God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1390: The legendary wolves into the room


The gentle sea breeze blows by, especially in this season, it is almost like the touch of a lover's palm.

However, as Cook's words sounded, the enchanting night breeze made everyone feel like they were in the glaciers of Antarctica!

Let them get cold from head to toe to the bone marrow!

Under the leadership of Barbosa, everyone knows how powerful the cursed Black Pearl was!

Under the aura of the undead, you can even dare to looting the royal harbor where the Commodore is stationed!

No force can do this kind of thing!

However, such a terrifying and powerful group of pirates encountered a more terrifying existence when they beat the navy until they dared to rise up!

The existence not only blasted the heavy artillery on the Black Pearl with a roar, but also shed the blood of the pirates into a river!

Those immortals that make the crew of the Black Pearl proud of are like jokes in front of this existence!

Can only wait for death in despair!

And this existence is so crazy that it is stepping on the sea to chase the black pearl of the Clippers, the fastest in the world!

The point is, he actually caught up!

What's more terrible is that if it wasn't for that existence to disappear suddenly, not only the pirates, but even the undead captain Barbosa would be killed by the opponent's sword!

And the name of that horrible existence is Jiang Fan!

"You gotta get it~~"

All the pirates on the Little Calf had their teeth trembling!

A few even peeed their pants directly!

"He, he is, that Jiang Fan?"

Holly's legs trembled and he looked at Cook with a pale face!

"Yes, it's him!"

The expression on Cook's face is ten thousand times worse than crying!

"God, my goodness..."

Holly rolled his eyes and fainted directly!

His last thought was--

Oh shit!

This is what Huaxia said to lead wolves into the room, right?



With the crash of the waves, Holly finally opened his eyes!

However, there is an endless blue sky and white clouds at the entrance, and the salty and wet taste of seawater is smelled at the tip of the nose.

It turned out that it was already dawn!

"Huh? So, I was dreaming before?"

Holly looked happy!

"Aha! I'll just say it! How could it be possible to meet such a terrible guy and bring him to the boat!"

"Damn it! How much did I drink yesterday? How could I have such a dream?"

Holly rubbed his cheeks and barely got up from the deck!

"Crip Harper! Go and pour me a cup-Damn!!!"

Holly, who was about to give orders, turned his head, but suddenly saw Jiang Fan watching the scenery on the deck!

For a while, the little calf's boat almost fell into the sea in shock!

"Good morning, Captain Holly!"

Jiang Fan smiled and said hello!

"How are you..."

Holly froze for a long time, and finally showed a smile that was uglier than crying!


It's not a dream!

Do evil!

I actually took this monster onto the boat!

But it has been brought up, so I can only take care of it!

Holi gave Jiang Fan a trembling look, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the other party was just enjoying the sea view.

And above the sea, at a location not far from them at this moment, there are still seven or eight pirate ships following!

These ships obviously followed by secretly last night!

a bunch of idiots!

If you knew that the monster Jiang Fan was following, I'm afraid you would have run away crying and crying for a long time, right?

Holly thought maliciously.

After hesitating, Holly finally walked towards Jiang Fan.

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, are you satisfied with your rest last night?"

"Well, it's okay."

Jiang Fan looked at Holly cautiously, and agreed.

But actually--

What a fart to rest!

It sucks!

Compared with the cruise ship he took a short time ago, this medieval ship is no different from a small sampan!

Not only is it horribly bumpy, but there is also a musty smell inside!

As for food, in addition to no pesticide residues and no additives, no matter the taste or taste, it is almost the same as Temo pig food!

So he made a meal by himself in the middle of the night!

But after all, I was just a free passenger on the boat. The key is to occupy the captain's room, so that the hapless Holly slept on the deck for a night, so don't go too far.

"By the way, how long will it take to get to Shipwreck Bay?"

Jiang Fan asked.

"According to the current wind speed, there will be two more weeks!"


Jiang Fan was stunned!

If this were a modern ship, it would take two weeks to spare half a circle of the earth!

"My lord! My lord, forgive me!"

Holly was taken aback!

"Our ship is not the Black Pearl after all, it is already the fastest speed of the ship! There is really no way! Don't worry, my lord, I will let this group of **** waters row desperately now!"

Holly sweats profusely, ready to order!

"Forget it! I'll do it myself!"

Jiang Fan said, suddenly one-handed move!


next moment!


Suddenly a violent wind blows over the entire sea!

The sails on the brig suddenly became full in an instant, as if an arrow from the string flung out directly!

The speed is more than twice as fast!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

"Oh my God!"

"Open your mouth to summon the storm!"

"It's horrible! What kind of magic is this?"

"Simply better than the legendary Davy Jones!"

"No! I am afraid that even Calypso, the **** of the sea, can't match it!"

The eyes of the crowd looking at Jiang Fan were full of worship for an instant!

The rest of the pirate ships following Jiang Fan were even more shocked!

"What's the matter? Why is the calf calf suddenly so fast?"

"Is this a calf? Isn't this a bison?"

"At this speed, I think it's mad cow disease!"

"Damn it! Keep up!"

"Sailor, row for Lao Tzu!"

A group of pirates even used the energy to suckle, desperately to keep up!

Seeing the perseverance of a group of pirates behind him, Jiang Fan finally frowned!

"System! Improved abilities!"

Jiang Fan's previous abilities have always been auxiliary functions, so they only improved to level 13!

"Ding! The host currently has thirteen powers, and it costs 14,000 causal points to upgrade. Will it be upgraded?"



Accompanied by a white light, Jiang Fan's abilities rose straight up like an explosion!

In an instant, the speed of Little Calf doubled again!

The waves on both sides of the hull are as if they were split by a knife!

And Jiang Fan raised his hand at his back!

next moment!


A violent wind suddenly rose from the sea!

The seven or eight pirate ships behind were full of sails in an instant, and they followed as fast as arrows!


"what happened?"

"There is obviously no wind in other places, but our boat is actually full of sails!"

"Too fast! Too exciting!"

"Yes, that person! He is controlling the wind!"


Everyone looked at Little Calf!

Just on the deck of the Little Calf, Jiang Fan rose up against the wind, standing upright like a god!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

Gradually, someone actually knelt on the ground and worshipped with a look of admiration!

"Aeolus, he is the **** of storms on the sea!"

"Uuuuu... Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I can actually see the real god!"

"God! Please bring my present to my mother!"

"Damn! That's the **** of SF Express, not Fengshen!"

"What does it matter, it's all Fengshen!"

A group of pirates are very excited!

But at this moment!


There were countless deafening explosions on the sea in the distance!

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