Looking at the group, Jiang Fan couldn't help but want to laugh.

Shaking his head, he suddenly turned around and went straight to a small rice bowl shop not far away.

This group of bear kids can eat top-notch buffet, but after they go there, they can’t eat with masks!

Fill your stomach first, run two orders, and then go meet them!

But what benefits do you give?

Jiang Fan was thinking, but the phone suddenly rang again!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

As soon as the call was answered, an extremely gloomy voice rang out from the other side!

"Who are you?"

Jiang Fan knew when he heard his tone, he must have been bothering him again!

"Song Minghe!"

"Ah! It turned out to be Song Lao Er, is there anything wrong?"

"You! You! Presumptuous!"

Song Minghe on the phone was furious!

Jiang Fan, this bastard!

He is indeed the second son of the Patriarch of the Song family, but the name "Song Lao Er" with such a strong local flavor, is it so special that he can put it on himself?

It's a pity that he didn't wait for the counterattack before Jiang Fan said the second sentence!

"Lordly your uncle! If you have a fart, let it go!"

"you you you……"

Song Ming Heqi's high blood pressure has committed!

Too presumptuous!

No one in the entire capital dared to talk to himself like this!

But the more annoying is yet to come!

"Song Lao Er, are you stuttering? What's the matter with your family inheritance? Do you know how wasteful your phone bill is when you call like this? It's a shame to waste! Your father never taught you?"

"Bastard! Jiang Fan! You give me enough!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, it's just a gadget, you are too lacklustre, no wonder your daughter was taught that virtue by you! Let's talk about it, what's the matter with Lao Tzu!"

"Don't talk nonsense! I warn you and let Hong Bo and the others go right away!"

Song Minghe roared directly!

Originally, according to the time, Hong Bo and the others should have killed Jiang Fan and returned to the capital, but Song Minghe waited for a day, and they didn't even receive news from the three of Hong Bo!

He called Hong Bo, but it was Wang Yi who answered the phone!

Only then did he know that Hong Bo and the others were all abandoned!

Originally, he wanted to threaten Wang Yi. Who knew that Wang Yi hadn't learnt anything from Jiang Fan. The guns were so fierce!

Simply called the master!

Song Minghe was scolded with blood, so he had to contact Jiang Fan!

According to his idea, what if he wants to destroy Jiang Fan?

He Jiang Fan has no right to resist at all!

What's more, I just want to abolish Jiang Fan and save him his life. This is already merciful!

If Jiang Fan is acquainted, he should be honest and obedient!

But who knows, as soon as the call came, I was taught how to behave!

"Jiang Fan! If you let Hong Bo and them go, I can give you three days to make arrangements for the funeral! But if you are not obedient, I will let you--"

Song Minghe's voice is extremely gloomy!


"Hehe, hehehe, hahaha!"

Jiang Fan suddenly couldn't help laughing!

"You, what are you laughing at?"

Song Minghe was stunned.

"It's nothing, I, haha, I'm just laughing, you really deserve to be Song Lao Er, you are really two!"


Song Ming's face paled!

But Jiang Fan's laughter suddenly abated, and then he spoke slowly and indifferently.

"Song Minghe, don't look at what you are! Threatening me? Do you have that ability?"


"Shut up! I didn't let you speak, you'd better close your stinky mouth honestly! Otherwise I will kill the three idiots of Song Hong!"

"you dare!"

"Haha, Song Minghe, you better not test my courage!"

Song Minghe trembled all over!

In Jiang Fan's tone, there was no hesitation at all!

He will definitely do what he says!

If he continues to be presumptuous, Jiang Fan will really kill Hongbo and the others!

"You, what do you want?"

Song Minghe finally didn't dare to bet on this one!

With three fourteenth-level peaks, he simply can't afford to gamble!


Jiang Fan smiled in satisfaction, and then slowly spoke.

"Last time, you brought a piece of waste from the George family, and I kindly let you go!"

"But this time, you are here again! And you are willing to take the initiative to be a dog for the George family and come to my trouble!"

"I have summed it up. It is obvious that I let you off too easily last time, so I made you have some illusions that you shouldn't have!"

"So this time, I intend to teach you a deep lesson!"

In Jiang Fan's voice, a hint of playfulness suddenly appeared!

Song Minghe's heart trembled!

"You, what are you going to do?"

"I will give you a week to raise 10 billion to redeem people!"

"What! Ten billion?!"

Song Minghe was stunned!

"That's right! Ten billion! At that time, send someone to bring the cash! And within this time, if I find that you have other minor actions, I will kill Song Hong and the others immediately!"

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Song Minghe's heart moved!

Almost overjoyed afterwards!

Jiang Fan, this idiot!

Actually let himself take the initiative to send someone to send him the money!

The typical greed of this kid is full of greed, and he completely forgot that he could take the opportunity to mobilize a master to come and destroy him directly!

Hehehe, Liling is fainted!

"You have a kind! Good! Only ten billion!"


Jiang Fan hung up the phone, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth!

Song Minghe, this idiot, probably thought that he was lustful, and forgot that he could mobilize masters over here, right?

Jiang Fan's method of dealing with Song Minghe is almost the same as when he dealt with Wei Qifeng!

But the purpose is completely different!

This time his purpose is purely to delay time!

I have to leave China in two days. If Song Minghe sends a master to Los Angeles during this period, although there is a well of evil spirits, there will be nothing wrong with his subordinates, but I am afraid of accidents!

And with this week, enough to last me back!

By then, with Song Minghe assassinating himself, there will be too many things that can be done!

As for forming an alliance with the Song family, Jiang Fan didn't even think about it!

This kind of willingness to be a dog for the George family does not have the qualifications to form an alliance with himself!

Soon, two hours passed in a hurry!

The entire Los Angeles city has ushered in a more prosperous nightlife.

And Jiang Fan has also arrived at the door of the Sige Hotel.

The Seege Hotel does not belong to the Xue family, which is why Jiang Fan arranged the meeting here.

Although Xue Jia is loyal enough, and will not lose the money for this top-level self-service meal, Jiang Fan knows one truth deeply.

Favors become thinner with more use!

It is true that he is now the lord of Los Angeles. Going to Xue's hotel, not to mention all kinds of free, and top-notch services, even pretending to be forced to fly, but what's the point?

If you are really endlessly demanding like a stupid pig, you will only get bored in the end!

It is best to keep a certain distance from the Xue family, communicate with each other appropriately, and give a certain reward. This is the long-term solution!

And this is also Jiang Fan's usual method for those who depend on it!

Some small things that can be done with money, there is no need to waste favors!

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