Hearing Long Yan's voice, Li Zhongan frowned!

He raised his head and looked at Long Yan!

After a long time!

He stood up suddenly!

Staring at Long Yan almost incredulously!

"You, are you Long handsome?!"

"Hehe, it's rare that you remember me!"

Long Yan smiled slightly, and sat down on the big sofa for himself!

"You know?"

Wang Yi looked at Long Yan curiously.

"Well, Li Zhongan, he has been a deputy for me for a period of time. He has a very good talent!"

Wang Yi and Zhao Guoliang were all taken aback!

Such a master was actually only Long Yan's deputy back then!

I can't tell, this fat guy was amazing back then!

Long Yan already looked at Li Zhongan with a smile.

"Xiao Li, why are you here?"

Li Zhongan looked at his age. Although he could not be Long Yan's father, at least he was more than enough to be a big brother. However, in the face of Long Yan's questioning, he really seemed to be short of Long Yan's generation, and he lowered his head subconsciously!

"Long Shuai, the old man has orders, I am here to serve as a bodyguard for Jiang Fan..."

As soon as he spoke, he suddenly trembled!

Oh shit!

Lao Tzu is not what it used to be!

That's right!

Once upon a time, you were indeed radiant, known as the number one genius of Longqi!

At that time everyone was proud to be by your side!

But now, regardless of identity, status, or strength, I am above you!

And you Long Yan is just an amnesty prisoner!

Not only is the strength low, but he is also fattened into such a virtue, and now he dares to show his qualifications in front of Lao Tzu, without seeing what you are!

Do you really think you are the former Marshal Longqi!

Thinking of this, Li Zhongan suddenly lifted his body and looked at Long Yan proudly!

"Hehe, Long Yan, why are you here?"

"Oh, I followed Brother Fan after being pardoned by the old man!"

Just after lunch, Long Yan was a little sleepy and didn't pay attention to Li Zhongan's tone change.

"Brother Fan?"

"Mr. Li, Long Yan is talking about Mr. Jiang!"

Zhao Guoliang explained on the side!



Li Zhongan suddenly snorted!

"What's the name of Brother Fan, the rivers and lakes are so strong, Long Yan, do you still have the shame of being the commander of Long Qi?"

"Oh? What does this have to do with shame?"

Long Yan was suffering from food sleepiness. He ate too much at noon, and he wanted to take a nap.

"What's the matter? How prestigious is the former Dragon Banner! But it was because of your unfavorable work that caused the Dragon Banner's casualties! Now you still shamelessly be a running dog for others, and I feel sick when I think of ever doing things with you!"

Li Zhongan looked disgusted, and looked down upon Long Yan with contempt!


That's so cool!

Can actually teach the once famous Dragon God!

This feeling is almost flying!

But his feeling hasn't been maintained for half a second!

"what did you say?"

Long Yan narrowed his eyes and suddenly stood up slowly!

"Huh! What did I say? I said you are incompetent! You rubbish, you were able to direct me to do things back then, really..."

Before Li Zhongan had finished speaking, the sleepiness in Long Yan's eyes had disappeared completely, replaced by a terrifying look full of coercion!

Li Zhongan's heart jumped!

But he immediately smiled coldly!

"What? Feeling upset? Do you want to fight with me?"

"Hehe, you want to challenge me because of your trash? I am now, but a half-step grandmaster!"

"Also, because you have taken care of me, I will accompany you to have fun..."

While talking, Li Zhongan looked at Long Yan provocatively!


Today, not only can I reprimand this once-first genius in person, but now I can actually do it!

Stepping on him for a while, the feeling is absolutely amazing!

Li Zhongan was trembling with excitement!

And Long Yan has taken a step forward slowly!

Before this step, Long Yan was still a fat man full of joy and harmless to humans and animals!

But with this step down to the ground, for an instant!


An incomparably terrifying infuriating tsunami flooded the entire river house in an instant!

The aura is almost as strong as it is, in the living room, Wang Yi and Zhao Guoliang are almost suffocated!

What's more terrifying is that when this true temperament is already so amazing, that even more massive amount!

The aura of Long Yan is clearly only fourteenth level, but his true energy reserves are even more terrifying than the half-step grandmaster!

"No, it's impossible! It's impossible!"

Li Zhongan screamed suddenly!

And Long Yan had already clenched his fist fiercely and smiled grinningly!

"Boy! It's okay to insult me, but you shouldn't insult Dragon Banner!"


The whole Jiangzhai trembled suddenly!

next moment!

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

The sound like an earthquake resounded across the whole world in an instant!

next moment!


The walls of the living room of Jiang's house suddenly exploded!

Li Zhongan, who was covered with blood and looked terrified in his eyes, was blown out like a small stone!


Still in mid-air, Li Zhongan has already spouted another mouthful of blood!

At this moment, he was stunned!


How could Long Yan be so strong!

He was so badly injured in the past, it is fortunate not to die!

According to speculation, Long Yan, who had a half-step grandmaster back then, would not be able to exceed level fourteen at most!

What's more, I have long heard that he abolished martial arts and began to rebuild, even if he is the first genius in the organization, he will not exceed level 11 at most!

But now, how can it be so fast now!

I just got ten punches, but my rib was broken in half!

The point is, looking at Long Yan's appearance, he didn't even use his full strength!

He is just playing around with himself!

damn it!


Must run!

When I get back to the organization, I will sue him well, and someone will come to kill him at that time!

Determined, Li Zhongan reluctantly raised his true spirit, and was about to cross the wall!

But at this moment!

He only felt his scalp numb, and almost instinctively stopped his steps and took a step back desperately!

And until this time!

"Oh? The perception is pretty good!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded from the fence!

Li Zhongan looked up and found that there was a man carrying a wooden box standing there!

Yue Jianhan!

Damn it!

This, this guy, what a terrible pressure!

Absolutely not under Long Yan!

Li Zhongan was sweating profusely, turned and rushed in the other direction!


"Hey hey hey! Uncle, where are you going?"

Right in front of Li Zhongan, a little boy with a hat and a lollipop waved to him with a smile on his face!

But with the boy's beckoning, Li Zhongan only felt that his scalp was about to explode!

Suddenly footsteps!

next moment!


Right in front of him, the lawn seemed to have been cut by something, and a terrifying crack appeared directly!

Number 13, cut!

"Got it..."

Li Zhongan's teeth are shaking!

This shameless little boy turned out to be a half-step master!


He turned around and ran away again!


"Don't run around, there are blood dripping everywhere, the yard I just cleaned, I have to clean it again!"

A voice full of dissatisfaction suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, just across from Li Zhongan, a ball of spray suddenly condensed into a human form!

The man was like a medicine jar, sickly, but the breath on his body was not inferior to the little boy!

Number two!

Another half-step master!

Li Zhongan almost collapsed!


This is only Los Angeles!

It's just a house in Los Angeles!

How could there be so many such terrifying masters!

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