God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1323: Magic trouser pocket

"Boy! The hotel is closed, we won't welcome guests today!"

"That's right! Be smart and get out of here!"

The two big guys said, patted the pistol on the waist!

Jiang Fan frowned!

But at this moment!

"Huh? Isn't this the Stanley?"

One of the men looked at Stanley and exclaimed directly!


"Yes! That's the guy who sent the boss to the bureau as a scapegoat!"

"Hasn't this kid been settled?"

"Damn it, don't care, grab him first!"

The two big guys said, grinning grimly, and grabbed Stanley!



A burst full of infuriating fluctuations suddenly sounded!


Before the two strong men even had time to scream, they were directly shocked by Jiang Fan's roar!

Before landing, he rolled his eyes and fainted directly!

Stanley was dumbfounded!

Is this the lion roar in Chinese legend?

It's too fierce!

But before he had time to cheer, there was a gunshot in the hotel!

As soon as he heard this voice, Jiang Fan knew that Dorian must have done it!

At this moment, these people in the hotel are Nico's partners, as long as you catch them all, and finally kill Nico, in the end, the entire city is his!

As soon as the gunshot rang, Stanley exclaimed!

There was a gunshot. Could it be Dorian that shot Tina?


Tina is the only woman who really cares about herself!

If something happens to her, what will she do!

"Jiang Fan!"

Stanley looked at Jiang Fan anxiously!

And Jiang Fan had already moved, and directly led Stanley into the hotel!

At this moment, there is a mess in the hotel!

More than a dozen strong men armed with guns are shooting around the hotel!

And the one who led them was a man with a weird and hideous green mask, who laughed wildly!

Needless to say, this man is exactly Dorian!

"Hahaha! Shoot! Shoot! Kill them!"

Dorian looked excited and roared frantically!

"Boom boom!"

"Da da da!"

With the continuous sound of gunfire, the exclamation of the crowd resounded across the sky!


"Oh my God! Who will save us!"

"I don't want to die! Uuuuu..."

"People are sitting in the hotel, guns are coming from the sky!"

"Quick! Call the police!"

"Call the police? Don't be silly! When the Citi police arrives, our bodies will be cold!"

"The biggest possibility is that when those idiots rush in, they will kill us like the robbers!"

At this moment, Dorian had grabbed a blonde beauty next to him, and directly tied her to a coconut tree in the middle of a hotel for styling!

This woman is the goddess of Dorian, Tina!

"Hehehe, my dear, this is your collective singing and dancing show!"

"Of course! The most exciting thing is the opening of the explosion!"

Dorian laughed, and while talking, he had directly picked up a bundle of explosives and placed it at Tina's feet!

This monster actually wants to blow Tina to death!

"no, do not want!"

Tina's scared face faded!

Thinking of the scene where she was killed, she suddenly looked desperate!

Unfortunately, Stanley has been put in prison!

Even if he wasn't locked in, now that the mask was in Dorian's hands, he couldn't save himself at all!

At this moment!

"Asshole! Let go of Tina!"

An angry cry suddenly sounded!


Tina screamed in excitement!

At the door of the hotel, Stanley had already rushed in with an unusually handsome Chinese guy!


Stanley was equally excited when he saw Tina!

But Dorian's eyes widened in disbelief!

"Impossible! How did you escape?"

At this moment, Dorian's face was distorted, his eyes were red, and even his tongue was forked!

This is the consequence of putting on the mask!

Once this mask is put on, anyone gains power and their inner image will also be reflected on the mask!

But Dorian sneered immediately!

"Huh! Those Citi police officers are really rubbish! But it doesn't matter, I will just kill you!"

Dorian said, waving his hand directly!

"kill him!"

In an instant, a dozen of his subordinates had already picked up their guns and aimed at Stanley and Jiang Fan!

Then, suddenly spoke!

"Da da da da!"

The gunshots are loud!

Countless bullets were like pouring rain, completely covering the two of them!

"Do not--"

Tina screamed bitterly!

It's a pity that the cry stopped abruptly as soon as it sounded!

The others were completely stunned!

I saw that just as the bullet was about to hit the two of them, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand, and his internal strength was suddenly shaken!


A loud storm like a loud noise!

The countless bullets that were shot at the two were rolled back by a terrifying infuriating anger, directly sifting a group of Dorian's men!

Everyone was stunned!

"Fuck, fuck!"

"The bullet was actually bounced back!"

"Who is this handsome guy?"

"Hua Xia people? Is it Hua Xia Kung Fu just now?"

"Uh no Z! Great Klass!"

Tina's eyes widened!


It's better than Stanley wearing a mask!

Who is this extremely handsome and impressive Chinese man?

Dorian's face was extremely gloomy!

He never expected that such a strong would come out!

"Boy, who are you on earth!"

"Huh! Listen carefully!"

Stanley sprang out from behind Jiang Fan with a smug look, and then pointed at Jiang Fan with a proud look!

"This one is my eldest brother! Jiang Fan, an omnipotent and extremely powerful takeaway!"



The crowd was stunned!

"Huh! No matter what you takeaway, you dare to do anything good about Lao Tzu! Go to death!"

Dorian roared and rushed towards Jiang Fan!

"Stanley, go save Tina!"

After Jiang Fan said this, he also rushed towards Dorian!

Seeing that the two are about to collide together!

At this moment!


Dorian suddenly opened his mouth wide, and directly expelled a puff of green smoke!

Jiang Fan's complexion changed, his steps went wrong, and he passed the green smoke directly!

The next moment, a table that was touched by green smoke rotted directly!

This green smoke is actually stronger than strong acid!

Seeing Jiang Fan avoiding, Dorian pulled out a bazooka from his pants pocket with his backhand!

That's right!

Just from the trouser pocket!

The ability of this mask is really weird. When Stanley put on the mask before, he looked like a jingle cat, he could take anything out of his pocket, and now Dorian is also!

The crowd looked shocked!

And Dorian had already grinned and pulled the trigger!


A rocket suddenly shot towards Jiang Fan!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan drew a backhand, and a long sword with cold light suddenly appeared in his hand!

"Fuck! This Chinese takeaway guy can even get something out of his trouser pocket!"

"Are their trouser pockets attached to the weapon warehouse?"

The crowd was stunned!

Dorian was stunned!

This is so wrong!

Shouldn't this be my exclusive skill?

It's just that Jiang Fan has already swung his sword!

In the next moment, that rocket bomb was cut by Jiang Fan with a single sword!

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