At this moment, Archibald was almost frightened!

Damn Eudora!

Just admit it!

Anyway, if you offend this strong man, you will undoubtedly die!

Just admit it!

Archibald screamed desperately in his heart!

At the same time, he gritted his teeth and thought of Yang Chou!

That bastard!

Little beast!

If it weren't for him to tell him this, how could he bear such a big risk!

If I am not dead today, I will have to tear you alive when I go back!

Archibald was feeling hate here, but Jiang Fan suddenly smiled.

"Let's go!"


Udora and the others simply suspected that there was a problem with their ears!

But Jiang Fan smiled helplessly in a pitiful tone!

"God has the virtue of life, although you are greedy, but you are not guilty of death, nothing more! Go! Go!"

Jiang Fan sighed!

The crowd looked dumbfounded!

"Hey, he, is what he said is true?"

"Looking at him, it shouldn't look like a fake, right?"

"Don't be stupid! Haven't you watched TV? Such a ruthless character must end up killing us directly from behind when we move forward!"

"I don't think it's like! This guy sent us the information before you can tell, absolutely innocent!"

"It makes sense! Maybe he is the Madonna attribute!"

The crowd murmured.

And Jiang Fan had already spoken in an unhappy tone!

"Why, do you not believe in my sincerity?"

"No, no! Let's go! Let's go!"

"Yes, yes! Let's go now!"

"Go, go! Even if he does it, we can always run away!"

"Yes! Fast swordsmanship does not mean fast speed, run!"

As the crowd stood up one after another, and then ran away almost instantly!

Seeing the crowd dispersed, Jiang Fan suddenly narrowed his eyes, and then suddenly took a breath!

for a long time!

The corners of his mouth suddenly aroused, and then he turned around and left!

In the distance, Archibald saw Jiang Fan leave, but he didn't dare to relax at all. Like a koala, Archibald still hugged the trunk tightly!

Ten minutes have passed before he finally got down the tree cautiously!

Then sneakily glanced around, and finally left the dense forest quickly!

Until he disappeared.

A coconut leaf in the distance trembled suddenly!

Jiang Fan's figure finally appeared!

"Hehe, old guy, I actually know who I am!"

Jiang Fan’s breath just now seemed to sigh, but he actually activated the super-sensitive sense of smell from the world of the Blade of Ghost Slayer!

Super Sensitive Smell: Even if my body is gone, I will surely kill the evil spirits!

Note: After learning this skill, the host's sense of smell will become extremely sensitive, and it will even be able to distinguish the source of various odors!

Tip: This skill can be turned on or off at will!

Almost just for an instant, Jiang Fan smelled the smell full of decay and death!

It's just that although Jiang Fan can smell the smell, he can't determine the other party's location!

That's why he pretended to leave and didn't show up until Archibald ran away!

Jiang Fan wanted to kill Archibald just now, but after a little thought, he dispelled the idea.

This old guy is good at strength, and now the life of every strong man on the island is very precious, it is better to let him cause some trouble for the night monster!

And I was so scared by myself today, if this old guy is smart enough, he will definitely not talk nonsense!

Back to the hotel again, throwing the things needed by those little **** on the table, Jiang Fan went into the room and fell asleep!


And at this moment, hundreds of miles away from the Bermuda Islands, on the distant ocean!

In that huge cruise ship!

Is there any light in the captain's room? There is only a faint moonlight, and the Night Demon is sitting on a table, taking advantage of this moonlight, looking at a book with relish.


The knock on the door suddenly sounded!

"Come in!"

Night Demon gently closed the book in front of him!

And until then, can he see the name of his book-"Evolution"!

The door opened and Renata walked in quickly!

It's just different from usual, her footsteps are obviously too fast!

"My lord, there is news from Bermuda!"


"Yes! Solomon's Key, the Council of Light, the Council of Darkness is at war!"

"Oh? Unexpectedly the speed of Solomon's Key and the Dark Council is so fast! The result?"

"The Dark Council is annihilated!"


The night demon was startled!

"How could this be? The Illumination Council shouldn't be so tyrannical!"

"Yes, it was Solomon's Key and the Dark Council who raided the Light Council at first, but Solomon's Key obviously reached some kind of agreement with the Light Council..."

"This is impossible!"

The Night Demon suddenly yelled!

Renata's voice suddenly stopped!

The Night Demon reacted immediately.

"go on!"

"Yes! During the three-way melee, Solomon's Key suddenly attacked the Dark Council, and at this time the dragon group also killed out..."

"Dragon Team?"

The Night Demon is startled again!

"Yes, in the end, under the attack of three parties, the Dark Council was wiped out!"


The night demon slowly exhaled a suffocating breath!

His hands are rubbing on the temples!

for a long time!

"This news, shouldn't it just happen, right?"

"Yes, my lord, this happened nearly three hours ago!"

"Why did the news come now?"

"The ruins are about to open, and the interference is severe, affecting the transmission of information!"

The night demon was silent.

"My lord, it's just that they are fighting each other. There should be no trouble, right?"

Renata asked cautiously.

"No! The trouble is big!"

The tone of the night demon suddenly deepened!

"First of all, based on the relationship between Solomon's Key and the Council of Light, it is absolutely impossible for them to cooperate!"

"Second, the Dragon Group has always stayed out of everything, and will never take the initiative to attack a big power!"

"Then what do you mean?"

"All this, I am afraid there are! Probably not! There will never be anyone with such a great energy!"

Ye Mo frowned and muttered to himself.

"But if it weren't, how could this happen?"

"Even if there is such a person, why did he kill the Dark Council?"

"Damn it! Three hours!"

The night demon suddenly looked at Renata!

"...What's more news?"

"The people of the Sword of Thorns summoned the small forces and sent them some information about the ruins, wanting to form an alliance with the small forces!"

"The information about the ruins?"

"Yes! But it shouldn't be too important. After all, if he wants to win an alliance with the other party, even if he has any important information, he will definitely not give it all to those small forces!"

"Hmm! How about the final alliance?"

"Not formed, all the small forces got the information and ran away!"

"Oh! Stupid!"

The Night Demon laughed out loud.

"Indeed, it seems that they will not be any different from the last time this time!"

"Still be careful, let the people underneath, give me full insight into this war of several parties! I want all the information, the more detailed the better!"

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