God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1218: International Licking Dog

With this sound, a young man suddenly stood up.

This person is actually Brandon's confidant Andy!

Although Andy is extremely weak in military force, even at level five, it is obvious that for the George family, who does not lack the military value, his kind of nimble younger children are more valuable!

"Andy, what do you mean by that?"

Hayes frowned and spoke.

"Respected Great Elder, you should all know the Song Family of China, right?"

Andy smiled slightly.

"Seven giants, the Song family?"

"Yes, it's them!"

Andy cleared his throat and spoke slowly.

"Elder Brandon used to send Gal to China to capture Jiang Fan, but he was tricked by Jiang Fan!"

"The reason why we can know this news is because Song Yue of the Song family passed it on!"

"That licking dog with a mouthful of human rights is full of yearning for us, Citi!"

Andy chuckled softly.

Hearing Andy's words, a group of elders suddenly changed their faces.

"carry on!"

Hayes already faintly knew what Andy was going to say.


"The Great Elder, Song Minghe, Song Yue's father, is the second son of the Song Family Patriarch, and the real power figure in the Song Family!"

"And because Song Yue and Gal went to catch Jiang Fan together, they were humiliated by Jiang Fan in every possible way. This has already made Song Minghe angry!"

"It's just that, within Huaxia, now they all hope to borrow Jiang Fan to make the Zhou family unlucky, so the Song family didn't take action against Jiang Fan!"

"However, if we use the alliance as a condition, and give the Song family a sufficient reward, and brainwash Song Yue's licking dog, with her constantly talking to Song Minghe, I believe they will definitely attack Jiang Fan!"

Andy looks confident!

After all, although most Chinese people are full of national pride, those licking dogs are more like a Citigroup than a Citigroup!

Even some of their free speech on human rights with cerebral palsy makes Citigroups feel funny!

The expressions of other people all changed, calculating their gains and losses.

for a long time.



"I agree!"


The remaining elders and a few people in power spoke one after another.

But Hayes was not in a hurry to make a conclusion, but looked at Andy.

"Andy, if this matter is left to you, can you handle it?"

Everyone was startled when they heard Hayes' words, but they immediately gathered their expressions!

Hayes meant that he was obviously preparing to promote Andy!

After all, this time, the George family suffered too much, and many places began to lack manpower!

And Andy is overjoyed!

"Elder, I have full confidence!"

"Okay! Let's do it! If everything goes well, you will be in charge of the affairs of Britain when the troubles on the side of the Council of Light are resolved!"

"Yes! Thank you Grand Elder!"

Andy was so excited!




Song Yue looked at the phone with a gloomy expression.

She has been under house arrest since the last incident with Gal.

You can only use Weibo every day!

However, this group of untouchables on the Internet is really damn!

Actually, they were working against her everywhere!

For example, just now she posted an article saying that there is no human rights in China, and how free Citigroup is, she was directly criticized as a fool!

"This group of untouchables! I don't want to think about how China is worthy of fighting against Citigroup!"

"Citi is the light of mankind! Even the beggars are full of quality!"

"Huh! These **** little pinks! They dare to hit me in the face!"

"And that group of public knowledge, why are they all shrunk? Yuanyuan actually doesn't write a diary anymore! Shouldn't they spare no effort to promote Citigroup culture?"

Song Yue looked upset!

The point is, because there were too many people reporting, her account was directly banned!

Song Yue was so angry that he was about to drop his phone!

But at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Suddenly her cell phone rang!


Song Yue answered the phone in an annoyed manner!

"Miss Song, hello, I'm Andy!"

"Ah! It's Mr. Andy, sorry, I was a little excited just now, I'm really sorry!"

The anger on Song Yue's face was swept away, instead it was full of flattery!

Andy on the other side of the phone could feel the color of kneeling and licking on Song Yue's face without even looking!

"Miss Song, I am calling you today because I have something to discuss with you."

"Mr. Andy is too polite! For a noble person like you, just say anything!"

"Okay, I hope you will send a message to your father. I want to talk to him about Jiang Fan."

"Jiang Fan? That little beast?"

Song Yue was startled.

"Yes! It's him!"

"It's okay, I'll ask it right away!"

Song Yue looked surprised and hurriedly spoke!

Andy was taken aback!

I never expected things to go so smoothly!

This Song Yue is indeed an international licking dog!

"Wait, Miss Song, you still don't know the terms I give your father!"

"It doesn't matter! As long as Jiang Fan is dead, everything is easy to say! After all, rescuing Gal is the most important thing!"

Mother Song Yue smiled!

But Andy frowned in disgust!

This Song Yue is so caring about a foreigner who has only one side, but he is so vicious to a compatriot who has never provoked her!

This kind of rubbish, even he felt uncomfortable for a while, I really don't know how Song Yue's three views were cultivated!

However, this is indeed a good thing for Andy!

"Well, then Miss Lao Song will bother!"

"This is what I should do! After all, when my green card is released, we will be the real compatriots!"

Song Yue looked excited!


just you?

Don't look at what you count!

You kind of trash that even Huaxia doesn't want, do you think other places will welcome you?

What a fool!

Andy smiled disdainfully, but said: "Of course, of course!"

The two hung up, and Song Yue immediately went downstairs to Song Minghe's study!

At this moment, Song Minghe is practicing calligraphy, and Hong Bo is helping him make tea.

Song Minghe smiled when he saw Song Yue coming over.

"Why didn't you play with your phone in the room?"

"It's boring! A group of Chinese licking dogs! I just tell the truth, there are so many Chinese dogs spraying me!"

Song Yue smiled contemptuously!

But Song Minghe and Hong Bo's expressions all changed!

The smile on Song Minghe's face gradually disappeared, and he looked at Song Yue coldly!

"What did you say?"

"I, I just told the truth! By the way, someone from the George family contacted me just now!"

Song Yue panicked and hurriedly changed the subject!

"Huh? Family George?"

"Yes! They said they wanted to discuss with you about the matter of killing Jiang Fan!"

"Huh! What a joke!"

Song Minghe smiled coldly.

"Is that kid Jiang Fan so easy to kill? What's more, what can we do to help them the George family?"

"Dad! How can you say that? They are international friends! And Garr still suffers from Jiang Fan! We stand from a moral point of view, in a humanitarian spirit, even if we don't ask for anything in return, we have to kill Jiang Fan!"

Song Yue's face is righteous!

Song Minghe and Hong Bo are both silly!

Is this idiot really his own daughter?

It's incredible!

"You don't get involved in this matter, go back to your room right away!"

Song Minghe waved his hand directly!

"No! You have to work with them! By the way, Andy said, it's good!"

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