God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1304: I'm just an errand

Long Yan not only regained the fans, but also put on a full force with the words borrowed from Jiang Fan, which can be described as high spirits!

However, the same as No. 2 ordered by Jiang Fan, but a look of bad luck!

Prior to this, the 2nd had notified two small forces, but one of them was really hateful. Even if his words were not clean, he even dared to laugh at his mask!

This is Monkey King!

China's national idol!

It is also the existence that I admire the most!

The status in my mind is only under Fan Fan!

But those guys only said it was a monkey!


A group of unseen goods!

If it weren't for the fear of delaying Brother Fan's business, you must kill them all!

Looking at the two-story building ahead, Number Two took a deep breath!

This is where the Amazon Blade is located!

Hope these guys don't be stupid!

No. 2 murmured, threw away the blood-stained tissue on her hand just after wiping it off, and strode in!

Only when he arrived at the door, two **** men stopped him directly.

"Stop! We have already taken care of this place!"


No. 2's eyes were fierce, and his hands suddenly waved!


The two **** men are like two dolls, suddenly flying upside down!

And No. 2 has kicked the door open!

Behind the gate is a hall. At this moment, several strong men are talking around the conference table. When they see No. 2 coming in, their complexion suddenly changes and they stand up one after another!

"who are you!"

"Dare to break into the territory of our Amazon Blade!"

"Stop him first!"

Several brawny men were furious. One of the big bald guys with poisonous snake tattoos on his forehead gave a grinning smile and slammed into Number Two with a vicious punch!

However, for the big man's fist, No. 2 turned a blind eye, just staring at the crowd coldly!

And the fist of the big man has reached the front of No. 2!

next moment!


A muffled sound!

Unexpectedly, a shield made of flowing water appeared in front of No. 2!

But the big man's fist hit it, and he couldn't even make a splash!


Everyone exclaimed!

This big man is a strong man of fourteenth level!

Even an alloy wall can't hold his punch!

But now, it was actually blocked by a small water shield!

The point is, looking at what the big man looks like at the moment, his fist actually seems to be stuck by a water shield, and he can't pull it out at all!

Who the **** is this masked guy!

No. 2 sneered at the big man, and only then took a step, came to the conference table, pulled out a chair, and sat down!

"You, who are you?"

One of the strong men looked at Number Two with a cautious look!

It's just that No.2 ignored him at all, and instead glanced lazily at a few people before speaking slowly.

"Amazon's Blade, who has the final say?"


Accompanied by a deep voice sounded, on the opposite side of Number Two, a man who was slightly thinner than the others around finally stood up!

"My name is Ponce, one of the deputy leaders of the Amazon Blade!"

"Very well, Mr. Ponce, at nine o'clock tonight, I hope to see you together on the rooftop of the Ampton Hotel! There will be a good show!"

After speaking on the second, I am ready to leave!

But at this moment!


Ponce suddenly spoke!

"Is there anything else?"

Number two smiled.

But Ponce looked cold, and slowly walked towards number two!

"We, Amazon Blade, won't accept the invitation of a guy like you!"

"Well, what do you want?"

"Easy! If you can beat me, just go! If you can't beat me, you will die!"

With a roar, Ponce's originally thin body suddenly swelled to twice its original size!

Then suddenly he slammed his fist towards No.2!

At the same time, his breath finally broke out!

Half-step master!

The strength of this Ponce is actually the same as No. 2!

However, facing the opponent's fist like a cannonball, the second finger hooked!

next moment!


A water column suddenly rose from Ponce's feet!

Ponce's complexion changed, and he stepped on his feet suddenly!


The water column is directly blown to pieces!

But his fist also paused!

And No. 2 has already taken this opportunity to grab his right hand!

The next moment, the sky water droplets that had been exploded suddenly trembled, and they smashed against Ponce like a bullet!

One of them smashed into the wall, piercing the concrete wall 20 centimeters thick!

Everyone gasped!

The power of this drop of water is as terrifying as a sniper rifle!

But Ponce, who was surrounded by drops of water, frowned and suddenly shouted!

next moment!

His already sturdy figure actually swelled again!

And all those drops of water have hit him!


In an instant, the drop of water collided with Ponce's body, and there was a strange sound of metal clashing!

And these drops of water that were enough to penetrate the gold and stone hit him, but they only wiped out a little white mark!

"so hard!"

Number two is slightly startled!

And Ponce was already laughing wildly!

"Hahaha! Enough! But Lao Tzu's ability is body strengthening! At the same level, you can't even break defenses!"

Accompanied by Ponce's wild laugh, the muscles of his legs trembled suddenly!

In the next moment, this extremely strong man had already bounced in front of No. 2 at a speed that was extremely incompatible with his body size!

Then a punch blasted out!

Number Two has a horrified face and seems to have been shocked!

Ponce laughed louder, and at such a close distance, even if the opponent was not shocked, he couldn't hide it at all!


With a muffled sound, Ponce's huge fist has directly blasted through No. 2's chest!

"Hehe, kid, I said, if you can't beat me, you can only die! It seems..."

Before Ponce had finished speaking, the voice of No. 2 suddenly rang from behind him.

"Sure enough, he is a good baby who has never experienced any setbacks!"


Ponce was startled!

Only then did I realize that the number two in front of me was twisted, and then turned into a pool of clear water!


It turned out to be an elemental transformation technique!

When did this **** use it?

Ponce's thoughts turned, and suddenly there was the scene of No. 2 bombarding him with water drops on his head and face!

It's that time!

Take advantage of the fact that your sight is hidden, quickly transform into shape!


Ponce was shocked and wanted to pull out his fist!

It's just a scene that horrified him even more!

That clear water actually seemed to have infinite gravity, and it actually wrapped his fist tightly!

And Number Two has already touched his spine with one finger!

"Don't move! I admit that you can't break your body strengthening at all, but your muscles can strengthen, can your bones?"

Ponce trembled!

Number two is right!

He can now clearly feel that as long as he is a little bit strange, the other party will shatter his spine without mercy!

"Yes, I lost!"

Ponce's size gradually shrank, and he let out a helpless sigh.


Number Two also retracted her finger, smiled slightly, and was about to leave!

But at this moment!

"Your purpose should be to gather secondary forces like us?"

Ponce asked suddenly.


Number two nodded.

But Ponce sneered.

"Hehe, I admit that you are very strong. In the same level, there are very few existences with fighting talents like you, but with your strength, it is impossible to unite everyone!"


Contrary to Ponce's expectation, the number two is not only not angry, but smiles!

But the words immediately after the second made him stand up all over his hair!

"I'm just an errand runner, who will lead you, you my lord!"

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