As soon as he saw the content of the letter, the face of No. 2 changed drastically!

"what happened?"

"What's written on it?"

Long Yan and No. 13 looked curious.

Even Jiang Fan couldn't help but sit up.

And Number Two has slowly read out the content of the letter!

"I know who you are! Ten minutes later, in the dense forest on the east coast of the city, come alone! I am waiting for you, Jiang Fan!"


"Who is the other party! How do you know the identity of the adult?"

"Damn it! How did it show up?"

Several people in Long Yan looked shocked!

And Jiang Fan's face is as sinking as water!

Has his identity been exposed?

This shouldn't be!

Even if they told the other party their identity in the previous alliance, there are contracts on all sides, and there is no way to entrap themselves by any means!

And if these guys want to complete the task, they certainly won't want to have an accident!

After all, mentally, only oneself can contend with the night demon!

So, who will it be?

Could it be that something went wrong inside the Sword of Thorns again?

It's kind of possible!

However, if this is the case, the opponent may be the most appropriate style to kill him in a surprise attack. How could he engage in such a trick?

"My lord, what should I do?"

Seeing Jiang Fan had been silent, No.2 finally couldn't help but ask!

Jiang Fan's eyes flashed, and then suddenly he gave a cold smile!

"Since the other party wants to see me, then see you!"

"But my lord, in case there is a trap..."

The second class is in a hurry!

But Jiang Fan sneered!

"Don't worry, since the other party said that I should go by myself, I am obviously afraid of your strength!"

"In other words, he should have seen you shoot!"

"On the 13th, I only shed hands in Iga, it shouldn't be him!"

"Long Yan shot twice, once in the Dragon Team, not that time! Another time, on the rooftop, where there are many people, the chances are great!"

"The second shot twice. We came to the hotel once today to gather the group of people once! There were a lot of people around these two times, and the odds are not small!"

"However, what Long Yan No. 2 is the same these few times is that there was no grandmaster around at that time!"

"If this is the case, it means that the opponent's strength is not even the master!"

"Such a small character, I just stand still, and he doesn't have the ability to kill me!"

In the last sentence, a fierce light flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes!

Long Yan's hearts jumped!

Brother Fan is too fierce!

Just one sentence, so much analysis!

The other party actually dared to provoke him, this...

What the **** is how many sins have been done in the last life!

The three sighed silently, and then they spoke almost at the same time!

"My lord! I wish you victory! I don't sleep well. Open the door lightly when I come back!"

"My lord, go slowly, come back and buy me a pair of headphones. The one I left before is at home. I need to eat chicken at night!"

"Brother Fan, turn right 200 meters away from the hotel, there is a 24-hour fast food restaurant, don't forget to bring me a family bucket when you come back!"

Anyway, Jiang Fan must have nothing to do, and a few people simply want to benefit!

Jiang Fan's eyes widened!

"A bunch of bastards! Who the **** is the boss?"

"Anyway, you have to go out!"


"Hurry up! I won't be able to catch the second car in a while!"

A few people are not polite!

Jiang Fan covered his chest with his hands!

"You, you..."

"Go, go!"

Several people directly pushed Jiang Fan out of the room!


Jiang Fan lamented!

Both the 2nd and the 13th have failed to learn!

Sure enough, people's hearts are not old!

Leaving the hotel with an unhappy expression!

But not long after he came out, Jiang Fan clearly felt that someone was following him!

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!


Soon, Jiang Fan rushed to the dense seaside forest in the east of the city!

It was midnight, and there should have been worms all around, but at this moment there was dead silence in the dense forest, it seemed that all the worms had disappeared!

The only explanation for this situation is that these animals feel murderous!

Jiang Fan yawned lazily.

"Don't hide, it's over soon, I have to go back to sleep!"

"Humph! At this time, you dare to run out by yourself!"

A cold female voice suddenly sounded!

Listening to this voice, it was the first woman who left after getting the information on the rooftop today!

Jiang Fan vaguely remembered that this woman was the leader of a small force, she should be called Eudora!

And as Eudora spoke, the murderous vibes around the dense forest instantly flourished!

A dozen men and women with amazing aura have already surrounded Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan turned a blind eye to the people around him, just looking at Eudora.

"That letter, did you send it?"

Eudora hadn't spoken yet, a strong man was already laughing!

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be so stupid! You ran out to die by yourself!"

"Hey, there is no bodyguard, what do you do this time!"

"You are very prestigious on the rooftop!"

"That's, respect? To your respect!"

"Yes! We just disrespect you now, what can you do to us?"

Others also spoke, looking arrogant!

Jiang Fan shook his head and looked at Eudora.

"Go ahead, what do you call me out for?"

"Information! Information about the ruins!"

Eudora smiled proudly!

Jiang Fan was startled!

"Didn't I give you all the information?"

"Hehehe, kid, do you think we are fools?"

"You must have left something more secret!"

"Yes! We can spare your life if you hand it over!"

"Otherwise you are going to feed the fish today!"

A group of people sneered!

Jiang Fan couldn't laugh or cry!

These guys... really "smart"!

Since I want them to cause trouble to the Night Demon, it must be that the more they know, the better!

Except for the battle about the Night Demon, almost all of the rest is given to them!

The main reason is that Jiang Fan is afraid that these people will all run away when they know the strength of the Night Demon. What if no one will kill him?

But this kind of thing can't be told to these idiots, right?

Seeing Jiang Fan's face "changed", a group of people suddenly became more sure that Jiang Fan had hidden the private goods!

Several people even laughed out loud!

"Boy, don't blame us! Who caused your own brain problems?"

"Yes! Even if you use these materials to entice us to make some transactions with you, you won't be reduced to where it is now!"

"Yes, a good hand is actually played like this!"

"This is a typical brain damage!"

"Hey, if you want me to see, this kid is a Virgin!"

"Boy, a simple person like you shouldn't come to such a place! Hand in the information, and I will let you go!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan with mocking expressions, and said one after another!


Jiang Fan sighed!

"Everyone, I really gave you all the information, even if you kill me, I won't be able to hand it over!"


"Boy, don't be shameless!"

"Damn! He'll be honest by beating him first!"

Without a word, one of the brawny men slammed Jiang Fan up with a punch!

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