The first person in human history to venture through the Bermuda Triangle was the world-famous navigator Columbus!

In 1502 AD, the ocean-going fleet led by Columbus sailed to America for the fourth time.

As the fleet approached Bermuda, a violent wind blew on the sea, and the ship seemed to be sailing between the canyons, and the sun could hardly be seen.

Columbus, who had a wealth of sailing experience, hurriedly ordered the fleet to reverse course and approach the Florida coast to avoid this fierce storm.

However, what surprised Columbus was that all the navigation instruments on the ship were malfunctioning at this time, and the helmsman and sailors were dizzy and unable to distinguish the direction at all!

Even if they were lucky, the fleet finally got rid of the danger crookedly from the crests and valleys.

After inspection, the pointer direction of the magnetic compass on the ship had deviated 36° from true north to northwest!

Columbus, who had lingering fears, described this dangerous experience in a letter to the king.

In the letter, Columbus described this thrilling sailing adventure: "At that time, the waves were rolling for eight or nine days, and my eyes could not see the sun and stars... I have seen all kinds of storms in my life, but I have never encountered them. I've been in such a long, violent storm!"

Since Columbus's experience was at least those that can be explained, it failed to attract enough attention at the time.

The earliest record of the mysterious disappearance of ships and seafarers in the Bermuda Triangle was in 1840.

At that time, a ship sailing from France, "Rosari", carrying a large number of perfumes and wines, went to the vicinity of Cuba and lost contact.

A few weeks later, the navy discovered the Rosary in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle. The ship showed no signs of damage. There was no one on board, and all the crew were as if they had evaporated.

But the cargo in the cargo hold is intact, and the fruit is still fresh!

But why are all the sailors on the ship missing? No one can answer, the only surviving creature on the ship was a canary that was half-starved.

No one knows what happened on the ship. Since then, similar disappearances have occurred frequently in the Bermuda Triangle.

"My lord, there..."

At the moment, there is no more excitement on No. 2's face!

Others also look ugly!

There are so many legends in the Bermuda Triangle!

However, no matter how many legends there are, it undoubtedly shows one thing-it is extremely dangerous!

Seeing everyone fell silent, Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

"Human fears often come from the unknown! Just like monkeys, they will be afraid and scream when they see thunder and lightning. This is a truth! But once it understands the cause of thunder and lightning, the fear will naturally disappear!"

Jiang Fan said, pointing a computer on the table directly at everyone!

Above, it is all the information about the ruins!

"This, what is this?!"

"Oh my God! There is such a thing there!"

"It turns out that the legend turned out to be true!"

"It's incredible!"

"No wonder! No wonder so many strange things happen there!"


Everyone trembled all over watching!


They did not expect that the information that appeared in front of them was such an astonishing information!

"Okay! Now, who else wants to go with me?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

The crowd was silent for a second, and then!

"I go!"

"I'll go as well!"

"My lord! Take me!"

The crowd was directly excited!

But Jiang Fan shook his head!

"Don't be blinded by appearances, there will never be safe inside, and don't forget the night demon!"

The word "Night Demon" exited, and everyone trembled!

But Long Yan squeezed his fist tightly, and the murderous intent in his eyes was almost as real!

"Brother Fan, I..."

When Long Yan gritted his teeth, he was about to speak!

He wanted to keep that painful memory in his heart, but since Jiang Fan had decided to go, he couldn't hide it anymore!

After all, the more Jiang Fan understands the details of the Night Demon, the safer Jiang Fan will be!

"Long Yan, everyone has a scar in their heart. I know the pain of tearing the scar apart. You can bury that thing in your heart forever. There is no need to say it!"

Jiang Fan smiled, his eyes full of understanding and relief.

But looking at Jiang Fan's eyes, Long Yan was even more excited!

"Brother Fan! I have lost so many brothers, I can't risk losing you anymore! Please, let me say it!"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, and finally nodded.

The others have all looked at Long Yan curiously.

Everyone here actually has his own secret, but like Long Yan, who is ready to tell the past is the first one!

Everyone couldn't help being curious, what happened to Long Yan before following Jiang Fan!

However, Long Yan's first words calmed everyone!

"Everyone knows that my name is Long Yan, but a long time ago, I had another name... Dragon God!"

There was silence!


"Dragon God?!"

"You, you, are you the leader of that Dragon Banner?"

"Single-handedly, the Dragon God who signed the tenth mercenary group in the world with a contract of sale?"

"How is this possible?!"

"Didn't it mean that Dragon God has already broken through the Grand Master, and has already returned to the capital to sit down?"

"The key is, if you are the Dragon God, then your strength..."

Everyone looked at Long Yan in shock, and couldn't believe their eyes!

At that time, the Dragon God was already a true powerhouse at the fourteenth level at a young age!

Before his disappearance, someone even calculated that his strength should be at least around the half-step master!

But now, why is he here?

How could it be only level ten?

Even Jiang Fan taught him the secrets of Nine Yin and Nine Yangs, it was just as good as reaching the tenth level!

According to his talent, this is simply impossible!

But Long Yan just gave a wry smile.

"I am indeed the Dragon God, but an accident happened. Not only did I lose my strength, but I was detained for two full years! The Dragon Flag is long gone!"

Everyone was stunned!


"Why, how could it become like this?"

"What's the accident?"

Everyone looked at Long Yan in shock!

"Remains No. 3..."

Long Yan took a deep breath, and finally gritted his teeth and uttered a name——

"Night Demon!"

Everyone trembled!

And Long Yan has slowly recounted what happened two years ago!

"Years ago, the Night Demon was just a low-powered little person!"

"But three years ago, he suddenly emerged, and even created the'Nightmare', one of the top ten assassin organizations!"

"This is an incredible thing!"

"Therefore, various organizations have sent many dark children to lurch in the'Nightmare' to inquire about the news!"

"Even our'Dragon Banner' sent out lurkers!"

"Two years ago, the Anzi of'Dragon Banner' suddenly sent back a coordinate! There, it is the Relic No. 3!"

"After that, I took the elite'Dragon Banner' to go there, and other organizations that had received the news also dispatched one after another..."

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