Everyone looked at Jiang Fan blankly, with a dull expression!

For Jiang Fan, they had no idea how to describe it!

Each of them wanted to use the most gorgeous language to praise Jiang Fan, but when the words came to their lips, all of them spit out a word in unison——


"My lord, you, stop for a moment!"

"Yes, yes, let me slow down!"

"I saw the Dark Council hang up after a series of reversals, but, but I didn't expect that the routine in it was so deep!"

"The point is, I obviously participated, but I really only understand what's going on now!"

Several people in Long Yan held their heads, almost wondering if they had brain worms in their minds!

for a long time!

"My lord, what about the super team? Why do those guys keep? Is it really to give Iga Ryu a reassurance?"

Finally, the 13th couldn't help asking.

"Of course not! The super team, which is stupid and strong like a wild boar, is of course to be left to the night demon! The wild boar, let him go to the one-third of the night demon!"

Jiang Fan sneered!


I know that adults are not so kind!

"My lord, we know all about the seven great forces, but these little forces, why did you summon them?"

Number Two continued to ask.

"If you want to understand this question, then you have to continue to return to the core topic of killing the night demon!"

"We need to know that the main force in the final battle with the Night Demon must be our current six forces!"

"What about the rest? Is it just wasted like this? No, no, no! Now that frugality is advocated, of course we can't do that!

"So it is natural to use waste!"

"When I called them up, I had left them with two choices!"

"First, follow me! Clearly be my pawn! Of course, for those idiots, I didn't expect them to consider this choice!"

"But it's really beyond my expectation to be able to have three teams stay!"

"People who are willing to stay may not be smart or tough, but they must have an advantage, that is, the overall situation is not bad! In other words, such a person is more obedient!"

"So for them, I still have to pay a little attention!"

"Do you think that the destruction of the Dark Council is just for me to cut off the troubles? No, they all have to die anyway, of course it is to squeeze the greatest value!"

"And this value is to build power for me! Not only Iga-ryu, but the three remaining teams are the objects of power!"

"I want them to know that even the seven forces are just my pawn!"

"And if they have shown their power, naturally they still have to be gifted! So I gave them an unprecedented and generous contract!"

"Apply both grace and prestige, subdue them, and it will be a matter of course!"

Everyone gasped!

That's it!

The hapless dark council!

It was actually used twice!

Live once, die once!

"Then, my lord, what is the second choice for those small forces?"

"Since the first one is clearly my pawn, then the second one is naturally confused and discarded!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"I ask you, if a kitten and a group of flies enter your house, which one do you choose?"

"It must be a kitten!"

The three said in unison!

"Correct! In the eyes of the night demon, we are actually the little cats! Little cats, although the claws are good enough, they can't scratch people, but there are too many flies, which is too disgusting!"

"And those abandoned children are flies!"

"The reason why I gave them the information of the ruins is to let this group of people run rampant in the ruins, disturb the situation, and use it to disperse the strength of the Night Demon team!"

"The Night Demon has two options. Send someone to remove the flies first! But if this is the case, we can hang behind them and kill them all when they remove the flies!"

"And if the Night Demon wants to catch our cat first, hehe..."

Jiang Fan smiled meaningfully, but stopped telling it!

However, just these things have completely shocked the Long Yan trio!

It is ridiculous that those who left thought that they had taken a huge advantage, but they didn't know that their fate had already been decided as early as the moment they left the rooftop!

Jiang Fan's calculations are really in his bones. It is almost impossible to squeeze out gold from rotten iron!

So far, everything Jiang Fan did this day has finally revealed its original appearance!

And this is just the first step for Jiang Fan to kill the Night Demon!

"My lord, there is one more question!"

A few people calmed down, and finally continued to speak.

"Although the overall situation has been decided, there are still those people in the dust..."

"No matter how strong an individual is, he cannot control the general trend!"

Jiang Fan said flatly!

But he immediately let out a laugh.

"Oh, of course! It can also be said that their strength is not strong enough to control the situation!"

"My lord, you are really..."

Long Yan took a deep breath, completely speechless!

"Okay, make progress slowly, and sooner or later you will be able to do it too!"


"No, no, no, no!"

The three waved together.

Jiang Fan said lightly, but for them it was a nightmare!

This is too much of a brain, it's better to be honest and happy as a thug!

And Jiang Fan was about to say something, just at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"The mask is tangible, but the mask is also intangible!"

"Each of us wears a mask!"

"We will hide our identity, suppress our darkest desires, and then show to the public an image that is more acceptable to society!"

"But one day, with the appearance of a mask that can inspire the deepest desires, everything becomes different..."


Jiang Fan couldn't help but startled!

And the system has continued to speak!

"Ding! Please give Stanley a refreshing cold kelp shreds!"


What world is this?

It's related to the mask, also called Stanley, why don't you remember it?

do not care!

Jiang Fan looked at No.2 and others.

"Although the overall situation is over tonight, but while the iron is hot, you have to talk to the other forces about the follow-up. You should contact them now and prepare to join together!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

Number two and others took out their mobile phones and started to contact, while Jiang Fan quickly came to the back kitchen of the hotel!

Seeing someone break in, a group of chefs will immediately push them out!



Just before everyone reacted, Jiang Fan had already picked up a piece of soaked seaweed!

next moment!

"Du Du Du Du!"

Almost in an instant, a whole piece of kelp has been cut into filaments of the same size!

Then Jiang Fan skillfully took the garlic seasoning, and soon, a plate of garlic and refreshing kelp shreds was completed!

"It smells good!"

A group of chefs were all stunned!

But before their praise could begin, Jiang Fan hurried away with this plate of kelp silk!

Randomly found an unmanned corner, Jiang Fan suddenly let out a low voice!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! About to enter—"

I'm so bad~~~

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