After flicking a group of small forces, Jiang Fan looked at the people of the five major forces again.


Everyone knelt directly!

"My lord! From now on we will be the sword in your hand, and your enemy will be our enemy!"

These people are also scared!

Jiang Fan's brainwashing skills are too great!

It's better to be honest and obedient, so as not to be fooled by him and know nothing!


Jiang Fan didn't expect this group of guys to have an eye-catching price, so he nodded in satisfaction.

Although the pyramid was huge, it didn't have any traps, and the night demon's men had been slaughtered long ago, so Jiang Fan didn't need to worry about the safety of these people.

Instructed Ingram to take Fang Tong and Guo Yu away to heal his wounds, Jiang Fan and the rest of the five forces finally searched for the quest items.

At this moment, the mission item needed by Solomon's Key has been found. It is a slate with large pictures and inexplicable traces engraved on it.

This is exactly what Solomon's Key needs-Clone Slate!

According to Adolf, there is a complete record of cloning technology!

And what was found next was what the Dragon Group needed, the separation of hydrogen and oxygen!

The technology of this thing is also carved on a slate!

It is hard to imagine that a stone slab with a diameter of only 20 centimeters can actually record such complicated advanced technology!

At this time, Jiang Fan, who had completely relaxed, finally became interested in the pyramid itself.

Soon, after passing a long corridor, everyone finally, with the help of Diana's abilities, came to the room of the Pyramid of Light and Shadow where the Night Demon used to be!

The Night Demon was too anxious when he left, and the place had not had time to close.

When they saw the Pyramid of Light and Shadow, everyone was stunned!

And Jiang Fan finally understood why the Night Demon sent his underlings to fight with the five forces so surely.

It turned out that he had discovered his plan a long time ago!

At this time, Lin Jiaojiao's role finally came into play!

Just as Solomon's Key would let the lowly capable Diana follow because of her pupil ability, Lin Jiaojiao also had her own abilities.

This girl is actually a technician who knows part of the operation method of the light and shadow pyramid!

And it can barely recognize the meaning of symbols in a small number of light and shadow pyramids.

Soon, with her operation, she found all the quest items needed by everyone, including the Deep Sea Magic Bottle!

"Jiaojiao, how do you know these things?"

Long Yan asked curiously.

"We participated in the salvage of an ancient shipwreck located in the center of the Atlantic Ocean before. We happened to find a severely corroded ancient ruin nearby and obtained two slates. The symbols on them are roughly the same as those here. I participated in deciphering. Work, so I guess I can know somehow."

Lin Jiaojiao smiled.

Only then did the others understand.

"Huh? What is this?"

At this moment, Lin Jiaojiao seemed to have discovered something. She lightly stroked her finger on the stone slab, the next moment!


The stone platform suddenly uttered a crisp sound, and then, a ghost full of weird symbols popped up!

"Um...this is..."

Lin Jiaojiao frowned slightly, she didn't seem to understand.

And at this moment!

"This is an experimental report, mainly about the various data analysis of terrestrial organisms living in a closed state and living underwater while giving enough nourishment!"

Jiang Fan spoke lightly.

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with shock!

"Jiang, Brother Jiang, you, you actually understand?"

Lin Jiaojiao's eyes widened!

This kind of symbol is extremely difficult to decipher. The two slates obtained at the beginning entangled China’s top ancient writing experts. It took three years, but only a part of it was decoded. However, this article is obviously more complicated. You can see it at a glance!

This, this is too **** exaggerated!

Seeing everyone staring at him blankly, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled.

"This kind of symbolic text is similar to an ancient code, and it is normal for you to be difficult to decipher, but thanks to this experiment report, I finally know where it is and who left it!"

"who is it?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath before speaking slowly.



Everyone was stunned!

Atlantis is one of the most mysterious civilizations that have disappeared. It was first circulated in Plato's "Dialogue". It is said that the technology there was extremely developed, but because of a disaster, it disappeared 10,000 years ago.

There are many opinions on the existence of Atlantis, but no one has ever found evidence of its existence!

And now, the pyramid under everyone's feet is actually Atlantis?

"To be precise, this island is just a biological laboratory in Atlantis. According to the report, the mainland of Atlantis has now sunk under the Atlantic Ocean!"

Jiang Fan sighed softly.

He knew it because he bought this language directly from the system just now, and through the system prompt, he knew that this was actually the location of Atlantis!

At this point, there is an explanation for why there are technologies that are beyond this era.

However, Atlantis’s science and technology has obviously gone the wrong way. Their experience is all placed on the study of the sea. They also have some research on biotechnology, but they are not interested in spaceflight!

To put it simply, modern society is completely incomparable to the use and exploration of the sea, but if compared with space and communications, modern society is simply slamming them!

After briefly explaining the report to everyone, Jiang Fan has replaced Jiaojiao on the console.

After a little operation, Jiang Fan frowned.

The better things have basically been used by Night Demon.

For example, the two gems called Red Eyes are small energy aggregation and transformation devices. They were originally used in deep-sea exploration machinery. Only two were synthesized. However, if you want to continue to obtain them, you can only rely on Atlanta. Tees's homegrown laboratory.

In addition, there really is a way to increase lifespan by injecting active liquid!

However, although this laboratory has data, it does not have a matching instrument. To build this kind of instrument, you need an entire top scientific research team!

But by the way, Jiang Fan doesn't have this kind of talent at all!

And there is a system, Jiang Fan really looks down on these things!

As for the others, they are all technologies under exploration.

And the Deep Sea Bottle, on record, is just an antique!

Jiang Fan shook his head, suddenly lost in interest.

Although he didn't intend to get any benefits from this, Jiang Fan was still a little disappointed.

You must know that these technology-related things can't even be exchanged for half a dime!

But when he was about to rest for a while, a room in the pyramid suddenly attracted his attention!

According to the signs, there is actually a prison there!

In this undefended pyramid, a prison has actually appeared, which is simply a violation of Fahai's chaotic entry into World of Warcraft!

Seeing Jiang Fan's gaze fell there, the others immediately followed him!

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