
A crisp sound!

Dong Dabao was startled first, and then suddenly let out a scream!


"Hand! My hand!"

Dong Dabao's wrist was actually broken by Jiang Fan!

"Boy, you, you are dead! Do you know who I am?"

Dong Dabao looked at Jiang Fan bitterly, his eyes full of murderous intent!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan looked colder!

It's like killing a god!

"I care who you are!"

Jiang Fan suddenly raised his right hand and slapped Dong Dabao's face with a slap in the face!


A sound that was almost like an explosion of fireworks, instantly resounded through the entire parking lot!

Dong Dabao's face, like a firework explosion, was almost shattered by Jiang Fan!

A mouthful of teeth, even more sprinkled the sky!

When Dong Dabao was pumped this time, his soul was about to fly out!

The female secretary who was going to watch the play was even more so frightened that she let out a scream that almost shattered the glass!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's eyes are full of hideousness!

"Dead fat pig, tell me, who is dead now?"

Dong Dabao trembled and looked at Jiang Fan with fear!

"I, I'm from Chimelong International, you, you..."

"act recklessly!"

Jiang Fan let out a low voice and raised his right hand again!


Suddenly, there was a loud shout!

I saw that in the distance, five or six security guards were running in stride!

Dong Dabao looked happy!

"Help! Help!"

Several security guards quickly surrounded Jiang Fan!

"Boy! Quickly let go!"

"Actually, dare to commit a crime here!"

"Simply, don't put us in the eyes!"

"Today, I have to let you know how you dare to make trouble here!"

Several security guards looked at Jiang Fan with gloomy expressions!

Dong Dabao laughed proudly!

"Boy! You're done! I'm a guest of the Golden Lake Hotel! If you dare to beat me, you just fight them!"

"I warn you, kowtow to me and apologize now!"

"No! Not only to apologize, you, you guys, hurry up and break his leg!"

Dong Dabao was still arguing triumphantly, Jiang Fan had already slapped his backhand on his face!


Dong Dabao screamed!

The last few teeth left in his mouth were completely slapped by Jiang Fan!

"Asshole! How dare to hurt people in front of us!"

Several security guards were furious!

Withdraw the baton, you have to do it!

However, Jiang Fan suddenly glanced at them coldly!

Several security guards, shaking all over at the same time!

This look is terrible!

Being looked at, it is almost as if being stared at by Tyrannosaurus rex!

The endless fear made these security guards, as if they had been given a hold technique, they did not dare to move!

Dong Dabao was dumbfounded!

Why don't these security guards get on?

Jiang Fan looked at Dong Dabao again!

"Knock your head to apologize? Break my leg?"

"No, no, I..."

Dong Dabao is finally scared!

He already had a hunch in his heart that he definitely offended someone who shouldn't be offended!

However, Jiang Fan would not give him a chance to apologize at all!

Jiang Fan squeezed Dong Dabao's arm tightly, and then suddenly picked him up, and then hit the Mercedes Benz and fell!


The hood of Mercedes-Benz was completely deformed by Dong Dabao in an instant!

The windshield was smashed to pieces!

The female secretary in the car rolled her eyes in fright and fainted directly!

And Dong Dabao's mouth was full of blood foam, only half a breath left!

Jiang Fan clapped his hands casually, passed through a few security guards, and walked straight into the hotel!

As for the group of security guards, let alone blocking Jiang Fan, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe!

At this moment, in a private room, more than a dozen men and women are talking about it!

"Shanshan, you are still lucky! You actually followed Lou Shao!"

"Yes, Shanshan, I really envy you!"

"Hey, why don't we have such a good life?"

Several women looked at Li Shanshan with envy!

Li Shanshan took the arm of the Tang Mansion with a smug look on her face!

"Oh, he is not as good as you think! In addition to being rich and handsome, there are no other advantages!"

Several women who praised Li Shanshan suddenly looked stagnant!

"Shanshan! You have to envy us, don't you?"

"Yes! It's too much! Does Young Master Lou have any friends or anything? How about introducing two to us?"

"We are not very demanding, just one tenth of the upstairs is enough!"

The rest of the male classmates are constantly sucking up the flattery of the tenement house!

"Master Lou! I didn't expect you to come today too!"

"Yeah! Shao Lou! You and Shanshan are really beautiful!"

"Master Lou! It's a great honor for Sansheng to see you, I toast you a drink!"

"Master Lou! I heard that your company is now hiring people, can you, hehe!"

"Young building! The project over Baiyun Mountain, look, hehe!"

The Tanglou looked proud, respectful to the people around, accept it calmly!

"After all, you are all Shanshan's classmates, don't worry, if you need anything, I will help!"

"Ah! Thank you, Shao Lou!"

"Young Master Lou, you are really my noble person!"

"Yes, young building!"

A group of people were still touting, the door of the private room was suddenly pushed open!

Jiang Fan, whose face was plain, has already, strode in!

"Huh? The food delivery? Why did you come in?"

A male classmate suddenly frowned!

"Go to the wrong room, right?"

"There is a smell of sweat on my body! Get out of here!"

A few female classmates are even more disgusted!

Before Jiang Fan, that was the top noble boy in Los Angeles, and his outfit had never been less than one million!

But since Jiang’s family fell into despair, he ran around for life every day, and his temperament had changed. For a while, a group of classmates did not recognize him!

"Classmates, he didn't make a mistake, please take a closer look!"

Li Shanshan said jokingly!

"Look again?"

"Hey? It seems like..."

"Jiang Fan?!"

A group of classmates suddenly stunned!

Then, unexpectedly, all of them stood up!

"Jiang Fan, how did you get here? Did the security guard not let in?"

The tone of the Tanglou is full of ridicule!

"Sure, really, I have told you to call us when you come. It's because of you that it took so much time for us all!"

Li Shanshan also sneered!

A group of classmates suddenly changed their expressions when they heard Li Shanshan and Tanglou's words!

A boy named Hu He suddenly slapped the table!

"Jiang Fan! I have known that you have nothing to do with a prodigal son! You don't even have the concept of time, no wonder you are reduced to food delivery!"

Humph! Anyway, the Jiang Fan family has gone bankrupt. Today, it is obvious that Li Shanshan and Tang Man want to humiliate Jiang Fan. Then, it is most important to hug the thigh of the Tang Man!

Other people also reacted, and immediately attacked Jiang Fan collectively!

"I have long seen that he has no future! Without the Jiang family, nothing can be achieved!"

"No wonder Shanshan kicked him! What a foresight!"

"Back then, he invited us to eat at the Supreme Restaurant, but now it's reduced to delivering takeaways, haha, at that time pretending to be real was pretending to be big!"

"I remember one year after the Mid-Autumn Festival, it seemed that we gave a high-end computer to one of us, Jiang Shao, come here today, isn't it asking us to pay?"

"Hahaha, Shao Jiang, there are two hundred yuan here, so it's your computer money!"

Facing the ridicule of a group of people, Jiang Fan's mouth finally gradually twitched!

Li Shanshan, Tang Mansion, it turns out that you called me here just for this?

it is good! Since you don't hate your face hurts, then I will accompany you to have fun!

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