"Hehe, do you still expect the Zhou family to take action? Last time Zhou Jing was in Los Angeles, but it was a loss of soldiers. I am afraid that the Zhou family will not send someone stupidly in a short time!"

Bao Dabao spoke mercilessly.

But Qiu Yuanfeng's laughter is even more proud!

"You're right, Jiang Fan's growth is really terrifying! Even Zhou Qing, a half-step grandmaster, can't help him, but Jiang Fan is strong, but it doesn't mean that his men are as strong! What's more..."

Qiu Yuanfeng smiled!

"The Zhou family can't do it, but there is also the Song family!"

"Song family?"

Bao Dabao was startled immediately.


"Didn't you say before that three masters in the Song family, including Song Hong, were imprisoned by Jiang Fan? And Jiang Fan also asked Song Minghe for a sky-high ransom?"

"We used to think that Jiang Fan was going to teach Song Minghe a lesson. Now it seems that he gave Song Minghe a week to raise the 10 billion ransom. It is clearly afraid that the Song family suddenly made a move during his absence!"

"He is dragging time!"

"If we tell the Song family this news, you say...hehehe!"

Bao Dabao's eyes lit up!


Combined with Jiang Fan leaving Los Angeles now, this must be the case!

Qiu Yuanfeng is really amazing!

He could guess every move of Jiang Fan!

Among all Jiang Fan's opponents, I am afraid that only this old fox can truly threaten Jiang Fan!

But Qiu Yuanfeng's voice is getting more and more excited!

"I really look forward to Jiang Fan's angry and helpless expression after the destruction of Jiang's house! Hehehe, hahaha!"



Song family!

Song Minghe was about to fall asleep, but his cell phone suddenly rang!

It seems that the electricity is actually an assistant!

Song Minghe frowned.

It is his time to rest now, and everyone knows that it is most unwise to disturb him at this time!

Unless something big happens!

"what happened?"

Song Minghe answered the phone.

"Sir, I just received a call about... Jiang Fan!"


Song Minghe was startled slightly, his expression suddenly became serious!


"Yes! The other party refused to reveal his identity, and only said that Jiang Fan asked us to raise 10 billion as a pretext to prepare for him to leave Los Angeles! Now Jiang Fan is no longer in Los Angeles, and the other side said that if we want to save people, this is the best. opportunity!"


Song Minghe stood up suddenly!

"Is the news reliable?"

"This...it's hard to say, I think it is necessary to verify it."

"Okay! Check it now!"


After hanging up the phone, Song Minghe was already convinced!

for a long time!

"Jiang Fan..."

In Song Minghe's eyes, there was a flash of murder!


"Patriarch, the destination is here!"

An air hostess squatted down beside Jiang Fan and spoke softly.


Jiang Fan suddenly opened his eyes, and then slowly sat up from the bed.

"How long will it take to land?"

"five minutes."

"Well, open the curtains!"


As the stewardess pressed the switch on the warehouse wall, soon, the curtain that originally covered the window was gradually opened, and the sunlight outside the window directly shone in!

At the same time, the lazy voices of Long Yan and others continued to ring from next door.

Soon, several people have returned to the cabin living room.

And at this moment, through the window, you can already see a very prosperous area not far away, and a chain of large islands lined with various buildings!

It presents a huge fishhook shape, dominated by a large island, dotted with countless small islands like pearls, some islands are as big as a village, but some are only the size of a car.

Here, it is the destination of Jiang Fan and others-Bermuda!

Bermuda is part of the overseas jurisdiction of Britain. The only big city on the island is the following city called Hamilton!

"finally reached!"

A terrifying look suddenly burst out of Jiang Fan's eyes!

And the other few people also looked serious!

The next trip is bound to be perilous!


As the plane slowly landed, Jiang Fan finally looked at a group of crew members.

"After we leave, you will return to sail immediately and stand by in Citigroup!"

"Yes! Patriarch!"

Several crew members hurriedly spoke.

And Jiang Fan looked at the opened gangway and finally put on his mask!


It was the morning in Hamilton at this moment, the sun was shining, and there were still more than 30 hours before the No. 3 Ruins opened.

As soon as Jiang Fan and the others rushed out of the airport, they frowned!

"My lord, someone is watching us!"

Number two spoke softly.

"Don't worry, go directly to the Ampton Hotel!"


Soon, a few people had stopped a car and went straight to the hotel where the sword of thorns settled!

And just as a few people left.

In an inconspicuous car near the airport, a bearded man was holding an intercom and listening to a report!

Until the other party finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Sir, four more people are here!"

"Oh? Do you know the details of the other party?"

"The registration place of the other party's aircraft is Gaul, and the route shows that it is from the city that never sleeps!"

The beard said.

The Sword of Thorns had long used other means to change the information of Jiang Fan and others, so no matter how these people checked, they couldn't find out Jiang Fan's true origin.

"The city that never sleeps? What are their characteristics?"

"It should be three adults with a child, one of whom is fatter than a rhino, but they all wear masks!"


The other party was obviously startled.

"Yes, it seems that China is very famous... the four Monkey Kings!"

The other side was silent for a long time, and suddenly couldn't help but smile softly.

"Interesting, others are acting low-key, but these few people are so swaggering, it seems like they are trying to attract our attention... It should be a certain force who is suspicious. Just remember where they go. Don't pay more attention to others !"


The beard agreed and immediately re-observed nearby.

But Jiang Fan and others arrived at the hotel not long ago.

The Ampton Hotel is one of Hamilton’s high-end hotels. As soon as a few people came in, they suddenly felt tentative eyes swept over.

Jiang Fan has come to the front desk without stopping.

"Hello sir, can I help you?"

When the young girl at the front desk saw the hideous mask on Jiang Fan's face, she stepped back in shock.

"Give me room cards of 726 and 727."

Jiang Fan's tone is gentle, but with a kind of unquestionable.

"Ah, yes..."

The front desk originally wanted to ask the other party's name, but his heart trembled and hurriedly took out two room cards and handed them to Jiang Fan.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Fan put away the room card and suddenly turned to look at the source of his gaze.

The masters of these few eyes are scattered in the hotel lobby, men and women are different, but they are all dressed up as tourists, and their strength is surprisingly high!

The lowest one is actually level twelve!


The twelfth level can only be used to stalk the periphery, it seems that this time it is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

Jiang Fan clicked the corner of his mouth, and suddenly released a breath of fourteenth level!

At the same time proudly snorted!

The expressions of the few people who were watching them moved, and they suddenly looked back!

But there was a little sneer in the eyes of these people!

It's only a mere fourteenth level. It's so arrogant. It's typically a small supporting role who can't survive two episodes. It doesn't need attention at all. Some people teach them a lesson!

Sure enough, at the moment Jiang Fan just released his breath!


A sneer, suddenly sounded!

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