God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 130: The winner of two wins in three games is Dad

"Teacher, come back soon! Something happened!"

As soon as the call was connected, Su He's anxious voice came over!

What happened to Class 3?

"Okay, I will be there soon!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan directly adjusted the bike to fourth gear!


The bicycle turned into a flash of lightning, crazy, rushing towards the blue eagle!

Pedestrians on the road only felt that a violent wind was blowing, and they couldn't see the shadow of Jiang Fan at all!

At this moment, on the playground, Class 3 and Class 6 are facing each other!

Both sides were full of anger and murderous aura!

"Murongcui! What do you mean?"

"Huh! I still want to ask, what do you mean!"

Murongcui's face was cold, looking straight at Meng Kun!

"Cao Le walked hard, why did you push him?"

"I'm pushing him? If it wasn't for this fat man with a bad mouth, I wouldn't bother to touch him!"

Meng Kun, with a sneer!

Cao Le glared at Meng Kun: "Fart! What did I say to you?"

"You said Meng Kun is a nerd, nothing but learning!"

A girl from Class 6 pointed at Cao Le and shouted!

"That was what he called me fat first!"

"You're a fat man! Brother Kun said what's wrong with you? Do you dare to talk back! You are full of peach blossoms when you see me not scratching!"

The girl was furious and rushed towards Cao Le!

Seeing this, the girls in Class 3 immediately rolled up their sleeves and were ready to rush upwards!

"Stop it!"

Meng Kun, suddenly shouted!

Everyone is shocked!

Meng Kun looked straight at Cao Le: "Fatty man, don't you say that I can't do anything but study? There is a kind, let's compare it!"

"What do you want to compare? Heads-up or group fight?"

Although Cao Le is fat, but the chassis is very stable! Fighting, that is a compulsory course for class three students, hands-on, they haven't been afraid of anyone yet!

Liang Kai looked at Meng Kun with disdain!

"Boy, I advise you to be honest and do it? Haha, beware that your mother won't recognize you when I beat you!"

Meng Kun dismissed it with a smile!

"This is the school, we top students, don't do such a rude thing! It's better than sports!"

Three shifts are almost, at the same time stunned!

Then, laughed!

"A group of nerds, actually, are better than us in sports?"

"It's crazy!"

"Insult yourself!"

"Today, let us, the uncles of Class 3, teach you how to behave!"

Everyone in the third group was mocking, only Murongcui, with a trace of doubt on his face!

Just before Murong Cui could speak, Hong Lei couldn't wait to speak!

"Good! How do you want to compare!"

The corner of Meng Kun's mouth evokes: "Swimming, long-distance running, weightlifting, one player in each round, two wins in three rounds!"


A group of people came to the gym soon!

Hong Lei stood up first and lifted a hundred kilograms at will!

And the players sent by Class 6 didn't even lift 50 kilograms!

The third class was another ridicule!

It's just that Meng Kun's face didn't change at all, instead he smiled slightly!

"It's just a game, it's meaningless, why don't we add a lot of prizes?"

"Haha, just want to add more prizes like this? Is this going crazy in Class 6?"

"Have you been crazy? Otherwise, how can you dare to fight our third class?"

"Let's talk! What color do you want to add!"

"Let's accompany you!"

"and so on!"

Murongcui suddenly spoke!

Suddenly, everyone in Class 3 was taken aback!

However, before Murongcui had finished speaking, Meng Kun smiled disdainfully, and said, "Wait? You shouldn't be afraid of Class 3, right?"

"Fart! What are we afraid of?"

"Hurry up, stop talking nonsense!"


Meng Kun smiled triumphantly: "Which side loses, call the other side's father collectively!"

Class three is silent!

This time, even Murong Cui's face was gloomy!


The swimming competition begins!

It was Su He who played in Class 3. She grew up by the water since she was a child, and her swimming skills were not much worse than that of Lan Ying's teacher!

However, as soon as they saw the people coming out of Class 6, everyone was stunned!

"Huang Ling?"

"Why is she?"

"She was the swimming champion of last year's school!"

"Isn't she from Class 5?"

"Boys from Class 6, didn't you guys justify yourself? Looking for foreign aid!"

Meng Kun smiled triumphantly!

"Don't you know? Huang Ling has already transferred to our sixth class!"

In the count!

Murongcui was shocked!

Sure enough, when the two got into the water, Huang Ling was far ahead!

At this moment, Jiang Fan also arrived!

"Hey? Didn't you say something happened? It turned out to be a game!"

However, no one paid attention to Jiang Fan in the third class, and they all followed the game nervously!


Huang Ling, get to the end first!

The sixth shift suddenly cheered!

But the third class has a gloomy look!

"Don't you just lose, how do you all behave like the eggplants that Shuang beats?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

"You know what a shit! There is one more game. If we lose again, we have to call them Dad!"

Lu He looked gloomy and yelled at Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly pulled out a ruler!

"Student Lu He, what did you just say?"

When Lu He saw the ruler in Jiang Fan's hand, his cold sweat came down!

"Old, teacher, I mean, we can't lose! Just now I bet with Class 6 that whoever loses will call the other person Dad!"

Lu He said, telling Jiang Fan the cause and effect!

After listening, Jiang Fan frowned!

At this time, Meng Kun, who was proud of his face, had already walked over!

"Yeah? Isn't this Teacher Jiang? Why? Come over and cheer for your students?"

"Look at the excitement!"

"Heh! Then you have to be optimistic. In a while, your students will become the sons of our sixth class!"

Huang Ling also followed with a joking look: "The third class is our son, then this takeaway teacher, isn't it... hehe!"

Everyone's face in Class 3 has changed!

"Bastard! You say one more thing to try!"

"Little bastard! Believe it or not, I've abolished you!"

"Who loses and who wins is not necessarily true!"

"Damn! Better than a fart! Just scrap this group of bastards!"

Contrary to Jiang Fan's expectation, the most angrily person was actually Lu He!

Meng Kun disdainfully smiled!

"What's the matter? I just want to do it, right? There is no spirit of contract, it is really a bunch of scum!"

"However, it is reasonable for you to have this kind of reaction. After all, the last long-distance race is Song Hua!"

As soon as Meng Kun said this, Class 6 immediately walked out of a boy with long legs and a proud face!

"Song Hua?"

"It's really Song Hua!"

"This kid was the third runner-up in the city competition last year!"

"Isn't he a student of the third high in Los Angeles? When did he enter Class 6?"

"The last time Teacher Jiang cleaned up his thoughts, there was no him!"

Seeing a group of people in Class 3 panicked, Song Hua couldn't help but smile!

"Since you know me, I advise you to give up directly! Come on, call Dad!"

"Yes! Scream! Hahaha!"

Meng Kun laughed proudly!

A group of students in Class Three, their faces are ashen!

The third game was clearly lost!

Although the third class is bad enough, it can do what it says!

It's just too humiliating!

Murongcui is even more regretful!

Careless! This group of Class 6 is definitely calculated in advance! Just for revenge on Class 3!

At the moment when everyone looked angry, suddenly, Jiang Fan's voice sounded!

"It's not even better, proud ass! Cao Le, you go!"

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