jiang Fan waved his hand and directly called out the lucky bicycle!


Jiang Fan waved his head!

"This... Brother, we have no intention of questioning you, but the bicycle, is it a bit..."

Izumi Shinichi and the two are dumbfounded!

Brother! We are chasing people!

The key opponent is still driving!

You ride a bicycle, you can catch it in the Year of the Monkey!

But offending Jiang Fan at this time is obviously too stupid!

Quan Xin gritted his teeth one by one and sat directly on the back seat!

"Brother, how about we..."

Quan Shinichi still wanted to persuade Jiang Fan, but Jiang Fan stepped forward, the next moment!


A violent gust of wind swept over, and if Xiaoyou hadn't clung to Jiang Fan's waist, the two would almost be blown away!

Seeing the speed of the bicycle, the two were completely shocked!


"This, this is a bicycle?"

"Hua Xia is so awesome!"

"Xinyi, I have decided, I will find a Chinese takeaway brother to be the host in the future, let's break up!"


"Jiang Fan, A is on the crown in front!"

Xiao You pointed to a Toyota Crown more than a hundred meters ahead and said loudly!


Jiang Fan kicked hard again!


The bike rushed straight up like a rocket!

And on the crown, A, who had already occupied Quan Xinyi's mother's body, drove the car facelessly at this moment!

Solving Izumi Shinichi is equivalent to solving an unstable factor!

Their latent plan will definitely go smoother!

However, the body of this host really makes him unhappy!

Especially when he killed Quan Xinyi, he was faintly rebelling against him!

But after all, human beings are just a low-level creature and can't stop themselves at all!

Just like the biker behind him, he can eat it anytime...


The speed of this bike seems a bit abnormal!

A blinked his eyes vigorously, but found that the bicycle that was hundreds of meters away from him just now was less than ten meters away from him!


A was shocked!

Is there still such a fast bicycle on the earth?

Is it the legendary Huaxia Phoenix brand?

In the next second, the bicycle was already directly on par with him!

A's eyes changed!

He looked at Jiang Fan directly and murderously!

Such a windy and awesome bicycle is only worth riding on higher creatures like yourself!

Grab it!

He just started thinking, but suddenly looked behind Jiang Fan in shock!

Izumi Shinichi!


Why is this kid alive!

He obviously pierced his heart, but now he looks like he is okay!

do not care!

In that case, kill him again!

"Go to hell!"

A suddenly roared, and his head split open, half of it suddenly turned into an extremely sharp long knife, and it suddenly slashed towards Jiang Fan!

"court death!"

Jiang Fan flicked his right hand and he was about to shoot!

But at this moment!

"Big brother! Don't hurt my mother!"

Izumi Shinichi suddenly screamed!

"Don't worry! No way!"

As Jiang Fan said, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the long knife that A had cut with his bare hands!


A was stunned!

But Jiang Fan gave a weird laugh and pulled hard!

next moment!

"Yeah, buy a disc~~~"

A exclaimed, but Jiang Fan was dragged out of the car!


The car lost control and suddenly hit a telephone pole!

And Jiang Fan suddenly slammed A in the air and fell directly to the ground!


A screamed when he was thrown away.

This is because Jiang Fan didn't use any force at all, otherwise he would be smashed to pieces with just one blow!


Taking the bicycle back, Jiang Fan strode directly towards A!

"Asshole! Who the **** are you!"

Although A has a cruel expression, there is obviously unspeakable fear in his eyes!

Although their individual strengths vary greatly, their bodies are basically the same!

Even a bullet can kill them if it penetrates the heart!

However, in exchange for this, it is extremely powerful attack power!

Not to mention ordinary steel, even special alloys, will be directly split by them!

But the man on the opposite side caught his attack empty-handed!

How could his body be so hard?

Could it be that he is also a different creature?

Alien creatures higher than oneself?

"You don't need to know who I am, you will soon disappear anyway!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and in the next moment, he appeared in front of A!

A suddenly widened his eyes!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

So fast!

This guy is definitely not human!

As soon as he thought of this, he turned around and ran!

The speed is like a phantom!

"Big brother! Can't let him run away!"

Quan Xinyi hurriedly yelled and hurried to catch up!

"Don't worry, he can't run away!"

Jiang Fan clicked the corner of his mouth, as if walking, slowly chasing after him!

However, although his footsteps are slow, and the fall of each step is clearly visible, but the speed is actually several times faster than A, almost only three steps, and he has reached behind A!


A's scared scalp is numb!

The parasitic beast, who has never been emotional, actually felt fear!

And at this moment!

He seemed to sense something, his face was suddenly happy, and then he suddenly screamed!


Jiang Fan frowned!

next moment!


Two sharp and incomparable air-breaking sounds suddenly sounded!

On the road, there were actually two more parasitic beasts rushing over!

"What a strong energy response!"

Following Jiang Fan's Xiaoyou directly exclaimed!

Just listening to the sound can tell, the attack power of these two parasitic beasts is definitely above level 11!

However, Jiang Fan dismissed it with a smile!

Reaching out is two sword energy popping out!

"Puff puff!"

Two muffled noises!

The two parasitic beasts that had just rushed over didn't even have time to scream, they had been pierced through their hearts by their sword qi, and they were killed directly!

Everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan is so powerful!

Those two parasitic beasts that were stronger than A's attack power were killed by Jiang Fan so lightly!

A is trembling all over!

That's it!

How could I encounter such a monster!

This man is simply a parasitic beast hunter!

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