"Damn it!"

Jiang Fan's complexion changed suddenly, and he suddenly raised his hand with a wave!


A storm rose suddenly, directly engulfing him and the dust!

"Night Demon! Don't even think about sneak attack! As long as my storm is still there, no matter where you rush out from, I know it all!"


As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, the voice of the Night Demon suddenly rang in his ears!


Jiang Fan's complexion changed, and the four arms under his ribs suddenly turned into four shields!

next moment!


Night Demon's heavy punch has directly hit Jiang Fan!


The two arms of Jiang Fan's shield were directly shattered by the night demon!

And Jiang Fan screamed even more and flew up!

The storm that engulfed the two of them also completely disappeared!

It's just that Night Demon appeared this time, and finally caught the opportunity by the dust!

Suddenly, the dust shot, and firmly grasped the night demon!

In an instant, the night demon stiffened!

And the dust has been smashed!

"Decompose the field!"


Not only was the Night Demon unable to move, but there was a sound of glass cracking all over his body!

However, the Night Demon looked at the dust, but suddenly laughed!

"Sure enough! Your ability is really the decomposition technique of the ten plagues!"

break down!

A decomposition technique that can decompose everything up to the limit!

Whether it is tangible or intangible!

This also explains why the dust cannot be tracked!

He can break down all traces of his appearance!

Whether it's footprints, clothing, or even smell and light and shadow!

"Yes! It is indeed a decomposition technique! Then you should also know that in my decomposition domain, you are absolutely dead and not alive!"

The dust speaks coldly!


"Domain? Hehehe, Dust, with your ability, you dare to call the domain in spite of it? That's a strength that can only be mastered at level twentieth!"

As the night demon sneered and spoke, the red light in his eyes had almost enveloped the entire hall!

next moment!

The Night Demon had already taken a step towards the dust slowly!

Then, another step!

"Huh! Huh!"

Along with the movement of the night demon, countless cracks sounded in the air!

At the same time, a trace of smoke appeared on his skin!

Even though the Night Demon is strong, it cannot resist the horror of decomposition after all!

Just looking at his current speed, I am afraid that he has already reached the dust before his skin disappears!

Dust trembled all over, and his right hand became tighter and tighter!

The smoke and dust all over the night demon grew bigger and bigger, but the dust also trembled all over, and even a drop of sweat dripped directly down the chin of the mask!

Seeing that the night demon is less than one meter away from the dust!

at this time!

As soon as the dust ear moved, his right hand closed!

The dust suddenly gathered up the decomposing domain, and the night demon, who had used all his strength to move forward, suddenly staggered under his feet!

at the same time!


A mental shock came suddenly!

Surprisingly, Jiang Fan made it!

"This trick again? It's useless!"

At this moment, the night demon is not only strong in physical defense, but also extremely exaggerated in mental resistance!

After eating a mental shock, he was unscathed!

And the next moment, he turned around suddenly and hit Jiang Fan with a punch!

However, Jiang Fan didn't evade!


Ye Mo has punched Jiang Fan's chest!

It's just that Jiang Fan gave a gloomy smile, and the remaining three arms stretched out at the same time, clinging to the Night Demon tightly!

The night demon was startled!

And at this moment!

Jiang Fan's right head had a mouth, and he spouted a green viscous liquid directly at the Night Demon!

Ye Mo was caught off guard and was sprayed directly by the liquid!

next moment!


A sound like pouring a scoop of cold water into the oil pan suddenly sounded!


The night demon screamed!

The entire face was corroded and transformed by the mucus in an instant, and the red gems in the eyes melted incredibly fast!

This green mucus is just alien blood!

Just now, taking advantage of the moment when the dust was holding the Night Demon, Jiang Fan actually summoned wealth, and then used the right head to directly **** in the blood of wealth!


The Night Demon roared suddenly, and actually broke free of Jiang Fan and kicked it out!


Jiang Fan was kicked by the night demon, not only the blood flowing from his chest, but also a mouthful of blood from the sky!

It's just that the night demon just kicked Jiang Fan, and the dust has stretched out his hand again!

Awesomely continued to decompose the domain!


The Night Demon trembled, and countless cracks appeared on his skin!

"You two bastards!!"

The Night Demon roared suddenly, and there were a few cracks in the two gems that had been severely corroded in his eyes!

At the same time, the night demon's aura rose again, and instantly broke away from the dust's decomposition domain!


The power was broken, and the dust spouted blood directly from the sky!

However, the night demon clenched his fist, and suddenly volleyed his fist directly to the dust!


With a loud noise, the entire chest of the dust hit was sunken, and it flew directly to the corner!

But the Night Demon suddenly looked back, staring at Jiang Fan firmly!

"Jiang Fan! I want you to die!"

Accompanied by this hateful roar, the night demon seemed to have transformed into a billowing torrent, desperately rushing towards Jiang Fan!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's chest was pierced and his body was covered with blood. The right head was almost completely corroded because of the abnormal blood before. Facing the Night Demon, he didn't even have the strength to dodge!

But the fist of the night demon looked like an unstoppable Tianwei, and it was getting closer and closer to him!

However, Jiang Fan was in danger, just staring into the eyes of the Night Demon!

Seeing that the night demon was about to blow Jiang Fan's head with a punch!

At this moment!


A crisp sound!

The two gems in the eyes of the night demon suddenly exploded into debris!

The Night Demon trembled, his fist was less than three centimeters away from Jiang Fan, and he suddenly stopped!

next moment!

Ye Mo's feet swayed, and his aura plummeted, only reaching a level slightly stronger than the violent ones!

"Just so..."

The night demon stared at Jiang Fan with his holey eyes!

"Yeah, almost!"

Jiang Fan smiled and spoke slowly.


Ye Mo suddenly coughed violently, and then his feet were soft, and he fell to the ground!

He lost, completely lost!

In a battle between the two sides, he even showed all his cards, but unexpectedly, he still lost!

There was not much expression on Night Demon's face, just a wry smile.

And Jiang Fan has already taken out the walkie-talkie!

"Long Yan, come here, the promise we made to you can be fulfilled!"

Jiang Fan promised Long Yan that he would kill the Night Demon by himself. Now, it is the time for his promise to be fulfilled!

Only when he heard Jiang Fan's words, Ye Mo's face sank!

"Jiang Fan! I am convinced to lose if I lose to you, but I want to let the waste of Long Yan kill me in my next life!"

As the Night Demon said, the energy in his whole body was actually disordered!

He is going to blew himself up!

However, facing the night demon who was about to explode at this moment, Jiang Fan didn't have the slightest expression of surprise!

Ye Mo was startled, suddenly showing a dazed look!

"I see! You know that I am proud. If I am killed by someone else, I would rather commit suicide! You are afraid that I will be dying to you, so you force me to blew myself! You, you can really count! Hahaha! "

The night demon suddenly laughed!

It's just that the energy in his body has become more and more chaotic, and now he wants to take a dying blow to Jiang Fan, he can't do it!

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