God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1385: Unless you have a spaceship

Jiang Fan hung up the phone without looking.

Now is the critical moment, you must not miss it!

"Isaac, keep talking!"

"Okay! From now on..."

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's phone rang again!

Jiang Fan frowned, finally picked up the phone and took a look.

It was actually from Wang Yi!

And Isaac was already smiling.

"Jiang Fan, answer the phone first, don't worry, I promise you, I will count forever!"


Jiang Fan vaguely agreed, and finally answered the phone.

"Wang Yi! What are you doing? Do you know how I am now..."

Jiang Fan scolded when he answered the phone!


"It's not good, sir! Something happened at home!"

Wang Yi's voice is full of haste!

"Something happened? What happened?"

Jiang Fan's expression changed.

"Someone just took action and took Curtis!"

"What?! Where's the rest? Didn't stop?"

Jiang Fan was suddenly shocked!

"The other party is too strong! Xiaobu and Zhenzi were both injured, Xiaoyue was interrupted even with the sword, and people are still vomiting blood! If we didn't enter the well in time, we might all..."

Wang Yi wailed directly with a crying voice!

Jiang Fan only felt blood on his head for a moment, and his hands and feet were cold!

But the more this time, the calmer he is!

Lv Bu Zhenzi and Yue Jianhan, in terms of attack power, these three people can almost be said to be their current strongest team combination!

The three of them join forces, below the master, unless it is the perverted night demon and dust, whoever will die!

In other words, this is a master who has come to the door!

Oh shit!

"Don't panic, who is the other party and how many people are there? Are you still in the Jiang family?"

Jiang Fan's tone slowed down and asked in a deep voice.

"We don't know who the other party is, but there is only one person who caught Curtis and left."

Wang Yi spoke intermittently.

Jiang Fan relaxed slightly, and then continued to ask.

"How about Xiaobu's injury?"

"Xiaobu is okay, now he can move."

"Where are the rest?"

"Uncle Zhong is at the construction site and Yuguangzi is protecting him. It should be okay. Chengfeng and the others are with Lao Lu, so it should be okay..."

"Okay, listen to me carefully. Let Xiaobu give Xiaoyue's anger to death first, and ask Brother Douglas to pay attention to the surroundings. You hide in the well. Never come out until I go back!"

"Yes! Master, you, you must come back soon, I'm afraid Xiaoyue won't be able to support it for too long..."

"Don't worry, I will be there soon!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone, then looked straight at Isaac.

"Something happened at home, I want to go back to China first!"

"Go, if you have any needs, you can contact me at any time, but there is Huaxia..."

"I understand that with Tianding and Ten Extremes, it is absolutely impossible for you to help me in the past with great fanfare, and...to deal with the Zhou family later!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already strode out of Isaac's office!

At this moment, the people in Long Yan also knew that something happened at home. After the people met downstairs, Jiang Fan drove away from the Castle of Thorns!

"My lord, will it be the Zhou family this time?"

In the car, No. 2 asked solemnly.

"No! If it's the Zhou family, it's impossible to come alone!"

"Is that another enemy?"

"Impossible! No matter which enemy it is, there is absolutely no reason to only hold Curtis alone!"

Jiang Fan's face was gloomy, his eyes kept flickering, and he was obviously also constantly guessing!

Soon, the car had come to a forest road.

Jiang Fan suddenly braked!


The tires of the car directly rubbed two long black marks against the ground!

And Jiang Fan had already rushed out of the car and made a single-handed move!

next moment!


A two-story spaceship full of wild style has suddenly landed on the highway!

This is truly the iron-blooded spaceship that Jiang Fan has just acquired!


"This, what is this?"


The three Long Yan were stunned!

I can't believe my eyes!

If Jiang Fan's previous performance was still in the normal range, then he has completely broken away from the limit of their imagination!

A spaceship!

Jiang Fan actually summoned a spaceship!

Could it be that Jiang Fan is not a human being on earth at all?

But what is the legendary super life form?

What kind of existence is the boss that I follow!

What a fantasy!

And Jiang Fan has been quickly operating on the microcomputer!

Soon, the cabin has been opened!

"All up!"

Jiang Fan said that he had entered the spaceship first!

Now he has the fastest speed, this is it!

Everyone filed in!

With the cabin door closed, the iron-blooded spacecraft engine started, and then suddenly roared into the sky!

Five minutes later!


Accompanied by the sound of a sudden brake, a black Mercedes stopped directly near Jiang Fan's car!

The door opened, and Liandel got out of the car with a gloomy expression!

"Damn it! This kid abandoned the car halfway! Did you know that I was following him?"

As soon as he returned to the old castle, Liander received the news that Jiang Fan had left the old castle, and immediately hurried to catch up, but he was still a step late and failed to stop Jiang Fan!

"My lord, what do you do next?"

Barbara asked.

"Huh! Even if you know what I can do with him? Since he showed up in Citi, he definitely doesn't want to leave!"

Liander smiled proudly!

"Notify the George family! Tell them this kid has gone to the airport!"

"With the hatred of the George family towards him, I will definitely spare no effort to find him!"

"By the way, remind the George family not to let go of ships and land!"

Leander sneered!

"Boy! Unless you have a spaceship, you can honestly prepare to die!"

The complacent Liandel got on the car again and vowed to completely kill Jiang Fan in Citi!

It's a pity that this guy doesn't know that Jiang Fan has really left in the spacecraft at this moment!

"Ding Dong!"

The text message sounded again.

Jiang Fan opened it and saw that it was the message that Abraham had sent him.

"Liander! You are really looking for death!"

A murderous flash in Jiang Fan's eyes!

This Leander is simply a wild dog!

But now Jiang Fan doesn't even care about him!

Just looked at Long Yan and others!

"You can reach Huaxia in two hours. You should take a short break and don't touch it randomly."

"Yes! Your lord!"

Several people were looking at the spaceship with shocked faces at the moment, and nodded quickly when they heard the words!

And Jiang Fan sat in a chair and began to close his eyes and rest his mind!

This incident came too suddenly, until now, Jiang Fan has time to think carefully about who is attacking the Jiang family!

Zhou family? Song family? George's house? will not! Once these people make a move, they will definitely not just send one person!

Qiuyuanfeng? The opponent has absolutely no such strength!

With the elimination of each enemy, Jiang Fan's face became more and more ugly!

He really couldn't think of which enemy would do such a thing!

In any case, there is really no reason to take Curtis!

Could it be that the dark council?

No, no one can understand my arrangement in Bermuda, except for the people around me!

The most important thing is to kill the Dark Council, but Solomon's Key, the Light Council and the Dragon Team!

This **** bowl was buckled by Jiang Fan long ago!

If the Dark Council wants to settle accounts, you must go to them!

Jiang Fan frowned and tightened!

And at this moment!

The spacecraft suddenly trembled!

Los Angeles, here it is!

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