God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1310: Please call me Little Tang Monk

At the same time, the 13th had already knocked on Igaryu's door!

It didn't take long to wait before the door was opened, and Kirara Hasegawa from Tong Yan Ju X had already appeared in front of the 13th!


But as soon as he saw the size of the 13th, this coquettish stunner was taken aback!

"Hello, Miss Hasegawa!"

The 13th wearing Tang Seng's mask was not a bit displeased, but greeted with a smile.

"Hello, you!"

Kirara Hasegawa reacted quickly and immediately put on a smiling face.

"Don't you ask me to go in and sit down?"

The thirteenth spoke again.

"Hehe, I was rude, please come in!"

Keira Hasegawa said, he actually bowed slightly and let the door open.

The thirteenth sorted out the shorts and vests, and finally walked in with a swagger!

In this room, everyone in Igaryu is there!

The old woman knelt down on a cushion, closed her eyes and said nothing.

The two brothers of the dog breed worshiping the dog and the ghost breed are sitting on the sofa.

As for Kazuo Kameda, he was drinking sake on the counter!

Seeing coming in on the 13th, the others frowned!

"Baga! Whose kid! Get out!"

Kazuo Kameda roared directly!

On the 13th, he turned his head to look at Kirra Hasegawa, and pointed to Kazuo Kameda's slow opening.

"Here you are, he has the final say?"

"not me!"

Kirara Hasegawa smiled slightly.


The thirteenth smiled, and suddenly his right hand flicked!

next moment!


The clothes on Kameda Kazuo's body suddenly exploded into a ball of rags!

The weird thing is that all the rags are all pieces of the same size, as if they were cut in advance by a skilled tailor!

Except for the old woman who was still closed and speechless, everyone was stunned!

Look at the 13th almost unbelievably!

Even Kirara Hasegawa was shocked!

There is no weapon, no sound, and no air current vibrations, as if the clothes on Kameda Kazuo's body were originally fragments and exploded when they moved!

How did this kid do it?

And until then!

"no! No! Please!"

Kazuo Kameda screamed abruptly, jumping up to three meters in an instant as if he had been stabbed in a chrysanthemum!

Then a fierce boy got behind the bar!

The bashful never dared to show up again!

"Ah! My ears are much cleaner, hello, Miss Hasegawa, introduce myself, I am from the sword of thorns!"

The 13th looked at Kirara Hasegawa with a smile on his face!

"Sword of Thorns?!"

Kirara Hasegawa's eyes suddenly jumped!

And the dog breed worship and the dog breed ghost have slowly stood up, looking at the 13th with gloomy eyes!

The Sword of Thorns, but another great power like them!

"Don't worry, you guys, I am not hostile. I am here, on the orders of your lord, to form an alliance with you!"

No. 13 stretched out his arms with a smile on his face.

"Your lord?"

Keira Hasegawa's face changed, and she looked at the 13th in surprise!

This kid who has the strength of a half-step master or above is actually not the master at all!

"Yes! My lord! Our Lord of Thorns!"

"You mean, Field?"

"No, it's the sixth Lord of Thorns!"

"The sixth place?"

Hasegawa was taken aback again!

But she reacted immediately!


Ever since he appeared on the 13th, he has been led by the nose!

Although it seemed that she asked and the other party answered, the initiative of the conversation is always in the hands of this kid!

Could it be that this kid is the leader of the Sword of Thorns this time?

Although this little guy's strength is much worse than his own, but his mind is so flexible, maybe he is a strong enemy!

For a moment, Hasegawa calmed down, and had completely reduced his previous contempt.

"This little gentleman, what should I call you?"

"Well, call me Little Tang Monk!"


Hasegawa is stuck again!

And the 13th has once again regained the initiative to talk!

"Miss Hasegawa, make an alliance with us!"


Everyone was taken aback!

And at this moment!

"Baga! Don't even think about forming alliances! We are absolutely--"

Behind the bar, Kazuo Kameda suddenly appeared half of his head, glaring at the 13th!



Before he finished speaking, he suddenly screamed!

It's just because the hair under his crotch was cut off in a weird way!

"Mr. Kameda, if you talk more, I will cut off more than just the hair!"


Kazuo Kameda turned blue, but he never dared to say one more word!

Kirara Hasegawa glanced at Kazuo Kameda in disgust, and finally spoke softly to the 13th.

"Mr. Tang, the matter of alliance is not so simple. You adults are not even showing your face, it is too insincere! What's more, why should I form an alliance with you?"

"Indeed, there is a natural ally of the Citi National Super Team. You don't need to form an alliance with others, but Miss Hasegawa, do you really believe in the Super Team?"

The 13th smiled slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you should be clear! What kind of stuff is in Citi, don't I need to say more? Backlash is just commonplace!"

"Think about it carefully, how many benefits have they promised you, and what have they really given you?"

"For them, there is actually only one rule, to make other people's things their own! Even if this person is their own ally!"

The thirteenth smiled.

Hasegawa was silent, and the faces of the others were equally uncertain.

"Even if you say so, we have already concluded a joint agreement with the super team first!"

Hasegawa finally spoke slowly.

"Hehe, Miss Hasegawa, do you know what the agreement means?"


"Agreements are used to tear up!"

The eyes of No. 13 are full of insight into everything!

"If you don't tear it up first, it will be too late for the Super Team to do it!"


The dog breed said suddenly!

But the 13th just smiled.

"Everyone, if I'm not wrong, the agreement between you and the super team should be just a verbal agreement, right?"

"how do you know?"

The dog breed ghost was surprised!

The 13th had already looked at Kirra Hasegawa with a grin.

"Miss Hasegawa, you see, your so-called ally, but you don't even want to give you a magic contract!"

Kirara Hasegawa took a deep breath.

She also has no choice. In fact, needless to say, everyone knows that Dongying is just a dog raised by Citigroup!

The master has orders, but he has no choice but to obey!

Although Igaryu's strength is not inferior to that of the super team, he is even more detached from the Eastern government. You don't need to look at the face of the super team at all, but after so many years, obeying the opponent has almost become instinct!

This is simply a shame!

On the 13th, it was like a nail, deeply pierced into Kirara Hasegawa's heart!

At this moment, she unexpectedly gave birth to a rebellious psychology for no reason!

"What advantage do we have to ally with you?"

Keira Hasegawa spoke suddenly!

"That's too much!"

The 13th has a smile on his face.

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