With a light sigh, Jiang Fan put away the phone and immediately gathered his thoughts!

Before facing the Zhou family, he seemed to have the upper hand everywhere, but in fact he didn't take much advantage at all!

The Zhou family’s background is too deep, a group of fourteenth-level peaks, even half-step grandmasters died, it is indeed hurtful, but as long as there is a grandmaster, it is not a harm to vitality!

What's more, what he killed was only Zhou Yuanwang and Zhou Yuande, but Zhou Yuan and over there, the power might not be lower than Zhou Yuande and the others!

Since Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuanwang went to the Zhou Family Ancestral Temple in Dangyang Mountain, it proved that they finally recognized their threat!

At this time, even if there is no master, they will probably try their best to get rid of themselves!

In other words, the struggle between myself and the Zhou family has not really begun until now!


Jiang Fan slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, but there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth!

Even if the Zhou family had recognized their threat now, it was already too late!

My own game is almost finished!

And based on the current experience value, if you have four more orders at most, you can reach the fourteenth level!

The system's three-revolution mission will start after five orders after reaching level fourteen!

In other words, if you have up to nine more orders, you can be promoted to the master!

At that time, the Zhou family...huh!

The cruel color in Jiang Fan's eyes flashed away!

That kind of fierce light, even the grandmaster would not dare to look at him at all!

But when he thought of the three-turn mission, Jiang Fan's brows slowly frowned!

From the predator to the Toguro, every change is more and more perverted. Who will this three-ranked boss be?

While Jiang Fan frowned and thought, Huicheng, a coastal city five hundred kilometers away from Los Angeles!


Accompanied by the sound of the old-fashioned fuel pump, a small fishing boat finally came to shore slowly!

The boss of the ship looked at a man with a peaked cap and a very low brim beside him with a flat smile.

"Sir, it's landed, that...hehehe!"

The corner of the man's mouth was hooked, and his head swayed slightly.

Immediately, a strong man following him directly threw a box at the feet of the boat boss.


The box hit the ground, and there was a heavy crash!

The boss of the ship opened the box and suddenly saw a box full of red banknotes!

Look at the number, at least it must exceed one million!

The boss of the ship was trembling with excitement!

The man with a peaked cap on the other side met him on an island a dozen miles away from the coastline, where fishermen often rest.

The other party asked himself to take them back to Huicheng, and the shot was 100,000!

And tell him there will be great rewards when he goes back!

Now it really is like this!

So much money, enough to exchange for a better second-hand ship!

This is really a transfer!

He was about to thank the man again, but when he looked up, he was suddenly stunned!

Only the peaked cap man and one of his men came back from that island with him, but now, I don't know when, there are six more people behind the peaked cap!

The momentum of each of these six people is extremely amazing!

Especially one of the middle-aged people, although he is short in stature, he seems to be taller than everyone else while standing there!

At this moment, the little man had already looked at the peaked cap.

"Zhou Jing, we have arrived, what should we do next?"

Zhou Jing!

This man with a peaked cap turned out to be Zhou Jing!

And the little man who asked him was naturally the half-step grandmaster outside Zhou's family, Zhou Qing!

According to Zhou Jing's previous plan, the two of them, plus six fourteenth-level peaks, left China yesterday and went directly to the high seas!

Then from the high seas to the coast of Huicheng City, and then took this fishing boat to Huicheng City!

And this trick really fooled both the Yu family and the Wei family!

No one could think that they were only 500 kilometers away from Jiang Fan!

"Los Angeles is Jiang Fan's site. The sooner we go, the more likely it is to be exposed. So next we have a rest, recharge our energy, and then get a few cars and go directly to Los Angeles!"

Zhou Jing spoke slowly.

"Don't you contact Zhong Qing? If you want to plot Jiang Fan, should you ventilate with her first?"

Zhou Qing asked curiously.

"Do not!"

Zhou Jing shook his head.

"Contact in advance, if that woman reveals herself in front of Jiang Fan, that would be bad! And now, I doubt Zhong Qing's loyalty!"

"Do you suspect that she rebelled?"

Zhou Qing's complexion changed!

Zhou Jing was silent for a while, but answered the question.

"Even though Jiang Fan is sinister and cunning, I have to admit that from his past, this is a very attractive man. I am afraid that no woman can resist him at all!"

"Zhong Qing, after all, is still a woman!"

"And this time her role is just to lead the snake out of the hole!"

"Wait! When we get to Los Angeles, go directly to Zhong Qing!"

"I don't want her to be a variable, so I can rest assured only by being by her side and watching her execute my orders!"

Hearing Zhou Jing's words, Zhou Qing nodded immediately.

Zhou Jing thought carefully, so even if Zhong Qing really rebels, it doesn't matter!

However, Zhou Jing looked at his watch before continuing to speak.

"It's nine o'clock in the morning. From Huicheng to Los Angeles, plus the urban road section, the slowest time is seven hours. We set off at two o'clock in the afternoon, and at half past nine tonight... formally kill Jiang Fan!"


The six fourteenth-level peaks suddenly gave a soft drink!

It's just that none of these people saw the strange look in Zhou Jing and Zhou Qing's eyes!

These people don't even know that they have a 50% chance, but Zhou Jing is testing Jiang Fan's abandoned son!

Of course, if Jiang Fan's strength does not exceed his estimation, then this temptation will truly become a dead end to kill Jiang Fan!

"Young Master Jing, what about this person?"

A fourteenth-level peak suddenly spoke.

The boss of the ship trembled!

He already knows vaguely that he has heard so much, I am afraid he will be killed!

But Zhou Jing just smiled.

"It's ok!"

Turn around and leave after talking!

The boss of this ship will never betray them!

If this kind of smuggling is exposed, not only will he not be able to get the money, but it will also lead to jail!

And if you kill this person, it will easily attract the attention of others!

As soon as the others saw Zhou Jing leaving directly, they hurriedly followed!

Seeing that a group of people gradually disappeared, the boss of the ship was sweating coldly and sat down on the ground!


And at this moment, Los Angeles!

Jiang Fan was thinking about who the third rank boss would be.

"Ms. Jiang!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Jiang Fan looked back, and it turned out to be Meng Kun from Class 6!

Class 3 and Class 6 have always been rivals. The last time the two classes were fighting, thanks to Jiang Fan's presence, Class 3 exaggerated and became a dad directly!

Since then, although the two classes still have a little friction, the relationship has eased a lot.

"Student Meng Kun, is there anything wrong?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

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