God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1318: Could it be that he committed suicide by jumping off a building

After Yang Qiu finished speaking, Archibald was stunned!

After a long time, he suddenly looked at Yang Chou suspiciously!

"Why are you so clear to him?"

"Of course I know that this person will never be forgotten in my entire life, or even in my next life! Teacher, do you remember that I said that I have an unshakable enemy? That person is him!"

When Yang Chou said these words, even his eyes were red!

But Archibald frowned suddenly!

Looking suspiciously at Yang Chou!

"Boy, don't you want to borrow my hand and deliberately say that the day is the star of the takeaway, let me avenge you?"

"Teacher! I, Yang Chou, swear by my parents, everything I say is true!"

Archibald was silent!

for a long time!

"Okay! I will believe you once!"

Archibald smiled grinningly!

"Go! Catch that day with me!"

He turned around and left after speaking!

But at this moment!


A loud noise suddenly sounded from the rooftop!

Archibald's complexion changed!

And the next moment!


A figure suddenly flashed past the window!

Archibald stepped over to the window and discovered that Schmidt was falling downstairs!

Seeing Archibald looking out the window, Schmidt suddenly eagerly opened his mouth!

However, before he could speak, he hit the ground heavily!


A loud noise!

Right in front of Archibald's eyes, Schmidt had fallen into a bloodbath!

Archibald opened his mouth wide, looking at Schmidt who seemed to be squishy, ​​he was stunned!

Falling, falling to death?

Schmidt, the ocean shuttler, this master of the same level as him, actually fell alive to death!

Could it be that the stock speculation failed, so he couldn't open it for a while, so he jumped to commit suicide?

Archibald thought blankly.

Do not!

Absolutely impossible!

The old guy shook his head suddenly!

For people like them, if they do everything, they will not commit suicide!

Schmidt, something must have happened!

Archibald quickly recalled the scene of Schmidt before his death!

Then he immediately trembled all over!

The guy Schmidt twisted his right hand and his mouth was full of blood. He, he was seriously injured!

Connected to the loud noise on the rooftop before--

Schmidt was severely injured and then thrown from the rooftop!


Archibald gasped suddenly!

At this moment, the only people on the rooftop are those in the day!

Could it be that Schmidt was made like this by those people?

damn it!

Just know it’s nothing good to stay on it!

Schmidt, an idiot, must have been deliberated!

But now that Schmidt has planted, he had better be cautious!

Thinking of this, Archibald suddenly looked at Yang Qiu!

"You just said that Daylight is Jiang Fan? It's the takeaway star?"

"Yes teacher!"

Yang Qiu nodded heavily!

"If this is the case... This kid hides his identity, obviously he doesn't want others to know his identity... Hey hey! There is it!"

A sly light flashed in Archibald's eyes!


It was not long after leaving on the 13th.


A rough knock on the door suddenly sounded!

Kirara Hasegawa frowned, even knocking on the door was so rude, who is the other party, don't ask!

Sure enough, as soon as the door was opened, Willis walked in with a look of arrogance!

"Mr. Willis? Is something wrong?"

Keira Hasegawa asked politely.


Willis took a greedy look at Kirra Hasegawa before speaking slowly.

"Miss Hasegawa, you guys should have seen the change just now, right?"

"Yeah! The Dark Council is over!"

"Yes! It seems that the dragon group guys have formed an alliance with Solomon's Key and the Council of Light!"

Willis said confidently.

"It should be so, what does Mr. Willis mean?"

Hasegawa asked calmly.

"These three teams are not simple characters, especially those **** Chinese monkeys! Since they are in an alliance, we must not be careless!"

As soon as Willis spoke, all Igaryu's people frowned.

Willis's tone was as if the superior was telling the subordinates, which made people uncomfortable for a while!

More importantly, Igariu's strength is not bad, but in the eyes of Willis, China is the real powerhouse!

Such a comparison made them feel helpless in their hearts!

Once upon a time, Dongying was also a strong one!

However, since becoming a colony of Citigroup, despite the superficial beauty, for decades there has been no sovereignty at all, and can only be given and requested like captive beasts!

On the other hand, China, although the previous decades of hardships and difficulties, but now, it has re-emerged, with a straight back!

Even when the parties fought just now, the dragon group only appeared, and Citigroup lowered its body and ran over!

Such a gap is really too big!

But who can blame this?

"Mr. Willis, it makes sense!"

Hasegawa barely smiled.

"Oh, yes, there is more!"

Willis suddenly thought of something.

"Hehe, although we have confirmed the alliance before, it is only a verbal agreement, so we should go further!"

As soon as Willis spoke, Igaryu rekindled hope!

For them, Citigroup is indeed a better choice!

If the other party can give them enough respect and also sign a magic contract, then it is not impossible for Igaryu to continue to cooperate with Citi!

And when the time comes, Igaryu has something to say about the sword of thorns!

After all, as I said before on the 13th, keeping the Citi National Super Team is for Igaryu's reassurance!

Dog breed worship, dog breed ghost and others all looked hopeful.

Only Hasegawa has a complicated complexion.

But they won't have to struggle soon!


Willis cleared his throat, and then he spoke!

"Well, in order to make you believe in our sincerity, I, Willis, swear to my beloved Citi national flag! I am willing to form a permanent alliance with Igaryu!"

Yes, swear to the national flag of Citigroup?

Everyone in Igaryu was stunned!

But the next moment, a deep sense of shame has filled everyone's chest!

If it was the beginning, they would be a little touched by Willis' words!

After all, the other party is swearing with the national flag of Citigroup!

But there is the No. 13 jade in front, and now they feel angry!

Go to the Citi national flag of your code!

What is the difference between this swearing and shit?


At the very least, **** can be used as fertilizer, but the pledge of the Citigroup is not even as good as shit!

This group of pigs are as greedy and disgusting as cockroaches from Citigroup. They are really shameless to a new level!

In an instant, the eyes of the dog breed worshiping the brothers almost burst into flames!

Kazuo Kameda gritted his teeth even more.

Even the old woman's hands trembled!

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