God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1388: Cannonball in the palm of your hand

When Jiang Fan entered the Pirates of the Caribbean world for the first time, he got a legendary item, a compass that doesn't point to the north!

However, this item is always in a sealed state!

It wasn't until Jiang Fan entered this world last time that he reached an agreement with the witch Tiadora and got the quest to be sealed off!

And this task is the salvation of Poseidon!

But the salvation of Poseidon must be completed before entering the third rank mission, otherwise not only the mission will fail, but even the "northern compass" will disappear.

And Jiang Fan chose to perform this task now, just to unblock the "northern compass" and try to use it to find Curtis!

Although it has been determined that the person who kidnapped Curtis must have something to do with the Jinglingzong’s trading partners, the Jinglingzong has too many trading partners, and the cultivation sect has always been handed down for centuries and thousands of years. The various networks of relationships are complicated, just in case you judge. A mistake is to startle the snake. If the other party transfers Curtis or wants to kill him, it will be bad!

For his friends, Jiang Fan will never choose to take risks if he can be sure!

And along with Jiang Fan's low drink, the system prompt sounded directly!

"Ding! The host requests the mission of'Salvation of Sea God'!"

"Ding! The task time node is being calculated..."

"Ding! The calculation is complete!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! Coming soon-"Pirates of the Caribbean 3"!

In the next moment, with the white light falling down, Jiang Fan has disappeared!


Jiang Fan reappeared and has come near a port!

Open the taskbar, and the details of Poseidon’s rescue mission suddenly appear!

Salvation of Poseidon: Collect the tokens of the nine pirate kings and release Calypso, the Poseidon!

Current progress:

Jack Sparrow’s Siamese Coin: 1/1

Hector Barbosa's false eyes: 0/1

Xiaofeng's jade knot rope: 0/1

Armand's shot glass: 0/1

Chavale's cards: 0/1

Mrs. Qing's glasses: 0/1

Jocard's Tobacco Knife: 0/1

Sumbaji Anglia's snuff bottle: 0/1

Eduardo Villanueva's glass bottle necklace: 0/1

mission rewards:

1. Unblock the "North Pointer"!

2. Randomly select five pieces of Tiadora's private collection!

Task Remarks: The grades of the private collections of Tiadora are drawn, ranging from Dark Iron grade to Legendary grade!

Once the mission this time is completed, not only will the compass be unlocked, but you will also get five items ranging from black iron to legendary items at random!

Such benefits are unprecedented!

But the risk factor is equally terrible!

I knocked that woman like Tiadora with such a big stroke, once she was really released, according to this woman's unrelenting character as the sea, she would definitely have to kill herself if she turned her face!


Jiang Fan slowly exhaled a suffocating breath.

Then there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth!

What a pity, this woman can only think about it!

Jiang Fan looked around and saw that there were many ships anchored in the port, but most of the ships were actually flying the pirate flag!

And there is a very lively town not far away!

With so many pirate ships at anchor, and the surrounding environment, there is only one place in Jiang Fan's impression!

Pirate Paradise-Port of Tutuja!

The system reminds me that I entered Pirates of the Caribbean 3, and in the story of Pirates of the Caribbean 3, there does not seem to be a picture of Tutuja Port. In other words, Jiang Fan is now on the order!

Whether it's Jack Sparrow or Turner, he can't count on it!

Fortunately, there is no time limit for this task!

The most urgent thing is to figure out the current time node!

Jiang Fan strode into the town and went directly to the tavern in the town.

At this moment, the pub is full of voices, and it is not late into the night. Many people are already drunk. With the smell of tobacco and heavy sweat, it is almost a mist!

And when Jiang Fan entered here in a neat suit, it was as if he stood out from the crowd, very dazzling!

As Jiang Fan entered, the entire tavern was quiet!

When several prostitutes with powdered faces saw Jiang Fan, they swallowed directly!

And immediately, seeing Jiang Fan unhappy, he stood up!

"Boy! This is not the place for your unweaned little white face!"

A one-eyed brawny man slowly stood up and looked at Jiang Fan with contempt!

"Yes! Beware that your mother is waiting at home in a hurry!"

"Hehehe, which young master must have ran out privately!"

"Little white face, come here, let the uncle feel refreshed, maybe I can give you a glass of beer!"

The companions of the other brawny men also spoke!


The crowd laughed!

The tavern was filled with joy for a while!

However, they couldn't laugh right away!

Jiang Fan glanced at a few strong men, and then suddenly raised his palm to them!

All of them were taken aback!

next moment!


An extremely terrifying internal force suddenly spurted from Jiang Fan's palm, and it blasted out like a missile!


A loud noise!

The strong men even took the surrounding tables and chairs that looked like feathers for an instant, all of them flew upside down and slammed directly into the wall behind them!

And then!


The walls are blown to pieces!

The strong men were blown away with the wall in an instant!

The crowd opened their mouths wide!

Looked blankly at the horrible hole in the wall!

Many people didn't even notice that their drinks were spilled over their crotch!

for a long time!


"Well, what is this special ability?"

"Does this kid hide a cannonball in his palm?"

"Nima! The man and the wall are gone when I raise my hand!"

The crowd was in a mess, and they all looked at Jiang Fan with trepidation!

The eyes of those prostitutes were even brighter, and they even licked their lips at Jiang Fan!

very good, very powerful!

This kind of boy, I really want him to prostitute for nothing!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

Come directly to the bar!

"Give me a bottle of rum!"

"Huh? Ah! Yes yes yes!"

The bartender shook all over, and directly carried the wine boxes to the bar!

Jiang Fan drew out a bottle at will and stroked it with one palm!


The entire bottle mouth seemed to be cut by a sharp weapon, suddenly flying up!


The crowd shuddered again!

This kid not only hides cannonballs in his palms, but he also hides knives!

so horrible!

Such a ruthless person, what are you doing here?


Jiang Fan finished a bottle of wine in one breath and threw the bottle at will, then he looked at the bartender!

"Tell me, what's new in the pirate world these days?"


The bartender hesitated for a moment, but suddenly saw the wine bottle thrown by Jiang Fan smashed impartially on a steel statue in the corner!

next moment!


The forged glass and the extremely fragile wine bottle is actually directly inlaid on the solid statue!


The crowd exclaimed for the third time!

And the bartender screamed, desperately speaking!

"Yes! Blackbeard robbed a Spanish merchant ship again!"

"Lord Beckett used the flying Dutchman to destroy the great pirate Ranchi's fleet!"

"The Black Pearl has reappeared in the Caribbean!"


The bartender said everything he knew like a bamboo tube pouring beans!

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

He finally knew at what time point he appeared!

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