At this moment, Pampas's brain turned quickly!

The Key of Solomon and the Sword of Thorns are endless enemies!

The other party is looking for it now. Could it be that a trap has been set up and you want to kill them all at once?

damn it!

I was fooled!

Field injury turned out to be just a trap!

The purpose is to paralyze yourself, so that the two lords can attack their team!

How to do?

Against the two lords at the same time, although he is strong, but there is no chance of winning at all!

Besides, if the other party came to the door so openly, he must be fully prepared!

Just give up these people Adolf!

Anyway, these guys are just miscellaneous soldiers, and it will be a big deal to recruit again!

In an instant, Pampas thought more and more right, waiting for a few ruthless words and ran away!

And Adolf and Diana are gray-haired!

Since the master is here and there is a slave contract, he must obey his orders!

But now that the owner chooses his own identity, this is obviously the rhythm of the war!

But when they fight in this place, their identities will inevitably be exposed!

Solomon's Key will surely kill them at any cost!

How to do?

The hearts of the two were desperate!

But at this moment!

"Don't be so nervous! I'm not here this time for war, but for... an alliance!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


Everyone was stunned!

It's as if I heard the wolf say to the sheep, "Hi! Man! How about we go to skewer lamb tonight?"

This is so fascinating!

Pampas looked at Jiang Fan stunned!

"You, what did you say?"


Jiang Fan earnestly repeated it word by word!

"What are you kidding?"

Pampas screamed suddenly!

"Alliance? You idiot! Do you know how much hatred is between our two organizations? Are you crazy?"

"Our hatred has lasted for hundreds of years!"

"I tell you, once we form an alliance, this matter will be known from above. Not only me, but you will also be censored by the Sword of Thorns!"

"Rookie, you probably don't know what your review of the Sword of Thorns is like?"

"I tell you clearly that once you enter the review process, you will never want to see the blue sky again in your life!"

"And the review of Solomon's Key will only be more cruel than yours!"

"Alliance? I might as well die with you!"

Pampas' whole mental state is not good!

This guy on the opposite side is simply a lunatic!

Actually want to threaten myself and let myself be a thug!

That's right, Pampas is still living in the trap he imagined at this moment, thinking that Jiang Fan wanted to use the power of the two lords to threaten him as a betrayer!

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan smiled and sat down directly on a sofa!

"Mr. Pampas, you probably misunderstood. The alliance I said was only in this mission! Don't you really think I am a lunatic?"

"This mission?"

Pampas frowned!


Jiang Fan nodded.

Pampas' complexion changed, and he suddenly reacted!

Did you think wrong?

He immediately sensed his surroundings seriously!

No traps!

Aha! This stupid sixth lord, actually stupidly ran over to die!

However, this guy shouldn't be so stupid, right?

It's better to brake statically and see what this guy wants to do!

Make up your mind, Pampaston sneered!

"Why should I make an alliance with you?"

"Because you have no choice!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly.

"Adolf's analysis just now makes some sense, but it ignores one of the most important issues! That is human nature!"

"human nature?"

"Yes! Human nature! Don't forget, what kind of stuff the Dark Council is like! These guys are all rascals, villains, and hooligans! Just like despicable and greedy hyenas!"

"It is true that their strength is good, and they are even strong enough to fight against the Light Council, but looking at history, we know that these guys have never won a war with the Light Council!"

"Why is this? This is because every time they fight against the Illumination Council, they don't think about how to win, but how to send their opponents in the Black Council to the butcher knife of the Illumination Council to die!"

"It's the same internally, let alone external allies?"

"I can guarantee that if you form an alliance, those guys will not only stab you in the back for good, but will even push you out to die if necessary!"

"Following such an ally, I am afraid that most of your energy will be put on them by that time!"

"But if that's the case, what do you use to fight the Night Demon?"

Jiang Fan's tone is not urgent or slow, but it is even more heavy!

The complexions of Pampas and others are getting harder to look.

Jiang Fan was right!

The Dark Council is just such a bunch of bastards!

They are really capable of doing these things!

for a long time!

"If this is the case, we can't do it alone!"

Pampas said in a deep voice!

"Wow! That's great! If you face the Illumination Council, I would be very happy to work with them!"


Pampas looked stagnant!

"Just kidding! Mr. Pampas, I came here with full sincerity! Let me ask you a simple question, what is our purpose here?"

"Enter the ruins, get things!"

Adolf spoke hurriedly.

"Not bad!"

Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction.

"Then can you tell me what you want?"

As soon as Jiang Fan's words came out, everyone's expressions suddenly sank!

But Jiang Fan smiled.

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to know if the things we choose will conflict. Let me tell you first. What we need for the Sword of Thorns is a green bottle! If I remember correctly, this thing should be called the Deep Sea Demon Bottle. !"

Everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan actually told this secret!

Although all forces were wiped out last time, there is always some news coming back.

This deep-sea magic bottle is exactly one of the names of the items that have been spread out!

Pampas hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke slowly.

"I can't tell you what I want, but what we need does not conflict!"

"Hehe, look, we have found the first reason for cooperation!"

Jiang Fan smiled.

"Everyone, I know the hatred between our two organizations, but as Mr. Pampas said, I am just a newcomer, and I have never killed anyone in the Key of Solomon!"

"So purely from a personal point of view, we don't have to fight for life and death at all."

"Furthermore, there are so many teams this time, and in the end there is a strong man like Night Demon. Our struggle will only reduce the success rate of the mission, and it is even possible that all of them will die in the end!"

"The mission was not completed, and it took a life, which is not worth it! Isn't it?"

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