
Dave was startled, and suddenly looked at Jiang Fan with weird eyes!

I'm crazy enough!

But this little brother is so special that he is still delivering food at the end of the world!

It's crazier than myself!

"Little brother, but now I don't have the mood to eat takeaway at all!"

Dave looked anxious!

"Now almost all people in the whole town have become zombies!"

"I finally worked out a mutant pea that can be used to stop zombies!"

"But now I don't know what's going on, it doesn't sprout!"

"If this plant fails to succeed, we will all be dead!"

"Damn it! Now all my previous calculations are useless! All have to start again!"

"But, I don't have so much time at all! My brain is not enough at all!"

Dave clutched his head desperately!

But Jiang Fan just smiled and opened the takeaway!

Suddenly, an extremely rich fragrance filled the entire house in an instant!

As soon as he smelled this, the slow-moving zombie in the distance suddenly rose!

That is the taste of the brain!

Unprecedented sweet brain taste!

This smell drove them crazy!

And Dave trembled even more, and took the takeaway in one hand!

"This, what is this?"

"This is Chinese food, tin foil brain flower!"

"Oh my God! It turned out to be Chinese food! Me, I'm welcome!"

Dave reached out and took a brain flower and put it in his mouth!

"Ouchi! This, this taste!"

"Unspeakable! It's wonderful! It's delicious!"

"I think my brain development has exploded directly!"

"Better than super body possession!"

"I feel like I have become a quantum computer!"

"Ah! I understand! I finally understand why these plants don't germinate!"

"It's sunshine! The sunshine is not right! What I lack is a kind of sunshine synthesis plant that is effective for them!"

"As long as you have this kind of plant, it's not just peas! Melons, nuts, peppers, cherries... all these can be made!"

"Jiang Fan! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Dave laughed wildly like a madman!

"You're welcome! Then you study it hard!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand and left!

Upgrade immediately, I still have a very important thing to do!


"Wait! Brother, although I understand the principle, there are too many zombies now! I have no time to practice! Can you help me resist these zombies?"

Dave looked at Jiang Fan pleadingly!

"Ding! Crazy Dave has released a side quest for you-the birth of a sunflower!"

"Detailed explanation of the sunflower birth mission: before Dave invented the sunflower, help him resist the siege of the zombies!"

"Ding! Do you accept it?"

you still need to ask!


As Jiang Fan spoke, the zombies finally rushed behind Jiang Fan!

"heads up!"

Dave exclaimed!

But Jiang Fan just smiled, and blasted out with the palm of his backhand!


The invincible innocence is almost like a hurricane burst out suddenly!

The hundreds of grim-faced zombies behind Jiang Fan didn't even hold on to a breath, they were directly blasted into debris!

At the same time, the system prompt sounded!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing 103 ordinary zombies and earning 103 points!"


What is this thing for?

Jiang Fan looked blank, but the others were already stunned!

They all looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

This is definitely not eating corn cannons, it is so obvious that it is eating destruction mushrooms!

This is too powerful!

Is this takeaway guy really human?

And Jiang Fan has snapped his fingers at Dave!

"Hurry up?"

"Huh? Ah! Yes yes yes!"

Dave finally reacted and ran towards his truck!

His truck is his laboratory!

The survivors also rushed out of the house with a look of excitement, and quickly ran towards Jiang Fan!

"Little brother! You are amazing!"

"Waving and wiped out all these zombies!"

"You are our savior!"

"With you, we can finally prepare to regain our homes!"

The crowd shouted at Jiang Fan excitedly!

Jiang Fan was about to say something polite, at this moment!

"Ding! System prompt! There is a wave of zombies coming!"

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, then turned around and looked in the direction of the door!


Accompanied by a low roar, a zombie wearing a yellow barricade suddenly appeared from the opposite side of the gate and slowly walked in towards the yard!

This is a barricade zombie!

With its appearance, the crowd soon discovered in horror that more and more barricade zombies were rushing here!

The key is that the speed of this thing is much faster than the previous zombies!

The crowd was stunned!

"How come there are?"

"This thing will actually be decorated?"

"That doesn't seem to be a simple decoration!"

"It's stronger and faster than the previous zombies!"

"It's over! How can zombies evolve?"


The crowd panicked!


Before they had time to move, Jiang Fan smiled strangely and took out a huge gun that was more than 1.5 meters in length and extremely ferocious!

Six-barreled Vulcan Cannon!

next moment!


With the rapid rotation of the muzzle, countless ammunition poured out like a rainstorm!

Those barricade zombies that just appeared have not survived even half a minute, and have been directly torn into pieces by the terrifying metal storm!

The crowd opened their mouths and looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

This is too nonsense!


You are just a takeaway boy!

You are just delivering food!

Why do you need to bring a Vulcan cannon when you go out?

Is it so unsafe to deliver food?

But immediately, the crowd was immediately excited again!

With such a fierce takeaway boy, zombies are not a problem!

Takeaway boy, invincible in the world!

"Ding! System prompt! There is a wave of zombies coming!"

At this moment, the system prompt continues to sound!

Jiang Fan looked forward and suddenly found that a wave of zombies had appeared again at the door!

It's just that this time the zombie actually carries an iron bucket on his head!

It is the barrel zombie!

It’s just that the barrel zombies are different from the barricade zombies!

Their bodies are obviously stronger, and they even carry some metallic reflections on them!

Obviously very powerful!

But the crowd doesn't panic at all now!

"Hahaha! These stupid zombies dare to come over!"

"I wonder if we have a big killer like a takeaway boy?"

"Just looking for death!"

"Little brother! Punch him!"

"Oli here!"

In the excitement and screaming of the crowd, the sound of the Vulcan cannon burst out again!

It's just that this time the bullets from the Vulcan Cannon bombarded these zombies, just blasting them out, but they didn't even die!

The defense of these zombies is actually outrageous!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly. The Vulcan cannon is a black iron grade equipment. If it were the original ammunition, it would be enough to shred these iron barrel zombies, but the current magazine is a whiteboard equipment, and the attack power is simply not up!

You have to do it yourself!

But it's weird. It's just holding an iron bucket. How can the defense rise so much?

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